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Thread: New Prof's

  1. #1

    New Prof's

    Just me thinking, maybe FC should put some new Prof's in the game. i mean yea they are working hard on putting new armor's and weapons, but maybe a new prof? (Or maybe make the lvl cap go from 220-250( i know thts a crazy idea but yea, im bored, anarchy is down

    Like i said, im just thinking

    Leave me some feadback please
    Last edited by TheCezz; Jun 12th, 2007 at 14:20:13.

  2. #2

    Hmm that would be fun.. Like they did with SL with Keeper and Shade.. Maby they shuld just come with a new one now

    That would be fun.

    From Kehaan.

  3. #3
    AO does have a nice number of profs which can keep someone busy for a long time trying them all.

    However, a new prof would be great fun, and would bring some people who have left the game back so that they can try it.
    President of Bug Busters, Omni Tek - Rimor. Interested in joining?

  4. #4
    Carbonrich rock prof please.
    Server first !!! Neutral Solitus Male Soldier named Boltgun to wear a short with pink spots on RK1 !!!
    N E U T R A L I Z E R S

  5. #5
    I'd much rather have long time issues fixed instead of having new prof introduced into the game, I've been playing since game for some time now and I havent even rolled all of the profs, and no I dont mean getting a toon up to tl4 and considering it done.

    There is still a lot to do for every prof, no need for any more of them at the moment imo.
    AO's MOTD
    There does seem to be problems with the internet itself.

  6. #6
    Just look here for an excellent suggestion....

    FC, please implment this excellent profession immediatly!
    ALTS: Alienhunter, Moonglum, Quellist, Quellcrist, Jesharet

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Neista View Post
    Just look here for an excellent suggestion....

    FC, please implment this excellent profession immediatly!
    I was counting seconds until that link would show up.... rofl...
    Mekhdoc 220/27/70 Equip | Mekh 220/28/67 Equip | Shadesch 220/21/70 Equip
    Mekhkeeper 220/22/70 Equip | Roflmao 220/15/50 | Fixyaself 200/23/64 Equip

  8. #8
    Maybe a crossbreed between trox & alien?
    Ventor: lvl 220 PVP-Engi (RK-2)...
    Edenbeast: lvl 129 adv
    Linchpin: lvl 32 agent
    Innerspirit: lvl 136 doc
    Trifixion: lvl 1 trader (froob transfer acct)

  9. #9
    lol that notum minor thing made me lol a lot irl.

    Prouver que j'ai raison serait accorder que je puisse avoir tort.

  10. #10

    "The Borg"

    I do not want "The Borg" But a NM/SOLI/OPI/ATROX cross woth an alien huminod.

    Not sure on what it's skills/weapons/nanos/perks would be, but it would line up with the ai/le expansions.

    Just a thot.
    "Yeah when I walk as a shadow through the valley of death I will be feared as evil!"

  11. #11
    new prof that might be nice and its not the first time keeper shade .but if they were to add a new one this time. i would like to see a strong crossbreed of two classes .that is harder to level and level locked to give players more of a reason to make it to end game. now let me explain. i once played this game that had like four starting classes .i think 300 levels when you maxed one class to 300. you unlocked a hibrid class like fighter/wizerd and so on. it was nice to see these guys running around. everyone wanted lvl 300 just to get one. and they were not to over powered. due to the amount of ip that they had to use to be able to fight and cast. (just think enfor/mp doc/engi ma/tra nt/sol tra/fixer just playing but you get the idea the hibrid would use nanos and items from both classes.something to think about lol) no flams please its just a idea

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