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Thread: Maybe a calmer voice will prevail?

  1. #1

    Maybe a calmer voice will prevail?

    Well having played a soldier in beta and one since launch, I have bitterly clung to my soldier out of sheer stubborness. I have read these forums and posted (though not oftens simply because I usually do not feel the need to repeat over and over what others have already stated), but this is something that warrents repeating. I hope I will find those of like mind.

    The problem I think is that FC (supposedly) reads these forums and looks for ideas or a feel from the community playing soldiers, however what they see are too many people who never have played a soldier beyond lv50 flaming those that have and the equally hostile responce. They look at those of us playing soldier in this light and see a bunch of people just wanting to have the uber prof. in game, and rather then looking at the current state of soldiers they keep seeing references to the days of the begining of the game when soldier seemed to dominate in combat. (some comments on this in a moment)

    What needs to be done (IMHO) is that we need to present a uniform, professional front to FC. I understand this may have been tried before to no avail, but it needs to be done again. This time, if it falls on deaf ears, rather than crumbling into chaos again, we need to remain united and simply make FC listen to our community. This can be done (contrary to popular belief) however it requires a unified front. For now, lets work on this first. We must stay calm (delete flames) remain composed and professional. (we may do this, even if FC can not).

    Now to remark on my earlier comments:
    Soldiers at one time were a fun profession to play, the TMS was the only thing soldiers had to seperate themselves, but in its glory days it was enough. The problems for soldier began when FC realized how short sighted they had been on some issues. And when those that were not playing soldier fought them in pvp and found that their nano-bread NT got his arse kicked in toe to toe. (well he should) but alas that is not the case, enough people complained and petitioned, etc, that FC not only improved those professions but nerfed soldiers as well until they could come up with fixes.
    The problems compound for soldier due to the fact that once these fixes were in place, nothing that was done to a soldier was removed.

    So now more then a year later: What has changed, only the continuing decrease in number of soldiers being played.

    What I would like to see:

    I dont need my soldier tossing around nanos in combat (like an NT or such), if I did I would have played an NT. However I would like to have some usefull nanos. I understand that most of the soldier nanos have higher reqs and eat more ncu the other profession, fine I can live with that if their is some balance to it. What is the point of playing a soldier if every other profession can do EVERYTHING you can do, and do it better.

    *Improved our Damage Modifier Nanos.
    (other profs way our distance anything a soldier can do)
    *A damage type line (similar to the MA fists line) something that would allow a soldier to change the damage type his weapon does.
    *A run buff line (forced march), maybe not as good as fixers but something along the same lines.
    *Remove the reflect dmg cap on the TMS (OR) set it only to lock itself. --and for the love of all you find inspiration from, set it so that TMS overrides ANY existing reflect shield. The biggest problems that the 75% reflection cause have been fixed through other means [no more MA dimaching themselves to death, though that was always amusing (personally wanted to see facial expression everytime that happened)]. So let us have it back, as it is TMS isnt useful till you can cast TMS3+ do to the extremely short duration.
    *More mastiers and maybe elite nanos for weapon skills. What is the point of rifle mastery now, when an agent can throw SB and get the same buff plus AS with it. (since they don't stack) I could see the top end of these being self only. How about some multi-ranged buffs? I for one still have a dual pistol soldier and would like to be able to like my fellow adventures can. While some nanos like RC, are so far down the road, that by the time you can self cast it, you do not need it. [most of the concerns of these buffs allowing people to OE have now been taken care of with 14.2]
    *either give us useful healing nanos or remove the useless HP buff line we have. OMHH was a great idea, however in application it is lacking. Most of the soldier top end nanos need reworked [I would list all of them here but this is already far lengthier then I would like and it has been stated over and over before], there are good ideas among these nanos, but again in application they are all but pointless.
    *rather then two reflect/deflect lines (that do the same thing) [this is not counting the TMS line], how about a layered shield line. It fits that soldier would be able to produce an Ablative shielding.

    Some soldier only items would be nice. I noticed that there have been some of these added to the game over the last couple patches and are nice however I know of only two (2) guns that are soldier only. The Div 9 PE and the IMI Tellus TT. One and AR and the other a pistol. Now both of these were nice adds, though the extensive number of Adv only weapons seem to have taken the light and the soldier ones were an after thought. Considered that to balance the fact that these profession spec weapons are limited in use, they tend to be better then the avg weapon: the adv only guns are far better then the avg weapon of like design. wear the Div9 PE is really a waste, and is really only used so that not every soldier is carring a nova flow.

    Now alot of weapons that are used primarily by soldiers (due to mainly green weapon skills) require multiple skills [ie AR, RE, F,B], this is fine with one exception: most of these weapons attack rating is factored off of multiple skills, and for some reason even if you have equal skill in both reqs, your total attack rating is lower then if you held a weapon with a single attack skill req at the same skill level. [ie rifle=rifle only attack skill, Nove=AR & RE attack skill; yet if you have a 100 rifle and 100 ar and re, you attack rating will be higher with a rifle] WHY? How about either fixing this (I hope its a bug) or resetting some weapons to have only one attack skill req rather then the split.

    *why do only fixers recieve AoE:Burst spcl, this would seem more appropriate to soldiers. What would also be nice would be some Spcl attacks usuable only by soldiers that work with AR or Pistols or Shotguns etc, similar to the Bow spcl attacks. The easy way to do this is create the spcl attack with reqs of AR or Shotgun or Pistol etc, that also have soldier only req.

    *some soldier only armor or armor more suited to soldiers, ie adds to weapon dmg or reflect shield dmg, or buffs all ranged weapon skills. There is alot of armor in the game that adds to ncu and nano and health, why not these as well? Other then dragon flesh wich is geared toward MAs anyway.

    *Augmented stims for soldiers only, some that add to dmg, or act as better healing then the standard first aid.

    *A nano line that buffs first aid (not treatment) since this is the soldiers only method of healing in combat and is a rather blue skill, it would be nice to buff even if a short duration to be able to use a better stim during a fight. (make is soldier only if worried it would stack too much with existing doc buffs)

    Well there are other ideas I have and have read from others and have been posted here on many occasions. As I said before We [the soldier community] need to keep it up, keep posting the ideas, and not the flame. Keep the post straight forward and not hostile. Maybe through a professional approach we can reach FC and maybe finally they will listen.

    It is time for the soldiers of rubi-ka to unite and be heard.

    Etrigan (Soldier by birth, Soldier till death)

  2. #2

  3. #3
    nice try
    Socializer 93%
    Explorer 53%
    Achiever 40%
    Killer 13%
    <('.'<) <('.')> (>'.')> <('.')> <('.'<)

  4. #4
    Soldiers do *not* need new nano-gimmicks.

    All they need are the assorted buffs they were promised and an increase in the QL of weapons availiable.

    By my rough calculation, a Level 200 soldier could equip a QL 250 Novaflow if such an item existed.

    Add in the RE and AR buffs you should get and I'd predict you'd be using QL 270's easy.


    Soldiers fixed.
    Kenlon- Combat Medic, RK1
    "This! Is! My! Boomstick!" Gear.

    Creaky old vet, back for another go-round.

  5. #5

    I bump for Etrigan

    Aimabel - SOldier RK2

  6. #6

    Angry better QL or better damage at same QL?

    may be FC should give us weapon specific version of already existing weapon, as nova flow, renamed for accasion 'novapulser'
    and doing better damage at the same QLVL, mybe increasing the max damg by 30 to 50%, and setting minimum damage of the weapon to half the QLVL of weapon, increasing range by 25%, and bigger ammo clip.....

    possiblity to refill weapon to some other damage type ( why plasmaprojector does energy and not fire or rad damage )

    and i d like to say this game is IN FAR FUTURE or is SCI-FI
    so i seems thats givin us some weapon with great technology / damage potential should be easy to fill with background....
    as railgun / disintegrator / molecular disruptors / etc..
    ( ie the NOPHEX could have been a good begining, and should be as for me the lowest / weaker specific soldier weapon )

    PLZ FC, remember these words
    1 imagination
    2 might
    3 action

    so imagine us some GREAT GUN
    take the MIGHT to put them i game
    AND let them dromp in game ( ACTION )

  7. #7
    Very nice post.

    I would like to see a remake of OMHH, it's a nice idea but the name and the healing is just so wrong.

    Boost the healing to 1000-1500 and let the recharge be something like 20-30 seconds. Since crits on me often are over 1k, I would like the One More Hit Healing to do just this.

    And once again, TMS should only lock TS and MC.

    Free Hornyhedgehog! from censorship!

  8. #8
    Good ideas...
    RHD Black Watch Regiment

    Remember how fun the first week of NW was?

    CC is teh devil!

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