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Thread: Why do the Germans get more accurate patch notes

  1. #1

    Why do the Germans get more accurate patch notes


    TriPlumbo in the Biomare Dungeon no longer drops the Rust Pitted ring. From now on another new ring drops since the Rust Pitted ring was a too good article for such a low monster. The Rust Pitted ring from now on drops from a stronger monster.

    And why do they get 150 dynacamps while we only get 140?

    What's the deal with releasing textures from video memory and notification of the fix for the XP SP1 crash fix.

    Shouldn't this stuff be posted here:


  2. #2
    Who knows... Perhaps Funcom employs picky German programmers to work on the German dimension?

    Born on: Wed Jun 27 15:39:10 2001
    Slavor, Soldier, RK1

  3. #3
    Should be the same exact codebase. If they are getting XP crash fixes and DirectX texture release changes then so should we.

    Likewise, do you think they are nerfing TriPlumbo only on 'Die Neue Welt'

    Just find it odd that they'd keep these things secret from the main community while being upfront with the Gamigo bunch.

  4. #4
    It says this on that page :

    Die Bossmonster im Biomare Dungeon haben von nun an eine verringerte Spawnzeit. Die Chance das sie ein Unique droppen wurde verringert, so das die Chance einen Gegenstand zu erhalten in etwa gleich bleiben sollte, verglichen mit vor dem Patch. Die Bodyguards und Neutralizer haben von nun an eine höhere Chance etwas zu droppen.

    Babelfish translates it as this:

    The Bossmonster in the Biomare Dungeon has from now to a reduced Spawnzeit. The chance it a Unique droppen one reduced to receive so that the chance an article in approximately equivalent to remain should, compared also before the Patch. The Bodyguards and Neutralizer have to droppen from now to a higher chance something to.

    This is very bad for Engineers, I killed T.I.M. more than 20 times over the weekend looking for the eng scope and it didn't drop. Now I have to kill him even more times?!

    /me spews out a long list of expletives
    Ionicdude - In it to win it no matter how you spin it

  5. #5

    ( or is that considerd mean and harassing to say that? )
    Nitsobar - lvl 219/13 Doc - Equipment - Perks - History
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  6. #6
    What I think you are referring to is linked on the English version of the patch notes.

    Basically if they cut the spawn time by a factor of three, they are reducing the chance of the good stuff dropping by a third as well.

    So if a 3 hr spawn is reduced to a 1 hr (on average) spawn they're cutting the chance of something good being on the boss monster by 3 as well. You'll still end up having to wait just as long to get your item. Only now you have to kill him 3 times as much.

    My point was that there are items in the Gamigo patch notes that are not on the main site.

    TriPlumbo was Nerfed. He no longer drops the Rust Pitted Ring at all. Ever. It's going on some other Mob. Probably f'in Tarasque.

    Likewise they're messing with the graphics engine. I woulda liked to have known this is I wasn't already running a character semi-regularly on the Test Server. Nothing scares me more than when a game developer says they are messing with the DirextX code.

    Bottom line is why isn't this info on the main site?

  7. #7
    Originally posted by RVWinkle

    This is very bad for Engineers, I killed T.I.M. more than 20 times over the weekend looking for the eng scope and it didn't drop. Now I have to kill him even more times?!

    Unfortunately it seems to be the way this game is going. I disagree with the way the camping issues are being handled personally, but it's far from my desicion.

    Camping the trash king has to be the single most boring task I have ever had to do in order to get something. With the only bonus that once 3 of us got the opportunity to destroy two Trash Kings and his Lackey all at the same time because of the bizarre dual king feature and server maintenance day.

    However, I think in total I have probably spent in excess of 30 hours camping that one mob.

    Now, TIM, while annoying and boring holds an item that is essential to an Engineer that wishes to make any nano crystals above level 200 before being level 196. In order to obtain that scope I killed TIM a grand total of 20 times.

    Boring as hell but with one advantage, kill him once in the day and you know exactly when he's next set to spawn. So everytime he died and failed to drop the item I could leave the dungeon safe in the knowledge that I wasn't missing anything.

    Random spawn would have meant that I had to stay there, now if the spawn rate increases but the drop rate doesn't (or effectively decreases) then in order to get that one item I could plausably have had to spend 60 or more hours camping one mob.

    I don't think I would have bothered at all if the spawn time was random, but others will, imagine a situation worse than the current where TIM and every other mob in that dungeon is either dead or permanently in a state of being killed. The people killing him won't be the levels the dungeon is intended for, nor anyone who the dungeon would challenge, but only a multitude of high level people who want the item he drops or the lab director drops.

    I have to really wonder why they (FC) bother. With the sum total of their creativity and imagination is this the best they could come up with? Surely this isn't really necessary?

    If the Engi only item TIM drops is supposed to be rare then it should be hard to get, and more importantly fun. I think that FC need to decide what levels they want to be capable of getting these items and wrap something around that makes it interesting for those levels, then spawn an instance of the dungeon every time more than 6 people enter the dungeon or something.

    As an alternative, strip it from those dungeon altogether, set it as uncommon mob loot, or chest loot - that wouldn't be a popular suggestion though.

    Unfortunately I didn't know that item existed at level 70, I didn't know until around level 150. lol... trade skills were a bit of a foreign concept at level 70 as well.

    Whatever else, there has to be a better way.
    Highorbit - Supreme Creator - Atlantean - 205 - Armour
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  8. #8
    It'd be good to hear an official response to at least one of these issues (Germans getting extra info and/or extra stuff over other countries, and T.I.M.)

  9. #9
    You know, I feel kinda guilty about that T.I.M. drop. Me and a fellow NT killed him one night and he dropped both items (the 80 scope and the engie thing). I wanted the 80 scope, but the engie item is now sitting in my bank not doing anyone a bit of good. :\

  10. #10
    Originally posted by Bhaaz
    You know, I feel kinda guilty about that T.I.M. drop. Me and a fellow NT killed him one night and he dropped both items (the 80 scope and the engie thing). I wanted the 80 scope, but the engie item is now sitting in my bank not doing anyone a bit of good. :\
    Unless there was an Engi in the immediate vicinity there wasn't much you could do. It's no drop so not as if you can give it away.

    I have a TIM scope in the bank as well that I will never use from one of the times there was no one else around.
    Highorbit - Supreme Creator - Atlantean - 205 - Armour
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  11. #11
    I'll look into the differences in the patch notes.

    Anyhow, the version going to the servers is always exactly the same. No difference is made there. The notes should of course be identical, but note that both sets are preliminary anyway.

  12. #12
    A little trick that may help those of you TIM camping, at least at high levels...

    If you can clear the Foreman's Dungeon of players, then TIM will respawn when it resets in 15 minutes. So does everything on the way to TIM, so this tip is really only useful if the time it takes you to find and kill TIM is less than 90 minutes or so. So, it's pretty useful.

    This trick only works for TIM, not for Tri or the Lab Director.
    Gunned down the young. Now old, crotchety, and back.

  13. #13

    This made me laugh.

    I fed the german patch notes to bablefish and got this:
    "Anarchy on-line one does not become from now at no more on computers crashen with Windows XP and service luggage 1. "

    Every time I read that, I bust up.
    Kenlon- Combat Medic, RK1
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    Creaky old vet, back for another go-round.

  14. #14
    Originally posted by Cz
    I'll look into the differences in the patch notes.

    Anyhow, the version going to the servers is always exactly the same. No difference is made there. The notes should of course be identical, but note that both sets are preliminary anyway.
    Well, about time to get some NON preliminary patch notes? Considering it's a hour and a half to patching, (+1 week) =p
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  15. #15
    Well, I'm not so sure its the same patch that runs on all the servers... I heard that WW Katanas drops on the Greman server, but here on RK1 (and probably RK2) it doesn't. Why is that?
    Master 10th Dan

  16. #16
    Originally posted by Zizayu
    Well, I'm not so sure its the same patch that runs on all the servers... I heard that WW Katanas drops on the Greman server, but here on RK1 (and probably RK2) it doesn't. Why is that?
    Exactly, you heard about it dropping there. Don't start this sorta thing here unless you have actually seen one drop on the german server. What we do not need is yet another 'maybe, what if, they said, i heard' discussion here.

    I have no clue whether or not they drop. And I'm not going to the german server to find out.
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  17. #17
    Originally posted by RVWinkle
    This is very bad for Engineers
    You know with everything that we Engineers are complaining about I'm begining to think that AO is very bad for Engineers
    Dont you think I look like Geordie from Star Trek?
    Actually I look more of a cross between him and Picard don't I?

  18. #18
    Oh yeah I had deep sympathy for the engies. Up to the time when I heard this one on guild chat: "Woha Ace Poacher 128000 XP " comming from a 106 engie =D

    I just hope the engies will come to their right when we start looking outdoors...

  19. #19
    Mmmmm... out door hunting...

    it only has to be different

    Oh yeah... it probably took that Engi about 30 minutes to kill the Ace.. so it's not all that good xp over time and all that.
    Highorbit - Supreme Creator - Atlantean - 205 - Armour
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    Shameless Self Advertising: Engineer Guide

  20. #20
    Originally posted by Lefin
    It'd be good to hear an official response to at least one of these issues (Germans getting extra info and/or extra stuff over other countries, and T.I.M.)
    If you compare patchnotes now, the english ones are the same as the german patchnotes now ... looks like they were just a little faster posting the correct ones over there. Nothing more, nothing less ...

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