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Thread: Instruction Disc Suggestion

  1. #1

    Instruction Disc Suggestion

    I make a lot of nanocrystals, and I think it would be really helpful if the instruction discs would list which profession the resulting nanocrystal is for. This way, when I have a disc, I know:

    - Who to ask to see if it's worth building
    - What store terminal to check to see if it's rare, or what its store value is

    Yes, I could print of a 30 page list of every nano in the game and what profession it's for, but there should be an easy way to do it in game.

    What do you guys think?
    Band of Brothers

    Level 143 Omni-Tek Chief Engineer

    Curator of the Rubi-Ka Encyclopaedia of Armor

  2. #2
    Every disc is worth building since you can increase the value of when you even sell it in the store by 5X (30K for QL182 disc but when made 150K)

    But I do agree. Add the stinking profession. I hate seeing QL130-150ish discs and I'm thinking.. is this yet ANOTHER adventure nano...
    Elbo - LVL 220 Top of the line: Supreme Creator Engineer

    Making 5 Gem Saba Bracers! Give tell in game!
    Crat - LVL 209! Doc - LVL 170,MA - LVL 106,Fixer - LVL 103,Keeper - LVL 140,, MP - LVL 109, Shade - LVL 165
    QFT: 1800+. EE: 2400+. ME: 2400+. Chem: 1800+ WS: 1900+. Psychology: 1800 Pharm: 1800

    Making QL300 AI Armor and Weapons!

  3. #3
    At what level does it really become profitable to sell it back to the store, starting with just an instruction disc, considering all of the expendable supplies that have to go into making it?

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