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Thread: Blind: Another totally useless NT ability?

  1. #1

    Blind: Another totally useless NT ability?

    Ok.. has anyone actually found a use for this NF yet?

    I have NOT noticed any noticable decrease in getting hit vs blinded mobs. They still cream me.

    Players can just tab to hit you anyway, so blind really is useless there. One exception is vs MAs and enforcers. Blind them and they cant run up to you to mush you.

    And the time is pretty ridiculous too. 10-15 seconds of blind. Oooh wow. that's reallly going to help me out.

    So should I upgrade to higher level blindness NFs, or is there really no point?

    Snarf: Level 165 Atrox NT

    "At one time you were maybe a little useful Snarf. Now you're just being annoying." -- Hawkman

    "Well one guy said Atrox was the worst breed for the NT. The other guy said......'You tell that to Snarf....he'll kick your arse!' You are a NT Rockstar!" -- Hemicuda

    "Snarf, Snerf, Nerf. It's YOU that brought nerf to NT's you you!" -- Rhayden

    "Snarf cuts to the core of the problem like a chainsaw to a bunny rabbit." -- Deaddreamer

  2. #2

    Somewhat useful

    Only time I've used blinds is at the muties camp in 20k with an Enforcer pulling about 8-10 muties at a time. We tested this about 3 weeks ago, and it takes about 5 points off per hit.........WOW, a whole frickin 5 points. But it also decreases the chances of the MOB getting a crit on you. 5 points really isn't that much so it's not even worth the creds.
    Rotamus, 196 NT
    Littlebitt, 200 Doc
    Ranxacka, 153 Trader

    Proud general of Immortal Ascension

    America's Finest News Source

    Hollywood Stock Exchange

  3. #3

    Re: Blind: Another totally useless NT ability?

    Originally posted by Snarf

    One exception is vs MAs and enforcers. Blind them and they cant run up to you to mush you.

    A MA/Enforser can navigate with the map, so Blinds are totaly useless.

  4. #4
    Haaaa yeah.. I forgot about that.

    Ok, so it's totally useless then.

    *slaps Funcom, and throws Blindness into the trash along with range enhancers*

    Snarf: Level 165 Atrox NT

    "At one time you were maybe a little useful Snarf. Now you're just being annoying." -- Hawkman

    "Well one guy said Atrox was the worst breed for the NT. The other guy said......'You tell that to Snarf....he'll kick your arse!' You are a NT Rockstar!" -- Hemicuda

    "Snarf, Snerf, Nerf. It's YOU that brought nerf to NT's you you!" -- Rhayden

    "Snarf cuts to the core of the problem like a chainsaw to a bunny rabbit." -- Deaddreamer

  5. #5
    Originally posted by Snarf
    Haaaa yeah.. I forgot about that.

    Ok, so it's totally useless then.

    *slaps Funcom, and throws Blindness into the trash along with range enhancers*


    Far from useless. All of the evade skills on a Nano Tech are dark blue which make them hard to pump yet are completely essential. Depending on the mob damage and the Blind you use (yes, the high qlvl blinds do more then the low qlvl blinds) you will take a reduction in damage (more then 5 for the higher level mobs/blinds) and it will almost cancel crits.

    The crit part is the most important. Crit damage can triple normal damage and reducing those to almost nothing makes you last much longer.

  6. #6
    The reduction in crits from blind is after lvl 100 not really noticable and duration on best blind is only 24s

    you will not be able to use that untill about lvl 170 (assuming heavy bufs)

    and instead of wasting time casting that max your evades the decrease in dmg and crits from that is much more noticable

  7. #7

    Thumbs down Dodges and blind

    Believe it or not, blind can actually increase your change to dodge attacks. The problem is, that it takes a ton of evade skills to actually dodge any attacks from mobs your level. If you talk to MA's about dodges, most say that it takes max dodges, full dodge implants, and at least a neutral stance to reliably dodge attacks.

    You know what that means? It meens you have to have dodge skills as high as your matter creation if you want to dodge attacks from mobs your level or a bit higher!


    Fortunatly for us... we have Dark Movement and the Blind Nanos to help us out. DM gives +80, and blind gives you.... well whatever you can muster.

    Depending on how you have your IP alloted, you may not be able to give dodges a serious go until after 125. Once you hit 125 IP is abundant, and you should have the nano init to go in neutral stance(defensive if you can find a 6 slot belt).

    If you think about it.... dodges might be the saving grace of very high level NTs. I don't know exactally what the caps for dodge skills are at the highest titles, but if I assume 500....

    Base dodge : 500
    Agility bonus : +150
    Implant bonus : +180
    DM bonus : +80
    Blind Bonus : +244
    Total : 1154 + Possible defensive stance bonus.

    Here is another thought.... does anyone know for certain if the AMS debuff from blinds counts aginst weapons only, or also counts aginst hostile nanos? If it counts aginst nanos as well,it may be enough bonus to make nano resist more feasable.

  8. #8
    just another example of how useless bing a nt in pvp is.

    let see our skills other then slow dd

    calm: dosent work in pvp

    blind: worthless except against a newbie

    energized: stun does not work in pvp

    root: easily broke/resisted cnat cast next nuke faster then they
    break and attack back


    tank mage i fear not even close

    other classes have better "speacial nanos" then nt's do

  9. #9
    blind is not usless just pointless at this time. i am using cornea attack. it changes the targutes AMSmodifier to -118 dose any one know what tha ams modifier is? i konw i do.... it is there attack rating displayed in there stat window. blind directly lowers there attack rating..... it is equivlant to a 118 point debuff in all combat skill areas. worse than most traders... just shorter.. ... so if your fighting someone with a 500 attack rating you hit em with this nano there attack rating drops to less than 400.

    that is why you get less crits... becase there attack rating is low enough to make a diffrence vs your evades.

    with max evades and max evade implant and darkmovemnt you could have some fairly HIGH evades. probably around 500-600 at level 100. most fighting classes have a 600-700 attack rating at the same level.... se my point why lowering there attack rating could be so dammaging in pvp.... and in pvm.

    the highest level blinde lowers the targuts attack rating by 244...... OUCH.... if you where level 170 and you hti someone with this (there attack rating would probably be about 1000 at that time) you are serously hurting there ability to do damamge. by alot.

    summery: yes blind is powerfull but not curently. due to high over equiping it makes little diffrence in the long run how much you debuff there attack rating because there wepon still dose some kick ass dammage.


    also think of it this way.... if a blinded mob has lot less chance of hitting you with a crit.... at level 100 you blind a mort cyborg you don't have to worry much about taking 1000 dammage
    Last edited by Lozer; Dec 19th, 2001 at 03:12:20.
    Level 132 Nano-Techniction <---- Retired till NT fix
    Level 72. Engineer <---- why is my pet running the wrong way?
    Level 69. Agent <---- Retired sence Concealment Nerf.
    Level 58. Adventure <---- TONS of lost ip.
    Level 41. Meta.<--- Mp's are too uber.
    Level 30. Enforcer <---- press "Q" and watch tv.
    Level 29. Doc <---- Can't..... Find.... Group.....

    Quote of the week "When people complain equally about all of the classes, then the game is balanced."

  10. #10
    Another thing to think about is that while the NT's evades might not be enough to benifit form this nano, other party members will. Like a doctor is most effective when casting heals on a tank, an NT would be most effective (with this nano) casting it on a mob attacking your tank.

  11. #11
    Originally posted by Crin
    Another thing to think about is that while the NT's evades might not be enough to benifit form this nano, other party members will. Like a doctor is most effective when casting heals on a tank, an NT would be most effective (with this nano) casting it on a mob attacking your tank.
    This is one of the things that bothers me... we are wanted for our blind nanos and HEs... and of course for cannonfodder... we are not wanted for our dmg. We are reduced to a support class, no offense to support classes, but i chose this profession with dmg in mind, which is not what I do atm. I should greatly outdmg any profession, only because of my lack of defences.
    NT phone HOME!!

  12. #12
    Admitadly I havent read all the posts above, just started with all the negative as normal so I skipped over a lot. Sorry.

    Anyway I use mass Blinds when im out hunting all the time and should I get in combat singely in missions or whatever (if im not calming my way through) Ill hit a Blind. For me the Dmg reduction can be anything from 5% - 50% and to me that matters.

    I also tested this in PvP with a Soldier friend called Borel (doubt he will ever read this but you never know). He started hitting for Min Dmg on his normall shots and after some more testing his Bursts and FA's were also reduced a bit, not massively but a noteaceable (spelling? who knows..) amount. Its harder to tell with specials because of the potential dmg spread. We never noticed any significant change in the number of Crits...

    If you take a mate to an arena and test out the Blinds (try different ones i get higher reductions on the higher QL Blinds) you will find they work. Also take a note of dmg on Mob's when you use them. Judging things by two or three hits then saying the things are broken or a waste of time just doesnt cut it.

    Now I dare say I'll get flamed for this and thats fair enough. I have tested Blinds I know they work fine for me and I shall keep using them.

  13. #13

    Blinds Don't Do Anything For My NT ...

    Right now, Blinds don't help me at all, so the only ones I have are those I found or got from missions.

    But ... I had a thought about blinds.

    I wonder if blinds don't work for my 55 NT because he plays at full aggressive all the time.

    I wonder if Blinds would work better if I were using a neutral or defensive setting?

    Food for thought ???
    Omni nano NT, Male, Level 200
    Council of Testers

  14. #14
    They're really fun to bother people with in PvP areas. But since they can see your name in BRIGHT WHITE through the black, it's kinda kills off the effect.
    "By the way, if anyone here is in marketing or advertising: kill yourself." --Bill Hicks
    "Have we turned into gerbils? People are paying money to walk up invisible steps over and over again." --Dennis Leary

  15. #15
    Blinds vs PvM does work. I don't remember what it's called, but my current one reduces offensive skills by -105. I tested it throughout a mission with greens last night and they hit from anywhere between 90-150 or so per pop. Blinded they hit for 90 every single time. Aka minimum damage.

    So they do work. The effect obviously subsides the higher level a mob you fight. Casting blinds on a bloodred wouldn't be much point except if you had a tank taking the damage.

    In PvP the only time blinds are useful, imo, is during massive encounters. Mass blinding 15 opponents causes some confusion even if they can just keep on hitting tab.

  16. #16
    Personally, blind helps a bit. This is what I noticed:

    Blind in PvM lowers damage, lowers their attack rating, and kills criticals (that is if you have high or maxed evade skills) This is what I use:

    Pronounce Blindness
    Desc Temporarily blinds the target. While blinded, the target has a much lower chance of hitting when attacking.
    QL/NCU Cost 37
    NanoCost 159
    Range 25m
    Time 17s
    Attack Delay 1.1s
    Recharge Delay 1.26s
    DefSkills NanoAC 95
    AtkSkills PsychologicalModification 50
    AtkSkills SenseImprovement 50
    To Use SenseImprovement 556
    To Use PsychologicalModification 556
    To Use VisualProfession Nano-Technician
    Default ChangeLight On Target
    Default Set AMSModifier to -139 On Target

    The only thing I am not sure of is mass blind. In PvP it doesn't work.

  17. #17
    Once again, I spam Snarf's thread

    I totally disagree with you here. I use both mass cornea and pronounce blindness when I'm hunting, especially without a doc. By casting these nanos I see a huge reduction in number of crits, while also average damage drops quite a bit.

    When it comes to PvP, it's true that they can just tab you (at least now that they nerfed our range), but I've also casted Pronounce on a level 130ish enforcer which tried to zone out of area, and couldn't even find the whompa, so I killed him when he stood with his face in a wall.

    It comes in handy, just need to know the time and place for it.

    Rk1 :: Abasin :: lvl 72 clan nt
    Rk2 :: Illuvatar :: lvl 154 omni nt

  18. #18
    Originally posted by besheba
    just another example of how useless bing a nt in pvp is.

    let see our skills other then slow dd

    calm: dosent work in pvp

    blind: worthless except against a newbie

    energized: stun does not work in pvp

    root: easily broke/resisted cnat cast next nuke faster then they
    break and attack back


    tank mage i fear not even close

    other classes have better "speacial nanos" then nt's do
    Just for the record, I have never seen any of my nanos resisted in PvP.

    To be honest, I feel pretty powerful compared to other classes when it comes to PvP. The only problem is that I currently no longer outrange people, which occasionally gets me killed. Other than that, I believe few classes can kill me 1 on 1, or in a PvP war for that matter.

    Rk1 :: Abasin :: lvl 72 clan nt
    Rk2 :: Illuvatar :: lvl 154 omni nt

  19. #19
    Originally posted by Illuvatar

    Just for the record, I have never seen any of my nanos resisted in PvP.

    I think the only time I got resisted in PvP is when I was in DAV and Mr. Snarf tried to play wreck the party. I think I was trying to cast Ball and Chain (if memory serves me correctly). That is the only time I've been countered in PvP.

    Also, if someone blinds you in PvP to try and get away from you...


    Just a little tip.

  20. #20
    So, you will outdamage EVERYONE in a team? Well. Then you should tank as well
    BTW, read a post from Snarf. He sayed what main problem for NT at higher lvls not dmg dealing, but dmg taking ... If you hit some mob for good dmg, that mob turns to you, and you are dead meat then.
    And i nether heard from an NT what he cant find a team to group . NT dmg dealing a pretty good as is, and if and MP happens to be in a group, then NT make as much dmg as 3 other member. Most NT in group then cast they nukes every over time - or they deal too much dmg.

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