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Thread: Nerfing Crit buffs, might work out... might

  1. #1

    Nerfing Crit buffs, might work out... might

    This is just a spur of the moment idea, but what if you could only have one crit buff running at a time.. This would mean MAs could only have UVC running, but no TTS of AF, and all other professions (except for agents) could only have either MoP, TTS, or AF running. Agents would be able to have only one of their fancy 50% crit buffs, and a 100% at the same time, since their so short, but i think critting has gotten out of hand. \

    Bump, Flame, Flame with bumps, bump with flames.

  2. #2

    Re: Nerfing Crit buffs, might work out... might

    Originally posted by Inik/Jerrakean
    i think critting has gotten out of hand. \


    do you play another game than me ?

    edit: oh i know, it's sarcasm

  3. #3
    well, I look at your picture, so this must be an agent I think.... if they should nerf crit-buffs that way, they agents can't have more than one to.. so dont come with suggestions just for your proffs

    I flame alot today.. sorry
    Quote: The present is the ever moving shadow between yesterday and tomorrow

    None of you listen, none of you care, why the hell should I care?!?

  4. #4
    Originally posted by Minimalistix
    well, I look at your picture, so this must be an agent I think.... if they should nerf crit-buffs that way, they agents can't have more than one to.. so dont come with suggestions just for your proffs

    I flame alot today.. sorry
    dont be sorry, i want peoples opinion on this.

    as for agents, their crit buff last for such a short time, and can be casted only once in a while i dont think that its worth the programming time.

    [edit] I play as an Enf and an MA =P

  5. #5
    Minimal, hold your flames until you know what you are talking about. Jerra doesnt play an agent, and its the bexst idea for crits proposed yet

  6. #6
    Make MA crit buffs ONLY apply to MA weapons (fists, claws, etc.). You've just solved 95% of the abuse cases in the current system. FC can then adjust crits to the level they want without worrying about MAs with shotties/R6s.
    Gunned down the young. Now old, crotchety, and back.

  7. #7
    Originally posted by Kiryat-Dharin
    Make MA crit buffs ONLY apply to MA weapons (fists, claws, etc.). You've just solved 95% of the abuse cases in the current system. FC can then adjust crits to the level they want without worrying about MAs with shotties/R6s.
    yarg, a fellow pirates word..


    bump ^ =]

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