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Thread: lower lvl soul frags

  1. #1

    lower lvl soul frags

    Is there any use for lower lvl soul fragments, I have one QL141 and one QL50 or so?

  2. #2


    Main purpose below ql190 is selling.

    You can do it directly or cut it and/or add it to a filigree ring. It is dealt with like a standard gem.

    So long,

    100% curious

  3. #3

    sell to shop?

    Should I sell these to a shop or is there anyone out there who would like to buy them?

  4. #4

    Post Shop

    Sorry to say so, but below ql 190 the only ones you can sell them to are the shop terminals (NPCs). Maybe an engineer or other ring making profession might want to buy it, but chances are rather low.

    Best price you will get at an (omni) trader shop, so in case you know a (omni) trader you can trust fill a bag with the stuff you want to sell and let him/her do the job and get the money for it.

    So long,

    100% curious

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