IP-guide for max level agents and is intended to list, give insight and some tips to the relevant skills.
Max them all, some pvp-people trim some skills (Not Agil or Sense) to get extra IP.
Max it. Again...some pvp-people trim body-dev but thats for advanced players.
I didn't spend IP in this on my 220 Solitus agent and I am fine.
Most agents raise this skill high however. Makes you less reliant on stims and less vulnerable to drains.
A good idea is to raise it without maxing it if you are unsure.
Rifle and Aimed Shot
Max them both.
Raise it high enough to equip Cobra and other rifles, or max it.
It won't mean much if you choose to not max it.
Evade, Dodge and Nanoresist.
Maxing these three is in general a good idea.
Regardles of equip, with maxed dodge and evade you will avoid a lot of damage in group-pvp.
Same with Nano-Resist although most debuffs that is dangerous lands quite a lot.
NR2 is a viable choice btw.
Max it.
Nano-init became VERY popular with SL for agents.
I wanna see agent steered away from this but atm for this post this is one of the important skills to raise.
Max it.
To run from people or to chase people. Very useful in pvp.
Trade and repair
A good idea is to keep it high or max it even if we can use Trading Mogul to equip stuff.
The reason is that a lot of meds require higher complit than First-Aid/Treatment.
If you like towers you can raise Psychology some.
Also note:
Nano and Aiding
Maxing all of them is a good idea but not nessecary.
You need Mat-Met, Mat-Crea, Bio-Met, Psy Mod and Sense-Imp high for SL damage-nanos, True Profession, Bail-Out nanos, Dots, Ruse of Taren and Sureshot etc.
Some nanos are less relevant than othes for pvp...PM and TS gives UBT AR and Root-AR.
Maxing all nanoskills makes NR2 easier to live with too.
Time and Space is the least important skill to max per many agents views.
Either you max them or keep them high, depending on your style/setup.
Having 1k 1.1k FA helps a lot in pvp. For various stims and meds.
Max treatment for symbs, although some trim it a bit if they got enough gear to equip ql 300 symbs without maxing it.
Perception and Concealment
The two signature skills of the agent. Nothing define agent more than these two skills beside AS.
Max them both.
With Sharpshooter armor, QL 300 head-symb, Ear-implant with perception there will be only agents and a few shades that will sneak from you at all.
You on the other hand, you will sneak from everyone else.
We're among the few professions with the games best pre-requisite and itemisation for these two skill-related abilities (Hiding and Spotting) -
-so I strongly advice you to raise them.
Some agents trim these skills.
F.X perception just enough to swap scopes and 75% in Conceal.
Others ignore one of these two or both altogether and play the agent more like a fighter.
Whatever you choose, rock on!
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Ranged Init
Putting RI here since it's a pvp-orientated guide, even if this is the extra skill many find very important in pvp.
The reason I choose to put it in extra is that many agents kite in pvp, and the main damage comes from Specials and Perks regardles.
That however can change when new rifles and things are patched.
Recalibate+ Crit/Add Damage-nanos could quickly become as important for agents as MR is for atroxes (eeeew).
None of my agents have any IP in RI, it currently works great in both pvm and pvp.
You unequip rifle, hit AS/Fling/Whatever else you got and finish with Dimach.
The more skillpoints, the better damage.
Piercing and Sneak-Attack
Hi Kink. :>
I don't think it matters how high your Piercing skill is, but anyway...you raise these two to use Piercing Evil (melee-weapon).
It's same as Dimach but you get Sneak-Attack as addition, which you max.
Huge IP sink and works best with CC armor...so goodbye to 210 Conceal/Perception and other goodies if you do that.
You can use it with Sharpshooter too and many find it easy to pvp with using HLoA or M150.
HLoA for fast swap, M150 for Full Auto.
Full Auto
Edit on behalf of Letah:
Can use M150 rifle without IPing burst and FA
Max it if you wanna use use M150-Rifle.
Works great with Consentration nano but fails most the time vs anyone with good dodge.
On that note tho, on TL7 BS I'd say those with good dodge are rare. Unless it's a dodgy profession itself
Sharp Object
Extra damage-things like Tear of Oedipus.
Made buffs SO and many used to to start with The Shot, CS, Specials and Finish with a tear or SO-item.
The Shot is currently bugged tho and it's unclear when it will be fixed.
Some agents likes to use this anyway tho, it lands decently
Same with the more rare Bow special attack (arrows).
Helps against some weapons and perks.