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Thread: Grid Armor needs to be No Drop

  1. #41
    What is with the smart ass remarks and the personal attack on me?

    I am just trying to find a way for a player who does not have some level 150+ main afford the stuff. I am not whining or crying. I have GA, I found it with my very cool guild. No reason to attack me.

    Makng it no Drop Would only keep it out of the hands of twinks 95% of the time anyhow. No level 70 player can afford to spend 50million credits on anything, so they would not have it anyhow. DOnt make it no drop, I dont care, just think of a better way to be fair about it.

  2. #42
    A quest would be very good,a looooong haaaard quest that would take about a week or more to finish!


    Sell it in shops for 20 mill for MKI,MKII 40 mill,MKIII 60 mill and MKIV 100 mill,something like that! Make it impossible to buy it before a certain lvl,that way no lvl 20 twinks will run around in GA.

    This would also help to remove a large amount of the credits.

  3. #43
    please read this Reev, and no it's not an attack, it's a fact you are missing.

    A) GA as it drops now is an instruction disk, which needs tradeskills to be made into a nano. tradeskills no fixer under 150 has the time to blow IP on. That means GA MK1-2, maybe 3, are all but useless in that vein. Since it's nodrop, I can't give it to a tradeskiller to make..therefore it's a waste.

    B)OK let's make it drop in crystal's how it would go

    Stupidnonfixer_01 kills a mob
    Stupidnonfixer_01 finds the mobs has Nano formula: (Summon Grid Armor Mk whatever)
    Stupidnonfixer_01 looks around. Sees no Fixers
    Stupidnonfixer_01 checks his buddy lists. Nope, noone one.
    Time's running out on that loot!
    Stupidnonfixer_01 shrugs, picks up the useless crystal, deletes it.
    Somewhere in space and time, Kasimir breaks out in hives.

    You laugh, but this is precisely what would happen.

    Now, that being said..Reev I applaud you. Go read through my non-spam posts (there are many you just have to look). I'm one of the big whiners about the inflated cost of GA and some other items, Nullity for example. Just..your suggestion isn't the right way. the right way, prolly, is implement a quest for fixers. and make a few changes..what I'd like to see?

    do a long, involved, and not necessarily easy quest, with the result: an item that summons your GA once, and only once..the GA then becomes an levelable item that stays with you, but the reqs increase with level. That's not impossible, basically the way leveling items work now is they create 200 copies of the item, one for each QL, with different stats for them when they should raise.

    lets say
    level from 60
    profession: fixer
    wear reqs for the starting item same as GA mkI now

    So, every level you level the thing by right-clicking on it..and ever, say five levels or so, the stats up just a little, as do the reqs, gradually moving it to the reqs and stats for MKII at level 90. the same continues, MKIII at 120..MKIV at 150.

    this is difficult but not impossible..and this would save from having fixers have to hunt four times for their class-defining item, as well as solve the economic issue.

    This all, however, is a total pipe dream, and FC will never see it happen. CZ if you are lsitening, I do ask that you submit it though..hehe I gotta try
    Last edited by Kasimir; Sep 8th, 2002 at 00:19:01.
    General Hershel "Kasimir" Jurik

    President of Division 9 R.S.G.E


    Braumiester of the Pagan Bartenders, wielder of dual SSo8s

    Stealer of hearts, creds, and anything not nailed down!

  4. #44
    Originally posted by Menlas

    And about running "appropriate ql missions", i doubt you did it yourself (or you are lucky ) because you can run 50 (or more) of them without finding the disc.
    I didn't, but I would have if it I played a fixer as my main, and It meant being uber..

  5. #45

    Thumbs up

    Yalm paint job: 25m

    I'm in for that.
    mercatura -ae f. [trade, traffic; merchandise]

    Moved off-world and found real tradeskills...along with many other things

  6. #46
    Originally posted by Whaambulance
    That is exactally right.

    As it is now Yalms and high end superior nanos are the only things in shops draining money from the inflated economy. Funcom NEEDS to add in some more high-end purchases to shops where credits are spent and removed from this bloated thing we like to call AO's monetary system. Until then, all the exploited credits will have nowhere to run off.

    And players without exploited money will be unable to buy this kind of stuff... so the exploiters win in the end anyway.

  7. #47
    Kasimir, we are pretty much on the same sheet of music. I know that GA only drops in disc form so making that no-drop would be stupid.

    However your story is missing a key part. This is how the story really goes. If UberTwink was a nice person. If he is not just skip step 2.

    1. UberTwink Kills Boss Mob, Mob drops GA Crystal
    2. UberTwinks checks his friend and buddy list to see if he has any Fixer friends who can use it. Cant find any.
    3. UberTwink either keeps it himself to starts a new UberTwinkFixer, or sells it for so much money no Fixer without a 150+ main could afford it anyhow.

    Making it no drop is only going to keep it out of the hands of Twinks. Either way the level 70 Fixer is not going to get the GA. I see the argument that making it no-drop is going to make it 50 times more rare. 50x more rare for who? The Twinks? The low level fixer is not going to get his hands on it 99% of the time anyhow.

    I do like your solution though Kasimir, I am opend minded and only suggested it to be no-drop becuse that probbaly the only thing FC has the ability to do.

    It makes me mad to see a player named "Smurfette" walking around in GA. The person has clearly purchased the GA with his or her very rich high level main. No matter how you look at it, the way it stands now the player with a Fixer as his main cant afford the GA that is made for the level he is at, until he gets really high and getting 100 millions creds is not so hard and they can buy the GA4 but they would have had to go without up to that point.

  8. #48
    Originally posted by Kasimir
    do a long, involved, and not necessarily easy quest, with the result: an item that summons your GA once, and only once..the GA then becomes an levelable item that stays with you, but the reqs increase with level. That's not impossible, basically the way leveling items work now is they create 200 copies of the item, one for each QL, with different stats for them when they should raise.

    lets say
    level from 60
    profession: fixer
    wear reqs for the starting item same as GA mkI now

    So, every level you level the thing by right-clicking on it..and ever, say five levels or so, the stats up just a little, as do the reqs, gradually moving it to the reqs and stats for MKII at level 90. the same continues, MKIII at 120..MKIV at 150.

    this is difficult but not impossible..and this would save from having fixers have to hunt four times for their class-defining item, as well as solve the economic issue.

    This all, however, is a total pipe dream, and FC will never see it happen. CZ if you are lsitening, I do ask that you submit it though..hehe I gotta try
    I love this idea. Every class should have a quest like this. Maybe not every class should get items as powerful as GA, though.

  9. #49
    Originally posted by Reevja
    No matter how you look at it, the way it stands now the player with a Fixer as his main cant afford the GA that is made for the level he is at, until he gets really high and getting 100 millions creds is not so hard and they can buy the GA4 but they would have had to go without up to that point.
    Not true.

    Not everyone is a bastard. I got mine (Mk2) for a fair price. I pitched in with a group of friends to buy another Mk2 for a friend of ours, because he deserved it. He'd gone around never expecting to see it, but he got his. I've seen people give away the disc to fixers simply because they knew the fixer had no chance at buying it.

    It happens more often under the current system than if it was simply turned into a no-drop crystal rather than a disc.

    Now, if it were a no-drop quest item, that'd be different, but I don't see that happening.
    Gunned down the young. Now old, crotchety, and back.

  10. #50
    Originally posted by Hoops

    Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha ha...


    *takes a breather*

    Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha ha...

    Would you mind telling me why I die OFTEN when I try to PvP? No, let me tell you. Special attacks ALWAYS hit Grid Armor users. I've been killed by MPs (yeah, laugh...), NTs, and Agents... all 'gimps' at PvP, and I'm an 'uber' fixer in Grid Armor. I will concede that I'm inexperienced, but you've got to be kidding me. Maybe it isn't as Uber in PvP as it is in PvM... So, two words for you: Bull Crap!

    It's not as uber as it's made out to be.

    COUUUUUUUGH. Homie please, I aint be no gimp (mp here). Metas can get pretty ugly in pvp vs any other caster or soldier or fixer or adventurer or agent or most enforcers. Dude, what's left? We fear MA's and traders. That's like two classes.

    Im kinda mixed on the grid armor rarity thing. It SHOULD be a part of a quest. make it a nasty hard quest. Same with nullity. Imagine if all our best nanos were uber rare drops? Why do this to only two classes?

    As for the prices of inflation, back when fixers were unwanted gimps and deacon was a rich man, i was willing to give it away for free. But as time goes on, I became a poor, bitter, greedy and undersexed man, much like my real life persona. funny how art imitates life.

    And hell, with the uber HOT and NCU buffs, fixers get teams pretty well these days (having flashbacks of screaming 173 MP LFG! OMG please, LFG) so you damn well better believe that im raking you blue smurf f***ers over the coals if I ever find GA.

    100 million richer and all the hoes of rubi ka will be on my tip. Big pimpin', spendin G's (wishes zylina would return).

    The only other option to get my GA involves lots and lots of vaseline, a low cut red dress and a bad taste in your mouth (and no, that's not the vaseline you'll be tasting).

    But I still agree with the points and support making GA and NS more common. But until that happens, expect to take it up the rear with the price im gonna charge you, should I ever find it....
    Nanomage: The OTHER other white meat

  11. #51
    Originally posted by Reevja
    Kasimir, we are pretty much on the same sheet of music. I know that GA only drops in disc form so making that no-drop would be stupid.

    However your story is missing a key part. This is how the story really goes. If UberTwink was a nice person. If he is not just skip step 2.

    1. UberTwink Kills Boss Mob, Mob drops GA Crystal
    2. UberTwinks checks his friend and buddy list to see if he has any Fixer friends who can use it. Cant find any.
    3. UberTwink either keeps it himself to starts a new UberTwinkFixer, or sells it for so much money no Fixer without a 150+ main could afford it anyhow.
    Lemme shorten that up for ya:

    1. Bitter MP ninjaloots boss and finds GA disc
    2. Bitter MP remembers how the last fixer he fought raised nano resist to 900 and he couldnt get off 80% of his debuffs
    3. Bitter MP is seen the next day in a leet fur coat and gold chains with a sexy nanowoman on a leash, licking the bottoms of his feet as he walks the dusty ground
    Nanomage: The OTHER other white meat

  12. #52
    /me falls over laughing at pimp daddy MP

    no how it goes right now?

    Ubercrat (you know who you are) sits in claw camp for months straight killing everything and keeping everyone else out
    Ubercrat is lcuky, 2 GA and a nullity drop over that time
    Ubercrat buys an armful of Tara loot
    Ubercrat sucks
    General Hershel "Kasimir" Jurik

    President of Division 9 R.S.G.E


    Braumiester of the Pagan Bartenders, wielder of dual SSo8s

    Stealer of hearts, creds, and anything not nailed down!

  13. #53
    This thread went down the drain.

    Problem 1: GA is to expencive for the average fixer.
    Problem 2: The GA is WAY to expencive even for a rich fixer.

    Problem 1 is nothing to do with unless make GA more common. If you have 1000 fixers and 50 GA then the 50 richest fixer will get the GA (Not entirely true, but...)

    Problem 2 is litle more complicated. Due to that noone ovel lvl 100 buys something in the shop the money in the game accumulate. Things get more expencive and those who have played almost none is getting a hard time.

    When a player then is not distrubuting the money by buying 6x QL 200 NCU for 1 mill per peace or buying QL 200 implants for 3 mill (full sett) he will get a lot of money and finaly can afford the GA to 100 mill. So to keep the marked from reacing skyhi we need something to spend the money on. I liked the color of the yalm. 10 mill for a yellow one, 15 for a green 25 for a blue and 50 for a black. One time buy, if you like to change color you have to purcase a newone.

    It would at least have striped me for some money and then others would have followed up becouse they could not be wors than me.
    Once a gimp, always a gimp

  14. #54
    Originally posted by Mercatura
    Yalm paint job: 25m

    I'm in for that.
    Rk1- Sol Epsilon3

    -Gameover Man
    -Summoned, I come. I take the place which has been Prepared for me. I am grey, I stand between the candle and the star. We are grey, we stand between the darknes, and the light.

  15. #55
    Originally posted by Mharc
    Not that it will make much difference...

    But I hereby promise that if, at any time during my stay at Rubi-Ka, I should happen to find a GA, nullity etc. instruction disc, that I can't use myself, I will give it away for free to someone who can use it and needs it. Maybe if more people would do this, and not let themselves be led by greed, we can get this economy back to normal (I'm allowed to dream, right )
    Lvl 215 Rubika 1 Omni Bureaucrat

    Lvl 176 Rubika 1 Omni Soldier
    Lvl 100ish Rubika 1 Omni Doctor
    Anarchist of TEEN GIRL SQUAD!

    <BombScare> i beat the internet
    <BombScare> the end guy is hard

  16. #56
    This game needs a brutally progressive income tax.


  17. #57
    of course...Fc could just have some crafty Fixer hack everyones Financial accounts and delete all the credits...sort of a Virus that destroys the economy.

    Its the sort fo thing us "Clan Terrorists" would do :P

  18. #58

    Re: Grid Armor needs to be No Drop

    Originally posted by Reevja
    GA needs to be for people who play fixers not just people with high level rich mains.
    I can agree a little with your point about GA needs to be nodrop, but it would cause massive problems for those fixers who simply does not have the time to search for it and maybe will never find one.
    Also, the reason the prices are insanely high atm., is because fixers have been given a tweak and to the "high level" player base it's a new way of having fun in this game (lack of content ever crossed your mind?). Fixers are the flavour of the recent love patch. Once all the rich high end players have bought what they need, prices will drop again I could imagine (slowly but still). I would also believe the recent credit exploit had some effect on GA prices all in all.

    I too play a fixer and have bought her grid armor to make her more fun. I have the money to do so, and I did because she brings new values to the game to me. I have as much right to aquire GA as any other fixer imo..

    My main is and will always be the character I enjoy to play the most. Atm. it is my fixer. And yes, being the pioneer of Carbonum Armor crafting made me quite a lot of money and I intend to spend them at things that make the game fun to me and my friends.

    Originally posted by RealGunslinger
    So to keep the marked from reacing skyhi we need something to spend the money on. I liked the color of the yalm.
    I hardly ever use my yalm. I use the grid and the whompah systems to move around. Broken Shores is the place for missions and nowhere else. I would never use my cash on something as silly as coloring a plane I never use. Even if I did use it a lot it'd mean nothing to me
    Novice Jica - Nobel Prize Engineer
    Clan Apocalypse - The Guild for Models

    Jica's Tradeskills & Tower Shop

    "What is the definition of an engineer?"
    "Someone who solves a problem you didn't know you had, in a way you don't understand."

  19. #59
    No, perhaps not you, but other would just to look cool. I got 70 mill. I got no ide what to use it on. I get 1 mill per mission in loot and a mission takes me 4 hours. So unless I have some drain I am one of those who will push the prices up. If not the gridd armor, then on other things.
    Once a gimp, always a gimp

  20. #60
    Youn know a lvl 60 Fixer who can make a cristal out of a QL 60 disk ?

    do i need to say more ?

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