*Mr. Trox sits behind a rock in Aegean,looking at the Omni-Tek base across the way* "Time to do this", he said. Sneaking around the rock he snuck up on the first set of guards and killed them quickly, moving on, he killed the next few groups of guards and disabled the robots and went inside. Once in, he heard an alarm go off "time to kick some omlet backside" he thought to himself as he started charging into a group of omni guards, he put his blades into their backs, through their helmets, decapitated and broke their necks one by one, two by two they all died and Mr. Trox emerged unscathed. "Well well well, what do we have here?" said a voice from just beyond the hallway, quickly Mr. T ran into the room and saw an Omni-Tek general holding a clanner in one hand and a gun in the other. Thinking quickle Mr. Trox used his Mongo to attract attention from the general and ran up to hit the general with his axes . The omni turned around just in time to get a faceful of axe and fist as the general fell to the ground Mr.T grabbed the enemy's gun and ncu deck and rerouted the general's insurance...to Tir.