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Thread: expressions and acronyms that are commonly used

  1. #21
    just thought i would add some more.

    Org- Short for organisation/ Guild

    Nerf- When funcom takes action to lower the effectivness of something.

    elite- Omni pol elite armor. Black type

    hp- Hit points/ health points

    tara- Tarasque is a dragon in the camelot dungeon. (chances of killing her was NERFED) lol 10x more hp

    Disk- Disks are unmade nano's. You get disks hacked and turned into nice stuff.

    GA4- Grid armor comes in 4 types. As stated above, smurf, is a fixer in grid armor.

    BS- Playfield Broken Shores
    PW- Playfield perpetual wastelands
    WW- Playfield Wailing Wastes
    NLC- Plsyfield Newlsnd City
    BY 1-19 (i think)- BY = back yard, this is where you will start your life at.
    RK-3 These are the 3 different dimensions you can play
    RK3 is german only.

    Playfield is also know as PF

  2. #22

    More playfields

    Dunno if these were covered..

    VW: Varmint Woods
    DAV: Deep Artery Valley
    SFH: Southern Foul Hills
    SAV: South Artery Valley (I think. Man I'm tired!)

    Other stuff
    j/k: Joke
    *L*: same as lol, Laugh Out Loud
    stfu: this got me a few years ago. It means Shut The F Up, not "stuff you" I think it should mean stuff you though, much more polite..
    MOHAHAHAH: I tend to do this a lot. Big Eeeevil laugh!
    Gimme sammich!!1

    Reborn Sammich

  3. #23
    brb mean 'be right back'

    afk means 'away from keyboard'

    These two can be conveniently used with ggp which means 'gott go pee'.

    Sample sentence:

    brb, ggp
    afk, phone
    Slyykie - 200+ Shade
    Slyyk - 200+ Fixer

    Members of Alphastrike
    Sarcasm rules! Go prance around in the forest you silly pixie.

  4. #24
    Rights: Team leader (usually the tank) perfers taking rights in the mission, and will go right whenever presented with a door on his/her right.

    Lefts: Opposite of rights, but these people are mentally unbalanced. :P

    Parrot: Short for the Adventurer morph "Calia's Form: Parrot" or "Calis's Form: Parrot (Other)" (FunCom's typo, not mine), of "Calia's Form: Parrot (Team)" (if you're teamed with the Adventurer that is)
    This is the only buff in the game that allows Non-MPs and non-Adventurers to fly without a Yalm. Usefull for getting your poor team somewhere dangerous, or for getting your uber team into Smuggler's Den.

    SD, the Den: Smugglers Den. A static dungon.

    Zone: Passing from one playfield to another.

    2221111118888: (or any string of numbers)
    Those were your heals/special attacks on your toolbar weren't they?
    (Every now and then you'll see one of this when one of your teammates dies and finds themselves staring at a Reclaim Term)

    0%,25%,75%,100% gas: Supression gas ratios.

    100%: No fighting of any kind
    75%: Mobs can attack you, you can attack mobs.
    25%: Same as 75%, but you can also be attacked or attack oppisite alighment and neutrals, but neutrals cannot attack you.
    0%: Same as 25%, but you can attack same alignment and neutrals can start an attack.

    Grid us: Some professions (Docs, Traders, Fixers) have the ability to transport themselves and/or their team from their current location to the grid. Takes a min or two for a Trader or Doc, Fixers can do it instantly at the cost of most of their HP.

    Warp or Beacon: Engineer ability. Engineers can warp you from your current location to the location of the engineer.

    Warp (NT version): NT's can warp you from your current location to a city IF you are teamed with them and IF you are of the same alignment.

    blind: someone ninja looted a chest and found a bomb that blinds them for a few seconds.

    Ow, my nose!: I keep running into walls face first because of this fixer run buff and lag.

    a: Attacking a mob, then running to guards.

    b: Attacking a social mob, and running by other social mobs so that you have a "Train" of mobs behind you. Can be combined with definition a or b.

    c: Attacking a powerful social mob, then running to a group of players attacking other social mobs so that the powerful mob you attacked attacks and kills other players. (Really frowned upon. Don't do this, you may end up having a GM talking to you for disrupting gameplay)

    Morph: One of the nano's from the adventurer's shapeshifting line of nano programs. 3 levels of wolf morphs, 2 of Sabertooth morphs, 3 or reets, and the ultimate: Dragon and/or Pit Lizzard form.

    Lag Monster: See Pit Lizzard form.
    Last edited by Glarawyn; Sep 20th, 2002 at 22:16:09.
    Glarawyn L220 OT Adventurer
    It's good to be furry.
    Lilredhot L220 OT Enforcer
    Don't mind me, I tank without a helmet.
    Gunslinger19 L150 OT Soldier
    There's a word for people who think everyone's out to get them: perceptive.

  5. #25
    Ding! came from Everquest, the game makes a bell-tone when you level there.

    Some other stuff...
    SFA = Superior First Aid, a doctor's +80 treatment buff.

    LLTS = Low Light Targeting Scope, an item popular for high-level PVP that no longer drops in-game and so is very valuable and prized. It increases critical hit chances, but inflicts a penalty to initiatives. Also ELLTS, for Extreme LLTS.

    VE = Vision Enhancer. The new version of the LLTS, it is less effective but easily available.

    Scope = Either an LLTS, VE, or TIM (a unique/camped mob drop scope). Scoping is the term used to describe tinkering with scope QL and inits to optimize one's weapon performance through the use of one of the aforementioned scopes.

    Step Implants = Implants that raise a specific stat or skill that are worn for the purpose of installing better implants in other locations, installing maps or NCU equipment, or wearing high QL armor. Step implants are removed and replaced with normal skill implants after you've equipped whatever; popular step implant sets are for psychic, stamina, comp lit, treatment, and map nav.

    Root = a nanoprogram that immobilizes its target for a period of time.

    Snare = a nanoprogram that reduces its target's runspeed for a period of time. Snare and Root both were the names of spells with the same functions in EQ.

    BoP = Bird of Prey. A popular Martial Artist attack.

    Health Buff = Commonly refers to the doctor team max health buff line.

    Medsuit, Treatment suit, Treatment gear = A set of treatment-raising items used for installing implants, centered on a set of Omni-Med clothing.

    MoP, MoD, MoR = Mark of Peril, Mark of Danger, Mark of Risk. Critical hit buffs that Martial Artists can cast on others.

    TTS = Take The Shot, a critical hit buff Agents can cast on others.

    GSF = GridSpace Freedom. Top end Fixer runspeed buff; sometimes applied to all Fixer runspeed buffs.

    RRFE = Reactive Reflective Shield - Extended. The top end soldier reflection shield buff.

    Splitting Mobs, Split Pulling, Pull Splitting, Mob Splitting = Using one of several techniques to seperate social mobs so that you can fight them without any/many adds.

    Crowd Control, CC = Using roots, snares, taunts, detaunts, and split pulling to manage the number of mobs being engaged at a given time.

    Breaking in, Spawn Breaking, Camp Breaking = Using crowd control techniques to kill mobs in a camp so that they respawn in a specific order and at different times, making it easy to "Hold" a camp, which is staying there for an extended period killing the mobs as they spawn.

    Auras, Speeches = Engineer and Bureaucrat area buffs/debuffs that recycle every 20 seconds.

    XP Ball = Frightened Rollerrat.

    Nano Delta = Nanocost modifier, an attribute of items.

    Cuppa = Cup of coffee.

    FAAK = Fall/Falling/Fallen Asleep At Keyboard. Happens when you play AO too late at night without enough cuppas

    Evac = From EQ. Describes fast-casting teleports that can be used in emergencies, such as the Fixer's fast-casting/hp-stealing grid warps. Also, to call for the use of a team teleport in an emergency.
    Taren "Jynne" Suitt, Level 216/16 Eternalist
    Knight of Unity of the Rose - Check out our AO Tools!
    The Doctor Guide to: Notum Wars Martial Arts Perks! Nano Controller Units
    The General Guide to: Auto-Combat General Perks

    Visit the Roses and check out the shops in our City, NE of ICC at 4500x1500 in Andromeda!

    Iron Law of Exploits: If it can be exploited, it will be exploited. However a rule is exploitable, the exploits become the rule.

  6. #26


    NP also means no problem

    bah - is like what u say when u get annoyed like (Bah, the OT got me)

    STFU - shut the %¤# up

    HE - Humidity extractor (nt buff) also PHN personal notum harvester (bigger HE)

    layers - is a buff where u get a screen surrounding u protecting uf from different kinds of dmg type, buffable by NTs end ENFs

    my 5 cents.

  7. #27
    Lefts: Opposite of rights, but these people are mentally unbalanced. :P
    Whee! I *AM* mentally unbalanced! But that's no big news

    Grid us: Some professions (Docs, Traders, Fixers) have the ability to transport themselves and/or their team from their current location to the grid. Takes a min or two for a Trader or Doc, Fixers can do it instantly at the cost of most of their HP.
    *All* HP and nanopool, minus 1. To use with care if there's a DoT on you. Also, use the self-only version to Grid out when you're still in mission area and team's already ouside. Then watch the anxious comments in team chat, and laughs hysterically on the Grid's floor while slowly recovering.

    *chuckles hysterically at the thought*
    Jen Markarian - Put the weirdness back in Omni-Mining
    Updating my stories -- 19/03/08. Going slowly, but certainly
    Anarchy Reloaded - AO webcomics for the sake of being silly

    I never want to lose what I have finally found
    There's a requiem
    A new congregation
    And it's telling me: go forward and walk
    Under a brighter sky
    -- Delerium, Euphoria --

  8. #28
    why isn't this sticky yet?

    Lefts: Opposite of rights, but these people are mentally unbalanced. :P
    hey, it's only natural to do lefts. I read from left to right, at home, my bathroom and kitchen is on the left when I come home, when I wake up and want to leave the house, teh exit is to my left, I enter the left door on my car, wristwatches are on the left hand, when IO target stuff in AO, their bar appear on the top left of my screen. lefts are only natural.

    But noone has ever stated I am mentally balanced. Might be something there too

  9. #29
    For me its even worse.

    I have one character who always does lefts and another who always does rights. What's that say about my mental stability?

    No wait, don't answer that.
    When you take everything away from someone, you are no longer their oppressor. You have set them free.

    Katpaws on Rubi-Ka

  10. #30

    A couple more geography ones

    WA - West Athen
    OA - Old Athen
    Tir - Tir (doesn't need a shorthand)

    These can be combined with the BY (backyard) designations...

    Me: Where should we meet?
    You: WA BY 4 [meaning West Athen, Backyard 4]

    Mort - the area around Hope. Confused me to death. There is no Whompa to "Mort".
    When you take everything away from someone, you are no longer their oppressor. You have set them free.

    Katpaws on Rubi-Ka

  11. #31
    This is my list of playfields:
    Abbreviation Name
    ------------ ----------------------
    4H           4 Holes
    AE           Aegan
    AN           Andromeda
    AS           Athen Shire
    AV           Avalon
    B            Borealis
    BF           Belial Forest
    BS           Broken Shores
    C            Clon****
    CAV          Central Artery Valley
    DAV          Deep Artery Valley
    EFP          Eastern Fouls Plains
    GC           Galway County
    GOF          Greater Omni Forest
    GS           Galway Shire
    GTC          Greater Tir County
    HIW          Hole In the Wall
    LF           Lush Fields
    M            Mort
    MD           Mutant Domain
    MW           Milky Way
    NL           Newland
    NLC          Newland City
    NLD          Newland Desert
    OA           Old Athens
    OE           Omni-1 Entertainment
    OF           Omni Forest
    OHQ          Omni-1 HQ
    OT           Omni-1 Trade
    PM           Pleasant Meadows
    PW           Perpetual Wastelands
    RB           Rome - Blue
    RG           Rome - Green
    RR           Rome - Red
    SAV          Southern Artery Valley
    SEB          Stret East Bank
    SFH          Southern Fouls Plains
    SWB          Stret West Bank
    T            Tir
    TC           Tir County
    TLR          The Longest Road
    USEB         Upper Stret East Bank
    WA           West Athens
    VW           Warmint Woods
    WV           Wartorn Valley
    WW           Wailing Wastes

  12. #32
    BS = Broken Shores
    but can also be
    BS = Bull****

    some stupid spelling mistakes people often make that have become Leet talk:

    teh = the
    ubber = uber = super duper good
    1337 = leet = elite?
    yuo = you
    aer = are

    this is just stupid but it can be fun to tell a newbie (n00b)

    - "yuo aer teh ubber 1337!"

  13. #33
    Sticky bumpage
    Goode 200 Nanotechnician
    Ionsphere 166 Martial Artist
    DrHandy 154 Doctor

  14. #34

    couple more

    FG- Feline Grace, a buff from agents
    ninja looter- someone who is selfish with team loot/keeps the best stuff or more often doesn't reveal what they took
    NLC- Newland City
    LF- Lush Fields
    MMD- Meetmedere (a PVP possible area)
    NP-nanoprogramming skill "Can anyone with 175 NP combine my implants?"

  15. #35


    ADD= Additional mobs or monsters.
    INC= Incomming mobs or monsters.

    CON= Contact. Color usually follows CON. Originally a military term. (ie Contact bearing zero niner, or CON sonar zero niner four)

    Con: Dunno the real phrase for this, but it means the difficulty colour of a mob: "That mob cons red"

    Con= Consider....I only know it from Everquest when you would consider a mob and it would tell you how it regarded you and you could also see how difficult the mob would be.
    ~Anyone can level, but only the wise gain experience~

    *Bronto Burger, serving 10,000 high level noobs daily*

    My Story

    Don't feed the Mensa Tralalalala

    Everyday I'm Shuffling.

  16. #36
    Bump to top
    Taren "Jynne" Suitt, Level 216/16 Eternalist
    Knight of Unity of the Rose - Check out our AO Tools!
    The Doctor Guide to: Notum Wars Martial Arts Perks! Nano Controller Units
    The General Guide to: Auto-Combat General Perks

    Visit the Roses and check out the shops in our City, NE of ICC at 4500x1500 in Andromeda!

    Iron Law of Exploits: If it can be exploited, it will be exploited. However a rule is exploitable, the exploits become the rule.

  17. #37

    Wink Been seeing ALT?

    What is alt? (not the button, thanks)

  18. #38

    as in alternate character

    my other character, etc...
    Glarawyn L220 OT Adventurer
    It's good to be furry.
    Lilredhot L220 OT Enforcer
    Don't mind me, I tank without a helmet.
    Gunslinger19 L150 OT Soldier
    There's a word for people who think everyone's out to get them: perceptive.

  19. #39

    Re: Make this a sticky

    Originally posted by DocTim
    This is great, they should make this a sticky.

    I could not, for the life of me, figure out where this name originated. Thanks for that sharing!
    - reffering to whompa's and how the name originated.
    - basically this is the sound the teleporter makes every time the doors swing open *whomp* *whomp* *whomp*

  20. #40
    I use "bah" constantly, particularly when I'm shaking my fist at a store terminal because it doesn't have what I want, or I am too low level to use any of the good stuff.
    I use "bah" because back in the ollllllld days the Hulk (of Marvel comics fame) actually spoke proper english and not caveman speech. Once I saw him say "bah!" it stuck with me for good.

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