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Thread: Bug with overflow

  1. #1

    Post Bug with overflow

    Dunno if this has been reported yet, but if you have an overflow window open and another overflow window pops up (in my case, doing tradeskills) the second overflow will dissapear... I don't know if it's in a bank or anything, I haven't checked yet... I was using a precious metal thingy on a bracelet, had 1 gold ingot in 1 overflow window, used the precious metal thingy on a second, I got the exp, lost the bracelet, but I diddn't ge the ingot

  2. #2


    Also, I don't think the tradeskill departments sell the personal furnaces for burning ingots, they are still in the normal old toolshops.

  3. #3
    also, when you use a wiredrawing machine on a piece of gold, you get both the wire and a gold ingot back - but the gold ingot isn't usable

  4. #4

    Red face New trade skill items

    Well it's like the good ol days when you cant zone ebfore you complete an implant or its toasted.

    This time you have to zone in and out in between steps to make sure they work correctly.

    Anyway I wont be spending anymore IP on agility for jewel crafting. pointless at this stage since this is another unfinished project been pushed out.

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