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Thread: "Halp, I cant patch to test!"

  1. #1

    "Halp, I cant patch to test!"

    First off, don't worry you're not the 1st nor will you be the last person that has run into this problem. The primary cause of this is how AO gets patches from the server, it checks the file called to see what your client's current version is then matches that with the server and downloads the proper patch. The problem is that Test Live patches have slightly different numbering then live, so when you create a dupe from your live client they have trouble syncing up, here is how to fix that.

    First thing open windows explorer and navigate to your Anarchy Online Test directory that you just duped. For example mine is C:\AOtest\Testserver . In the base Testserver folder you will find the file "Version.ID" this should be located at the very bottom of your directory. Open this file with Notepad It will say something like this "18.3.1_EP1" which is the current version of the Live servers, we need to change it to something for test. Test uses a 4 digit version system so what you need to do is change "18.3.1_EP1" to "" then hit save. Now when you start your test client it will connect to the server and patch.

    Its easiest to just set the 4th version number to 0 and let it patch up, it may take a little longer if the server patch is but it will patch you up.
    "A whole new place to run around for ages in then die suddenly without warning."

    "I know who coded pet pathing... and when I see him I say "/follow" and I start waling in to walls :P"

    The "Trolls" option is incorrect. The term trolls is not used to describe the gathering of information on the Internet.

    <@Kintaii> L2P

  2. #2
    Thanks a lot for this, Tech. Will come in handy

    This should REALLY be stickied. It's a problem that everyone will have the first time they set up testlive, so anyone coming over needs to know how to do it.
    It can also be an occasional problem when Testlive and live are on the same patch, and no extra digit is applied.
    Last edited by BugsCoT; Jan 23rd, 2010 at 02:59:22.
    Test Dimension

    Problems with "patch not found" error while trying to get on Testlive?
    See Technogen's "Halp, I can't patch to test!" Fix

  3. #3
    so easy yet so strange to figure , thanks technogen i owe you a buff next time i see ya in borealis

  4. #4
    This thread have the BH stamp of aproval. Hower if it for some reason should not work for you please PM this Bug Hunter. I would usualy sugest using but for some people starting at works better.
    Last edited by Eponyx; Mar 12th, 2010 at 00:15:10.

  5. #5
    Now if we can find a fix for the client.exe error we all seem to be getting.
    great work for this btw =D
    Noorb: 220 Keeper
    Retention: 217 shade
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  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Eponyx View Post
    The only thing that I know have worked in the past when these kind off issues have showed up have be to do a new redupe in a new directory. So you don't redupe over your old "broken" dupe.
    Then do the fix (change from 18.3.1_EP1 to and try to go from there.

    That did the trick for me

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Tikra View Post
    That did the trick for me
    I've tried. Only thing left to try would be on a totally different drive.. except I only have one.
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  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Eponyx View Post
    The only thing that I know have worked in the past when these kind off issues have showed up have be to do a new redupe in a new directory. So you don't redupe over your old "broken" dupe.
    Then do the fix (change from 18.3.1_EP1 to and try to go from there.
    Quote Originally Posted by Tikra View Post
    That did the trick for me
    That did the trick for me as well. On a fresh dupe (I kept deleting dupes when the patching failed, and duped to the same spot again), renaming to worked.
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  9. #9
    nvm, fixed it.

    Thanks by the way.
    Last edited by notcrattey; Mar 5th, 2010 at 02:52:03.
    Dagger 220/30/70 Shade // Attempted 219/24/?? Enforcer // Canidae 180/0/0 Adventurer // World 185/26/32 Meta-Physicist// Cramp 150/20/35 Engineer
    Ya wanna fix something - give RK mobs better xp, make RK matter again.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mamman View Post
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  10. #10
    All patched up, but am getting the info object error upon login and then crashing. Any new news on this?

  11. #11
    Could this get cloned to Testlive Announcements and Events?
    Test Dimension

    Problems with "patch not found" error while trying to get on Testlive?
    See Technogen's "Halp, I can't patch to test!" Fix

  12. #12
    Can't patch to test atm from current live :\

    Even tried setting client version to

    The following error comes up:
    Lord "Khalem" Trevallien -=- Fixer Kingpin, proud officer and Loremaster of Ancarim Iron Legion
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    "Frustration is not a good emotion when it comes to playing games."
    -- Former AO Game Director Marius Enge

  13. #13
    Khalem set it your file to say

    the download the following exe files.

    It do also exist exe files for the following patches


    other patchfiles that you might need that you can't get as exe files you can find at

    If you or anyone else need instructions on what to do whit those send me a PM.
    Last edited by Eponyx; Apr 25th, 2010 at 22:51:22.

  14. #14

    Funcom employee

    I took the liberty to post this helpful info on the official How-to become a tester page.
    Thank you for enlightening new testers.

    Kind Regards,
    Former Game Director of Anarchy Online.

  15. #15
    Uhm... I changed my file so it now reads "" and have tried to patch several times, using both the normal way, and Eponyx's links, and this error message shows up... "An unrecoverable error occured during patching. You might have to reinstall Anarchy Online to play. " I have re-duplicated AO several times, and changed the to read many different numbers, to no avail... Any suggestions?

    However, if I set my patch number directly to than I can play... I just don't think I get any content from the patch... so it's still problematic..
    Last edited by Fluffinator; Oct 22nd, 2010 at 01:15:47.

  16. #16
    You'll need to set the to "", as that's the TestLive equivalent of Live.
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    - Any sufficiently advanced bug is indistinguishable from a feature.

  17. #17
    Wow! Cool.. Thanks! It worked :-D Now I can get UPH loot!!!

  18. #18
    The following post are currently having a line reading:
    Duplicate from live to testlive patch start point:
    Use that number in your file when duplicate from current live version, if it is either blank or says -NONE- it means there is no corensponding version that usualy happen when they need to add a quick fix to live.

  19. #19
    after patching i got some corrupted files error and patcher failed to fetch new ones..
    Error getting file '/d/Maintenance/'
    because the requested file does not exist!

    Click Retry to try again, or Cancel to abort.
    this was solved by opening AnarchyPatcher.err file in notepad and finding out what error actually was..

    in my case patcher couldnt rename dowloaded 05fca699868433451aaf027670c2ce7d file to Anarchy.exe
    i renamed it manually and its working now.
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  20. #20
    Local Version: 18.4.7_EP1
    Remote Version:

    "Could not find the requested patch on any of the specified patch-servers."
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    Quote Originally Posted by Otansaanpas View Post
    AO is too hard.. better nerf all content

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