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Thread: Profession Specialisations: ‘AGENT’

  1. #1

    Cool Profession Specialisations: ‘AGENT’

    Hopes for the upcoming (Shadowlands?) profession specialisations, or what does our profession job title mean to you?

    So what does the word ‘agent’ really mean to you? Does it conjure up images of small thin people running around in blue & red armour (!) with huge sniper rifles – or does it conjure James Bond, Ethan Hunt, Maxwell Smart (um… okay… maybe not Maxwell Smart); does it make you think of a US Army sniper, or does it make you think of the CIA, NSA, KGB, MI6, and so on…

    When I elected to play an agent – a year ago now – I originally saw myself as a spy. Not a sniper. A spy.

    Yes, I know spies assassinate people, and yes I know a good spy would know how to use a sniper rifle – probably – but the fact is, currently, agents are not ‘agents’ at all. Not really. We’re sneaky army snipers.

    I know I can spend my IP any way I want. I know I can spend IP to wear a different armour to the norm for agents – and I do, I wear Omni-Pol Elite, simply because it’s black, and I absorb the horrific cost of putting my strength up to cope.

    I know I *could* spent my rifle spent IP on pistols instead, just as Mr Bond or Mr Hunt would do. However, on top of the above armour allowance, I would be seriously borking myself.

    Does anyone else feel this way?

    Please Funcom. Agent profession specialisations. Make a couple of them along the lines of true ‘spies’. Lose rifle & aimed shot, bring in pistol and perhaps martial arts. Give them new abilities – say to change breed via nano in the same way face graft can, or how the way the original advanced face graft was meant to change body size. Allow them to switch sides without leaving their organisation; simply hide the organisation name from view. Perhaps an ability similar to face graft to change nicknames, first names, surnames. Allow people to really go undercover. There are dozens of other ideas, but do you get the picture?

    Spies forever! Bork the sniper.

    Garret "Bonefish" Silvestrini
    Director - SPARTA
    Director of Operations, OTSEC

    Founding Member of the Omni-Tek Security Council

  2. #2
    I'm not an agent but I think this is a very good idea, in fact first time I enter the game, i thought of this class like a james Bond type....

    along with this specialisation, a specialisation for trader would do nice too, like one when you can really make money and XP from tradse skill.
    Selling stuff outside your home city will make you gain XP, and selling to clanner while omni do a lot of XP..
    opportunity to have real trader shop with interresting items you cannot find anywhere but here, a little bit like the fixer black market...
    when choosing this spec. and only there drop the uber attack buff and do that.
    This kind of specialisation would make the Trader less effective in team, and a lot more RP just like an agent specialisation...
    "make Whisky bottle a real weapon!"

    Omni Tek Armed Forces

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