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Thread: IRRK: Review of the Grim Gofle Reaper 3

  1. #1
    Independent Reporters of Rubi-Ka Editor: IRRK's Avatar

    IRRK: Review of the Grim Gofle Reaper 3

    Review of the Grim Gofle Reaper 3
    July 01, 29481 - [Global]

    IRRK - The long awaited third episode of The Grim Gofle Reaper is now in the holo-theatres. and our reporter took the time to write an extended review of it.

    The Grim Gofle Reaper III: The Prodding Has Just Begun. The subtitle gives the first hint that the third sequel is actually not a sequel, but a prequel. It explains to all the fans out there how the Grim Gofle Reaper came into existence, and what keeps his hatred fuelled.

    While the first two parts used a lot of shrouded flashbacks and dreams, the third part uses these as an essential way of telling the story. The flashbacks are finally getting clearer, and the audience finds out what the source of the Reaper's anger is, and what is hunting him in his dreams.

    The movie is overloaded with artistic film tricks, particularly cheap old school effects, wrong colours, flashbacks and dreams of the Reaper. These old school CGI effects from the last century are valuable, seen from an artistic viewpoint, but they are not pleasing to the modern eye.

    It is undebatable that the first film of the Reaper series is THE cult movie of the 29470s. The (for its time) incredible, unconventional storytelling and cuts made it an unrivalled blockbuster. Unfortunately, just like most sequels, the second was far from being as great as the first one -- though, being a good and solid piece of movie, it still appealed to fans of the genre.

    This third part is even worse than the second, though. Not even a fan of the genre will see much use in watching it. Die-hard fans of the Reaper story may still like it, as the story is interesting, fast paced and loaded with sharp curves. However, it requires a lot of knowledge about the Reaper series and the lore behind it.

    So, if you are a Reaper yourself, it's a must for you. Even for those that are only fans of the genre, it is still an option. But for everyone else...why did you even bother to read this review?

  2. #2
    Enough with the sequels already. Each summer it's the same story, Grim Gofle Reaper 3, Omni-Man 4, Rocky 35,612. Has Omniwood so run out of ideas it can only produce sequels?
    Dabblez - Rubi-Ka Universal Robots (RUR)
    We put the Art into Artificial Intelligence!

  3. #3
    GGR3 was not that bad, but they should replace that Shatner guy with someone else for GGR4.. it is getting little old. Same goes for Omni-Man 4.
    Engineer General Virta, Omni-Pol. Not in active service.

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  4. #4
    As far as I am concerned, Mr Shatner can appear in any film he likes, just so long as he does the role does not involve singing.
    Dabblez - Rubi-Ka Universal Robots (RUR)
    We put the Art into Artificial Intelligence!

  5. #5
    What about "Nigel's Amazing Rubi-Ka Vacation," where he played the showtune-belting villain? I saw that when I was a kid, and it was amazing... reets made me a little nervous for weeks afterward.
    "NOOOOooo! Not in the face!" -- official RUR battle cry

  6. #6
    Overall the acting was sub-par. If you can't stand to hire real actors than at least invest money in better artificial intelligence for your movies.
    Angel "Berael" Wolf - 220/22 Solitus Engineer RP Profile
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  7. #7
    This movie was the only movie I've seen in ten years, after a bad experience with a movie on Omni-Prime. Now, I will never see another movie again. Thank you GGR3.
    Dr. Lasal Gerrick, PhD Advanced Nanotechnology

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