Try this on for size....
I could live with it.......
Try this on for size....
I could live with it.......
Last edited by drizzlecrit; Jan 27th, 2011 at 02:02:12.
enfos are big and strong right? Why not just make that our primary ability. Just give enfos more stuns ect. When someone very big and strong catches upto u, it should be clear that ur not gonna get away. Maybe throw a big object like a chair to stop the enemy from gettign away. An enfo jumping into the air and landing near his opponents causing an earthquake aoe stunning/snaring those around. Grabing his opponent, holding him in the air and smashing him into the ground. Hitting so hard with huge weapons that enemies get knocked back. Throwing big hands full of dirt/sand into thier eyes. Using his big limbs to do area sweep attacks. Hitting the ground with his weapon also causing earthquakes. And when a mob is harrasing a teammate u dont want, u run upto the mob and give it a collector-kick(concept already exists why not use it?) and send it flying away. Give avalange and stone fist much lower recharge time. Would make sense if those hard hits would debuff thier damage too. And freak strength perks should be enfo only.
Last edited by orochi3; Mar 27th, 2011 at 15:27:21.
O.o I agree with orochi
Lainbr - 220/30/70 Meta-Physicist Nanomage - E / Spirals - 220/30/70 Enforcer Solitus - E / Kokusho - 201/22/55 Fixer Nanomage - Equip Soon ;o
Traderbr - 180/0/0 Trader Nanomage - / Kaoru - 60/0/0 Meta-Physicist Nanomage - totw semitwink
Proud veteran of Spartans
To devs: You failed redesigning MPs as NTs with pets. I want my debuffer back.
Dreamer: Basically - I wish THIS much effort was put in to ALL profs rebalance docs.
Kintaii: Genele is more hardcore than you, your guildmates, and anyone else you've ever played with
Anarrina: Trust me, I'm not that scary in real life.