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Thread: Triarii [OMNI]

  1. #1

    Triarii [OMNI]

    Historically, Triarii and Hastati were classes of infantry in the armies of the early Roman Republic. Triarii were the elite of the Roman infantry. The members of Triarii are veterans of Anarchy Online, experienced and knowledgeable. Hastati were younger and poorer. As such, Hastati is an organization designed for members of Triarii who want access to a farm city to improve their lot in life.

    To apply for our organization please contact Zeroenigma, Kruiger, Notnotnotnod, or post here.

    If you are already in an organization, but would like to meet new, active people we welcome you to join our guest chat. If you decide later you want full organization membership you can apply then.

    Only those applicants that we feel will benefit and benefit from our organization will be accepted. Regnum es praeter terra quod dolus es praeter nomen.

    Organization benefits
    It is more fun playing with others than playing by yourself.
    Focus on community and dedication to mutual advancement.
    Willingness to help new members, and inclusiveness in organization activities.
    Gameplay knowledge.
    Ability to do all raids (except S42) as an organization.
    Leveling and twinking equipment.
    Some tower sites.
    Triarii have an instanced city with full benefits.
    Hastati have a non-instanced city available for alien raid farming, and a conveniently located shop to sell your harvest.

    What we are looking for in applicants:
    Knowledge about the profession you are playing, and a general understanding of the game.
    A desire to learn and educate others.
    Active participation in organization events.
    The ability to think rationally and not cause intra-org conflict.

    Recommendations for application
    Level 190+ character. The majority of organization activity takes place at TL 6/7. Lower levels are welcome to apply; however, you will not see the full benefits of this organization until level 190+.
    Having ventrilo and a microphone. Org members and respected guests will have access to a private ventrilo server. This not only facilitates ease of play, it also helps create a feeling of community.
    Americas time zone. The majority of players are located within the United States.

    Organization Policies
    All organization members will need to actively participate in the org; we do not want shadow members.
    The organization voting councils are made of two blocs. The officer council (OC) includes the president and generals; the general council (GC) consists of the entire organization, including officer council members. Voting will be cast on our forums.
    Applicants will be made a guest member of the organization for a trial period. If the applicant still expresses interest in joining the organization after the trial period has ended, the OC will initiate a majority vote to determine whether the applicant is accepted.
    Generals are nominated from the current pool of squad commanders. The nomination must be seconded by a current member of the OC. The rank is confirmed by a majority vote of the GC.
    Generals can be demoted by a majority vote of the GC; this does not require seconding by an OC member.
    Generals will be given the responsibility of organizing and conducting raids, so long as there is demand from within the organization.
    All ranks below general are directly appointed.
    Need before greed. Loot rights will be determined by player needs and by player participation in organization events.

    For those who feel dissatisfied with their current organization, or feel the great weight of stagnancy, I encourage you to branch out and explore new places. Apply for our organization, and although you may not make your home here, some will, and it is certainly worth trying.
    Last edited by Zeroenigma; Aug 8th, 2010 at 20:00:32.

  2. #2
    bump for zero <3
    Deathmaster1 220/30/70 Dmsengi 220/28/70
    Dmstanker 220/30/70 Dmsdoc 220/25/70
    Anarchic1 126/15/35 Dmsfix 220/30/70
    Imakeyouoe 164/22/42 Imakeyouoe2 85/9/21

    BM of Dark Front - We are recruiting.

  3. #3
    Gravity tries to hit Anarchy Online Bulletin Board, but misses!

  4. #4

  5. #5
    Want to play AO and have fun at the same time? Ask me for guest chat invite!

  6. #6

  7. #7

  8. #8
    hump for j00
    Leave "Marinegent" AScar - 220/23/65 Atrox Agent
    Wakeup "Marinesold" Screaming - 220/30/70 Nanomage Soldier
    "Moonmarin" - 220/30/80 Solitus Martial Artist
    "Marinekeep" - 215/18/4x Atrox Keeper
    Quote Originally Posted by CuisinartBlade View Post
    to be fair, 2.8k ar is enough to perk anyone except fixers, mas, advs, shades, nt's that blinded you, shield mps, bow mps that landed dazzle, def docs, crats, or marinesold

    so all in all it's a fairly viable setup

  9. #9
    City moved to 3 Craters East.

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