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Thread: would someone please post the guide to how to talk to dodga?

  1. #1

    would someone please post the guide to how to talk to dodga?

    ive seen it posed before, in a link form, but cant seem to find it...

  2. #2
    It's right here.
    Vanguard Mharc. Self-equipper extraordinaire no longer. I'm back!

  3. #3

  4. #4
    The dialogue may have changed. I tried it recently according to this guide and was unable to get the mission but a guildie tipped me off.
    Instead of: 'Have you seen any strange things, vigilant...
    You say: ' Can I help you, yes, yes, I will hunt robots...

    When you get all the parts assembled pick up the item and right click it on him like you would use a lockpick. He will respond 'Hmm maybe you have something there hand it over'. Now give it to him using the trade window. You will receive the reward (pad, tokens, credits, exp) and a few moments later you receive the card for the next phase.

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