A new Clan Whisper's Edge was formed last week by CAS Second in Command Vixentrox and a number of ex-CAS Advisors including myself.

Whisper's Edge intends to meld sword and mind into a Clan that uses devastating military force balanced with diplomacy and subversion.

OT will see us attack valid military and strategic industrial targets with impunity while at the same time befriending its employees and convincing them through that friendship and diplomacy to rally to the Clan cause. We will not so blindly judge 'friend' or 'foe' by faction flag alone.

Whisper's Edge views Neutrals as just that...neutral and respects their right not to choose sides or participate in this struggle. We will assist neutrals when asked and will never attack neutrals without provocation.

To learn more about Whisper's Edge please go to our gridsite at www.whispers-edge.com provided by WE General Katelyn "Cyani" Kerans-Shone.