TL 7
RK2 - Maxisolja - 220/24 Trox Soldier | RK2 - Blitztrick - 220/25 Soli Fixer E | RK2 - Krakenz - 220/21 Trox Keep
RK1 - Shanue - 218/30 Opi MA | RK2 - Redenf5 - 218/22 Trox Enf | RK2 - Jrollin - 214/25 Opi Shade
TL 5
RK2 - Memorial - 170/16 Opi Engi | RK2 - Maxisfix - 168/21 Opi Fixer E
RK1 - Clento - 150/20 Soli Soldier | RK1 - Losodoc - 150/20 Soli Doctor
RK2 - Loso - 150/20 Opi Advy | RK2 - Tachun - 150/13 Opi MP
RK1 - Krakenz - 150/15 Trox Advy | RK1 - Loso - 150/13 Trox Advyoo.
TL5 Fixer Information | GMT -08:00 West Coast Canada | Java AO Chat API | Dnet
nope, Build and Dadoc are just RL friends, I was getting all 3 of us invited to that wedding, Thanks for the accusations though.
RK2...........................-.................................................. ...............RK1
Tastebullets - 220/27/70 Opi Fixer The Re-awakened. Equip..... ..........Strongrel - 205/3/10 Trox MA The Main.
Wetarded - 220/16/62 Trox Doc The Gimp.
Backstabbah - 220/25/70 Trox Shade The Legend..............................Proud Member of Quetzalcoatl
Mindpain - 220/15/60 Soli MP The Shield.
Proud Squad Comm of Dark Ninjas
If you are allergic to a thing, it is best not to put that thing in your mouth, particularly if the thing is cats.
Thread... Needs... Moarrrr.... Sexy... Redheadzzzz!!!
Proud member of Shadow Ops
Renowned jester of the double AS Tigress
MP setup
Hidden message
Making them feel special since 2008.
Theonara: "...but if I weren't married, some days I'd offer to kiss you. You just make too much sense. "
Maeventura: "Sigh, once again I can but only bow for hyde's wisdom."
....• "Social" keys, lightbars, wen-wens......• Better tabbing!
... First Troxdoc with QL300 symbs (AO 17.0 pre-Albtraum guide) ... as well as first with 12 of 13 Alpha symbs.
... First TL1 Clanner with Omni-Armed Forces armor (pics) (pointless yet hawt)
<original UI hacker ... when not actively playing AO ... email = 'hyde [at] athenpaladins • org'>
Lupusceleri L220/30/70 Agent -- Advisor of Spartans -- equip endgame AR setup endgame def setup <3 Azs wearer of Cheree's pants
Arrowsmith -- Arafellin -- Alphacenta -- Aesculapias -- Wolfseye -- Lysdexic
TL5 enf twink: im out those MPs are to overpowered
crattey: The Balance Discussion forum. Where common sense goes to die.
Ofab - Doctor [e]
Clipfury - Soldier
R22866281602 - Bureaucrat
Icey2 - Soldier [deleted]
First to receive an infraction worth 1337 points.
Bump this thread for Black Atroxes!
this thread failed to deliver drama...
a clan killed some other clan... life goes on
Threeze - 220/24/69 Neutral Fixer [Old New E], [Old Old E]
Threezeley -220/17 Neutral Meta-Physicist
Maytricks -218/18 Neutral Doctor
Beautystrike -150/00 Neutral Nano-Technician
Bloodred -150/05 Clan Agent
Optimize -147/05 Omni Bureaucrat
Maytri -120/02 Neutral Engineer
Oneze -74/07 Neutral Fixer
Electronite: FFA also destroyed Clan hegemony when it comes to tower wars. Ironically the downfall was started by the most active pvpers. Another ironic thing is that the downfall happened due to pvm conflict. Silirrion: (We have pretty good anti-troll filters by now though) Means: Thong-wearing troxes will always be a part of this game and a point of AO pride. Keldros: Obviously reall trolls don't use conditioner Marlark: If this forum was Swedish in it's language .. id pawn you any day. 220 NT: tl7 is a joke most of the time. 90% of the people are double double dead. some are worth debuffing tho. Mastablasta: you guys are right and I'm wrong. Ebag: No. You alpha me'd due to the stat bug. More Ebag: I don't have any twinks currently, nor do I participate much in mass TL7 PvP (though I do go occasionally, usually just to watch). Questra: an MP in sneak eNSDed me and did about 20k damage in 10-12 seconds
Taranide 220/30 fixer RK2 and now also RK1! Wait a second...
Might have other characters too but I'm not so sure, always leave them camping something and there they are for few months.
Oh no, not in my own mind, i made you disapear from forums quite a few time and had lot of fun doing it.
The thing that amuses me most is how much i can get to you and how ridiculous you look when you say "have a nice day" pretending you don't care when you obviously do.
In fact i can pretty much say that you are my hobby
I got toons. total dings: 1934/159/425
Theonara: "...but if I weren't married, some days I'd offer to kiss you. You just make too much sense. "
Maeventura: "Sigh, once again I can but only bow for hyde's wisdom."
....• "Social" keys, lightbars, wen-wens......• Better tabbing!
... First Troxdoc with QL300 symbs (AO 17.0 pre-Albtraum guide) ... as well as first with 12 of 13 Alpha symbs.
... First TL1 Clanner with Omni-Armed Forces armor (pics) (pointless yet hawt)
<original UI hacker ... when not actively playing AO ... email = 'hyde [at] athenpaladins • org'>