Ok..I'm closing this thread for now...as I think we might have enough questions. I'll get started on writing up as many answers as I can.
Ok..I'm closing this thread for now...as I think we might have enough questions. I'll get started on writing up as many answers as I can.
Colin Cragg
This "Means" Cake
Past Game Director (2008-2011)
There are currently 3 coders working full time on the engine integration. There are plans to add up to six more coders to the project to speed up the optimization process in the fall.
We have plans for encouraging new players on the servers that are unrelated to the new engine (ie: sponsor systems). Ideally I would not like to make any significant decisions concerning the
German dimension before the release of the new engine...however we also need to consider the "right now" level of satisfaction of the German community as well as the "post new-engine launch"
situation. Three months seemed like a reasonable amount of time to both complete and evaluate some of the new initatives we had in mind. I certainly have no intention of shutting the server down
at any point in the near future with a new engine and new player interest on the horzizon.
As this is the first time this concern has been brought to my attention the answer is "no". No work is planned in this area.
We haven't added a new club for some time...I'm looking forward to the Orbital Nightclub hitting live. Let's get this done before we start considering tweaking the old clubs.
This is exactly the basic and simple concept behind this idea. Many different XP rich missions available on a limited daily basis that would bring the player to different experiences than they
would normally be exposed to in the regular leveling progression. We want (and hope the players do too!) the opportunity to step out of the regular XP/hour teams and efficiently solo some new and perhaps some "old" experiences they might not have encountered yet. The central idea here is adding novelty/variety to the normal leveling process.
ie: Exterminate 10 Sandworms, Kill 10 Clan Guards in Tir (Omni) etc.
We have seen very significant performance improvements with the move to the new hosts and we will be happily staying there for the foreseeable future.
As soon as we get the chance this is the first "personal" project I would like to get to. The starting experience of AO leaves most people lost and confused...not a good start for any game and especially not for a game as complex as AO.
Some kind of Alien mission is in the works...but probably not a LE mission. This is on the big list of things to do.
There are no immediate plans for this...but that doesn't mean it is a bad idea. Thank you for the suggestion.
It is unlikely that any special NPC improvements will be wasted on guards. We are always looking for new ways for NPCs to challenge the players. The primary conflict in player cities should be between the players...and I hope to see more of this kind of interaction in the future.
I have no idea on the legal ramifications of such a system...but I am entirely certain I don't want anything to do with it. This is a can of worms I have no interest in opening.
Colin Cragg
This "Means" Cake
Past Game Director (2008-2011)
Triples will (possibly) have to be adjusted to be in tune with other damage once healing in PVP situations is adjusted.
Aimed Shot will likely:
- Become a 3ish second "opener" that can be interrupted by any melee attack. In PVM this will be repeatable without a conceal check (Concealing successfully will likely add bonus damage).
- Damage will likely be increased to account for the additional time it takes to execute and for the vulnerability of the player who has to stand still to execute it.
- Aimed Shot, Full Auto and Sneak Attack will likely share the same cooldown to make it possible to balance between different professions and setups.
- A secondary attack action (on the same timer as AS/FA/SA) with an instant execution time will unlock and scale at specific levels of Aimed Shot skill. Higher investment in AS skill will yield better results.
Colin Cragg
This "Means" Cake
Past Game Director (2008-2011)
We didn't have to start completely from scratch...the research done to better understand and optimize the AO code was not lost...but was rather essential in our efforts to integrate the Dreamworld engine. Imagine being sent to the grocery store to purchase 15 strange items (ie: Pastry Baking Yeast). The first time this would be an annoying and painful experience (much like the AO codebase). The next time you would know where the items are...which would speed up the process immeasurably. The work done with Ogre taught us where the "strange" bits of AO are...knowing these systems should make this next integration that much faster. That and having one of the coders who was central to the Conan engine working with us full time.
I'm still hoping for something playable by the end of this year.
Colin Cragg
This "Means" Cake
Past Game Director (2008-2011)
I read the thread. Thank you for the constructive feedback. I fully support the idea of an ICC grid exit. I also fully support the idea of an surgery clinic in the apartment. Allowing everyone access to the grid by clicking their apartment key would be giving away part of the fixer toolset...I can't support that. Not everyone has to have an apartment and nobody should be at a real disadvantage for not having one.
I am trying to find the time to get the garage thing (display your owned vehicles) done.
Colin Cragg
This "Means" Cake
Past Game Director (2008-2011)
Initially we hoped to address professions individually...what we have found is that larger system changes are required before we can really address the specifics of each profession. The larger system changes need to come first. I don't feel like Fixers (one of the first we are looking at) are done yet...so they can expect the first individual changes.
Colin Cragg
This "Means" Cake
Past Game Director (2008-2011)
I don't believe that melee advy's are in dire need of attention (I also suspect nobody else does either.). Melee profs will be buffed in general by larger system changes we have planned to even the playfield between ranged and melee users. Waiting until after that to determine if any changes are really needed seems reasonable.
Colin Cragg
This "Means" Cake
Past Game Director (2008-2011)
Not yet. It needs to look at least as good as the last screens we released or everyone will cry.
New armor will be added. It is important to note that this playfield begins as a solo experience..and once the line is completed the playfield is "changed" and will be available afterwards as a team instance.
Colin Cragg
This "Means" Cake
Past Game Director (2008-2011)
Colin Cragg
This "Means" Cake
Past Game Director (2008-2011)