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Thread: Petition Info & Tips

  1. #1

    Petition Info & Tips

    All issues which previously went to email should not be directed to the Funcom Customer Service website.
    Last edited by Anarrina; Jun 14th, 2012 at 16:46:44.
    Coordinator Anarrina
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    A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one. -- GRRM

  2. #2
    Hello everyone, we have just finished uploading ark FAQ articles that are intended for players. These may help you with some of your tech questions or let you know what we can help with. For example Killstealing policy.

    ARK's account issues FAQ:
    ARK's tech support FAQ:
    ARK's public policies FAQ for Ingame Support:

  3. #3
    My suggestions would be:
    - In the kill-stealing policy, include all mobs that require you to use up an item to spawn them instead of just alien generals and pocket bosses. For example Hollow Island and Mercs.
    - Make a list of all things that can get you banned.
    Edta 200 NT, froob , Setup, General of NEPA, Raid Leader of TLfiveplus (Froob Raids)
    Neutral For Life, AO For Ever!
    Please, let Clan and Omni return to Neutral Clan/Omni Resignation forms!

  4. #4
    Just as a point of order: we may include a list of behaviors we consider as violating the EULA/RoC and requiring investigation, although it is unlikely this list will ever be 100% complete. We will never simply have a "list of things that will get you banned."
    Last edited by Anarrina; Oct 5th, 2011 at 23:53:49.
    Coordinator Anarrina
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    A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one. -- GRRM

  5. #5
    Change the Title of the call center GM's to something other than GM, maybe Customer Service Agent [CSA].

    Having had to point out known game issues to a supposed Game Master that I know is just a paid call center agent, who does not even have the knowledge of lowly volunteer Greeter let alone a real GM.

    So stop hiding them behind GM title as they are not.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Borken View Post
    Change the Title of the call center GM's to something other than GM, maybe Customer Service Agent [CSA].

    Having had to point out known game issues to a supposed Game Master that I know is just a paid call center agent, who does not even have the knowledge of lowly volunteer Greeter let alone a real GM.

    So stop hiding them behind GM title as they are not.
    I wasn't aware we had call-centres, unless you mean the Live Chat function? In which case I know of several GM's who support that role. I'm a CR Guardian and you'd probably have to educate me on an issue if you petitioned about it - being that I'm not a Bug Hunter, for example. I appreciate these are paid employees, but I've seen the size of the bug database, and lack of knowledge is not necessarily malicious. We do not, as a matter of course, get up in the morning with the intention of urinating in your cornflakes.
    In the real world, I work in HR and am rather good at working in HR - I still keep a calculator, an employment law reference, and, sadly, a stack of company policies in my desk.

    Aside from this interesting discourse, this is a thread about a FAQ, written by volunteers. It's got nothing to do with GM job titles and has no connection to anyone who can do anything about GM job titles. You will need to contact Funcom Customer Service to air your views on that matter.
    Last edited by Anarrina; Jun 14th, 2012 at 16:47:08. Reason: contact change.
    Guardian Venachar
    Public Forums Moderator - Deputy Team Lead | Professionals Liaison
    Forums Team | Community Relations Department | Advisors of Rubi-Ka

  7. #7
    Policy regarding kill stealing needs to be clarified.
    Why can you not COMPETE for certain monsters, why and how is that considered harassment if both parties are within the XP range for the area AND how do you know that a particular higher-level character doesn't seek certain items that drop from specific monsters?

    How are the ARK's or GM's to say what is competition, and what is harassment. This particular issue urks me because of my 24 hour ban that I received a few years ago and the /tell pet article 19 clearly says that kill stealing is not a crime.

    For example: 2 nano-techs competing for the same bunch of cyborgs.
    Both parties have equal opportunity to get XP and loot from the area/monsters and the system already in place in-game dictates that the most damage done reaps the most XP. Why is that harassment?

    Or 1 party of 5 (lower level) characters killing spirit mobs in SL vs 1 lvl 220 character seeking Novictum. Who is to say that's harassment when there are clear incentives for both parties.
    Fastest Contact: Northadvncd "Agptaxi" Bankterminal
    Created: 2005-08-07 The AGP Cancelled: 2012-02-11
    AGPSHADOWMA2202568[P][E] AGPSHADOOMNT2142650[P][E]
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    JURKENF150207[P][P2] JWRKENF270207 JUURKMP600614[P] HANZELSOL1001028[P]

  8. #8
    What you describe is not harassment, and the policy states so.

    However, there are cases when repeated killstealing is intended specifically to prevent another player from playing the game in a normal fashion. This is what we investigate as harassment.
    Coordinator Anarrina
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    A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one. -- GRRM

  9. #9
    This thread is not to air grievances about specific GMs, any complaints of that nature go through the website. An ARK does not review actions of a GM.
    Last edited by Anarrina; Jun 14th, 2012 at 16:48:04.
    Coordinator Anarrina
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    A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one. -- GRRM

  10. #10
    What if they don't give a crap about that email address and never respond to emails?
    I know that if I was on the receiving end of a bunch of people I WRONGED, I wouldn't be too inclined to read and follow up on it either.

    May 2nd, 2009.
    Fastest Contact: Northadvncd "Agptaxi" Bankterminal
    Created: 2005-08-07 The AGP Cancelled: 2012-02-11
    AGPSHADOWMA2202568[P][E] AGPSHADOOMNT2142650[P][E]
    AGPECKOSOL1502049[P] AGPATLASDOC1502023[P]
    JURKENF150207[P][P2] JWRKENF270207 JUURKMP600614[P] HANZELSOL1001028[P]

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by AGPEcko View Post
    What if they don't give a crap about that email address and never respond to emails?
    I know that if I was on the receiving end of a bunch of people I WRONGED, I wouldn't be too inclined to read and follow up on it either.

    May 2nd, 2009.
    As above, we do not, cannot, review or comment on the actions of GM's. I appreciate you want to air a wrong - but this is a thread primarily for our new petition FAQ and is not an appropriate place to air a grievance. PM me if you wish to continue and I will help you in any way I can. No further posts in here, please.
    Guardian Venachar
    Public Forums Moderator - Deputy Team Lead | Professionals Liaison
    Forums Team | Community Relations Department | Advisors of Rubi-Ka

  12. #12
    Could you please add a "How-to" for the new Petition Interface?

    For example, am I supposed to leave the window open/active and just sit and wait for a GM to reply? Or can I go do something else and when the GM is available to reply to me he/she will contact me via tell as before?

    I looked on the new interface and did not see a tab to click for instructions on how to use it. Perhaps I missed it ... it seems like a great improvement though.



    Edit: Well it seems since the GM sent me a tell using the usual chat system I guess that means I don't need to leave the interface window open. It still might be nice to have a short How-to somewhere on the new Petition page. Do the other old petition commands work ... the status did not seem to come up anymore? How would I ask for status with the new system?

    Also this link didn't work for me the one in the auto-message to check for known issues before sending a petition.
    Last edited by Kinnikinnick; Jun 26th, 2012 at 16:52:27.

  13. #13
    Sorry for "necro", but my 1st response to any GM is "hi. thanks for prompt response. first of all - please let me to open chat window, so it will be easier to save chat log once we done".
    Some (mature and dedicated to AO) GMs just do it, some - have no idea what I'm talking about
    For myself - it's simple test to check whenever I'm talking with mature and dedicated AO GM, or random FC support personnel with very limited knowledge about AO.
    For said GM - (i'm hope) it's clear signal - "I'm customer who know about AO much more than you, already tried everything listed in yours script --- and contacting you cause FC problems with my toon/account can be solved only by using GM powers"
    Candle645 - Soldier, 220/30/70; Arieel - Keeper, 220/30/70; Candleadv - Adventurer, 220/30/70; Candlemech - Engineer, 220/30/70; Candlekicks - Martial Artist, 215/26/67; Candlegrids - Fixer, 126/15/max; Candledoc - 200 uber froob

  14. #14
    I cant say i know exactly what u folks are talking about, but with red energy, you can teleport as far as you have it surround your body towards anything in any direction, and is able to set up a player meet in a localized lit pvp stable system accordingly, accordingly wich means that:
    *why dont you add a "other player did an action" \ called something like a combination \ delivery system should freeze up for some time after delivering some stuff into your brain atm that it happens to cheaply decieve all things around itself for shows and green onions!

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