Missions is not only the blitzing chests.. try blitz team missions for bosses!
At ql 60 missions you can blitz bosses for Grid Armor MK I.. drops more often than GA IV ofc..
Blitzing ql 200+ misses bring you some nice items also.. like NCU memories, advanced surgery clinics, OT Gunship ql 150-200 (loot right for 1b+ creds), xp rings etc..
ALWAYS set you mission as HIDDEN.. and rise B&E.. will give more nice items at chests.. and if you pull a team mission try get 6 ppl in team.. this will give more items to boss loot..
Another loot of bosses - Controller Recomplier Unit.. make a bag and sell for some high level AI farmers.. (not sure about prices.. didn't buying/selling for a long time)
And ofc there is more high priced nanos drops of em.. like Nullty Sphere or Art of peace..
Don't forget to have 4-5 backpacks empty.. loot random stuff drops around of mobs and bosses then sell this junk to shop terminals..
Another way to make money at any level is making Basic clothes.. every piece of that goes 1-2m and it's really easy quest :P
If you are Engi below lvl 110 and able to warp.. do warps to the Crypt of Home and get tips
Buffing other people with wrangles / mochams for Traders and MPs also works with some tips..
Also there is alot stuff to TradeSkill.. imps / armors / buff items works good..
You NT? go kite PW borgs and sell armor and rings..
You are fixer? and have GA IV, awesome.. farm mantis queen and sell eggs.. (much better if you sell completed eggs or all items for that)
P.S. if something were sad before then bump!