GUISelect is a third-party tool that was made with the intent to help players of Anarchy Online change their GUI quickly and easily.
Current Version: 1.2.0
Requires .Net 2.0 or Mono
GUISelect is a third-party tool that was made with the intent to help players of Anarchy Online change their GUI quickly and easily.
Current Version: 1.2.0
Requires .Net 2.0 or Mono
Last edited by Mawerick; Aug 30th, 2011 at 22:59:17. Reason: Updated website link.
Tools: AOCrafter | AOcrayon | GUISelect | WebCrafter
- Any sufficiently advanced bug is indistinguishable from a feature.
You may have saved FC of some patching headaches with this
Scene :: Meta-Physicist :: 220/30/70
Scenetoo :: Trader :: 204/28/52
Scentinal :: Enforcer :: 165/22/33
Scenato :: Keeper :: 136/16/25
AO Universe - by players, for players :: former general of Omni-Pol
Not working in windows 7
Just crashes at start, not responding
Old maintainer and hoster of Helpbot, Xyphos, AO Minecraft Server, AO Devs
Old dictator on Atlantean
Buy me a comp with Win7 on so I can fix that
Tools: AOCrafter | AOcrayon | GUISelect | WebCrafter
- Any sufficiently advanced bug is indistinguishable from a feature.
Changes in 1.1.0:
* Settings and logs are no longer written to the application's folder, but rather the user's Application Data folder. This should hopefully fix the issue Win7 and Vista user have been having.
Tools: AOCrafter | AOcrayon | GUISelect | WebCrafter
- Any sufficiently advanced bug is indistinguishable from a feature.
Sorry to say it, but still instacrash
Don't have VS installed niether so I can debug
Old maintainer and hoster of Helpbot, Xyphos, AO Minecraft Server, AO Devs
Old dictator on Atlantean
Old maintainer and hoster of Helpbot, Xyphos, AO Minecraft Server, AO Devs
Old dictator on Atlantean
Try the latest version (1.1.1). All localization has been removed in this.
Last edited by Mawerick; Jan 25th, 2010 at 15:53:47.
Tools: AOCrafter | AOcrayon | GUISelect | WebCrafter
- Any sufficiently advanced bug is indistinguishable from a feature.
Changes in 1.2.0:
* The Save button no longer closes the program, but instead disables itself when clicked. It's re-enabled when you select another GUI from the list.
* The "Also Set Skin file" option has been disabled.
Tools: AOCrafter | AOcrayon | GUISelect | WebCrafter
- Any sufficiently advanced bug is indistinguishable from a feature.
I haven't really looked at it, but I'm going to assume that the Win7 crash is UAC related;
The application might be getting a file permission denied error,
depending on where the user has the application extracted/ran from.
to remedy such a problem, it is wise to use the application data folder.
on a Vista/7 system, the above would returnCode:// C# public static class SafeIO { public static System.String AppData(System.String dataFile) { return System.String.Format("{0}\\{1}\\{2}\\{3}", System.Environment.GetFolderPath(System.Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData), System.Windows.Forms.Application.CompanyName, System.Windows.Forms.Application.ProductName, dataFile ); } } //Example use: string path = SafeIO.AppData("MyData.dat"); byte[] data = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(path);
C:\Users\{user name}\Application Data\{company}\{product}\MyData.dat
in my case,
C:\Users\Xyphos\Application Data\Xyphos Software\TestApp\MyData.dat clue how that would work in WinXP; but I'm sure you could tell me
1.2.0 does in fact store its files in that location.
Tools: AOCrafter | AOcrayon | GUISelect | WebCrafter
- Any sufficiently advanced bug is indistinguishable from a feature.