Transcendence Is Recruiting New Members
General Info
Transcendence is a group of friends who play together to have fun and do just about anything normal friends would in game.
We are a small/medium sized organization with most of our players residing in the Title Level 7 spectrum of the game. This should not discourage you from applying if you are a friendly, low levelled player or a froob. But you should be aware that the organization may not be able to provide regular activities at lower levels at present.
Our primary goal is to enjoy all that the game has to offer, be that raiding and teaming or just sitting around chatting.
We don't place restrictions on our members beyond responsible behavior and common decency.
We are not a hardcore Roleplaying or PvP organization, but we have members that enjoy doing both and can assist you in finding such activities.
Whilst we have members from all timezones, European and American timezones make the majority.
Beyond a 1% shop tax, Transcendence does not have any sort of org taxes.
A quick warning though: We are a bunch of very open minded and, some would say, perverted people. Many of our discussions are quite adult or even crazy and if you are not such a person, you might want to consider another organization that fits you better.
What we're looking for:
- Friendly and mature players:
We play the game to have fun, if you can not behave in a responsible manner, or like to stir up drama, Transcendence is not for you.- Proactive:
Initiative is more than welcome in Transcendence; we're happy to help you go out and get what you need, but don't expect piles of free stuff on a silver platter. Want to do a city raid? Grab some folks and have your weapons at the ready. "Helping Hand, Not Holding Hand".- Expansions:
While not a must, most of our members do have all the expansions, and there are many org activities that take place in Shadowlands, Alien Invasion, Lost Eden & Legacy of Xan playfields.- Communication:
Our primary language is English so if your grasp of the language is poor, you may find it difficult to understand your fellow members.
What we can offer:
- A nice and friendly atmosphere:
We enjoy a good laugh and a general atmosphere of mutual respect.- A Full QL300 City:
Our city is located in Coast of Peace along a beautiful stretch of the beach, making it perfect for Beach Parties and simulating D-Day as we invite aliens to our city!- Experienced and active Players:
A group of veteran players that are more than willing to lend a helping hand or answer any questions you might have.- Ventrilo Server
We often make use of our ventrilo server while raiding or to simply chat. Having a mic is not a must but having one will ease communication during a raid.
How to Join
- Visit our forums, located at
- If you like what you see, post an application in the "Join Transcendence" section
- ???
- Profit!
If you would like more information head on over to our Forums