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Thread: Some sort of record?

  1. #1

    Some sort of record?

    Yesterday I pulled a QL42 mission, for a bit of quick XP (I was lvl 48). I got the mission in Mort, a short hop from Newland Desert where the mission was located.

    Ran to the mission building, buffed, went inside, trimmed the bot - seven rooms in the entire place! Only two mobs, and they were green...

    Pulled a team mission today with a lower level guildmate, again QL42. Three hours and three levels in, fighting nothing but wardroids and enforcer mobs, I gave it up as a bad job. How on earth can two missions of the same QL be so different?

    Oh well, variety is the ****e of life, they say.



  2. #2
    The record for smallest mission is 5 rooms including entrance 0 mobs.

    i've had a few of those over my playing days.
    engie + ghetto crowd control + no healing + lowest hp + worst evades + bot who is never around. = worst prof in game

    Bump for engie fix

  3. #3
    3 rooms 0 mobs in Southern Clon****

    Those snake missions are really really short

    As for the longest the PM ones take forever. I've had several 4-5+ hour team ones in there. Its good if you have a good team, bad with a bad team.

  4. #4
    I had an excellent team in PM today - 1 mission, took about 1.5 hours to finish it

    Shortest one I ever had solo: 3 rooms, 1 mob. Oh, and a rollerrat in a chest.

    Longest solo mission: Uncountable number of rooms with 2 mobs per room. Took 4 hours and one extra "****, out of medpacks" supply run.

  5. #5
    Shortest mission ive ever had was 2 rooms, 1 mob. It was a loong time ago, in tir. Looked like a subway mission, BUT there was a huge worm in it, so the missionactually took place within the worm. I looved theese missions since they were always 2 - 4 rooms with 1 or 2 mobs. Great for blitzing. BUT I havent seen any in game for ages so I susspect that FC have taken them out.

  6. #6


    Entrance, long hall leading to one room and one npc. Holes in the Wall. Waaaaaaaaaaay back in the day! The mission looked like an intestine or some type of internal body part.
    Misty "Crimeareeva" Meanor
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  7. #7
    Smallest mission I've done.

    1 room, no mob. Mission item in the middle of the snake belly.

    Irritating,... coz no token (I was token farming then). Irritating for those doing full xp reward mission as well.

  8. #8
    Between 4 and 6 hours. Gained 6 levels. about 5 mobs to a %.

    And those worm missions still go you just need to get the right map (Agean for example).
    Proud member of Circle G.
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  9. #9
    Smallest 3 room 0 mobs

    Largest, no idea how many rooms , but got like 13-14mill xp, was Avalon cyborg billet
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  10. #10

    And for me...

    Smallest in Clon****: five rooms, one mob, about three minutes.

    Longest in Omni-1 Entertainment: five floors, LOTS of mobs, took about 4 hours. It was a good team, so it was bearable. That was just before they put in the %, so we had absolutely no idea what we were in for - it just seemed to go on and on and on. Another floor, and another, and another...
    Crazynotion - Atrox Bureaucrat, RK1

    Formerly posted as Mechanita

  11. #11


    Brown cave missions in Hope tend to be monsters (2 mobs per 1% for the team ones). Grey caves in southern Clon**** are generally pretty small, 3-7 rooms is not uncommon.

    Not seen the snake missions for a while, but they were also very small.

    I'd still like to see somesort of control on mission size, even just S/M/L, with size affecting quality of reward (so small missions would produce a lesser reward than normal, and large missions, a better quality reward).

  12. #12
    Smallest - Clon****, 3 rooms, 1 mob; item in the first one. 2 seconds blitzing

    And I got one of those 'snake missions' in Clon**** (not far from 4R Fixer grid exit) this very Saturday... looked like one of the abandoned subways at first, and then all of a sudden I was in the worm... pretty surprising
    Jen Markarian - Put the weirdness back in Omni-Mining
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  13. #13
    Originally posted by Halestorm
    Shortest mission ive ever had was 2 rooms, 1 mob. It was a loong time ago, in tir. Looked like a subway mission, BUT there was a huge worm in it, so the missionactually took place within the worm. I looved theese missions since they were always 2 - 4 rooms with 1 or 2 mobs. Great for blitzing. BUT I havent seen any in game for ages so I susspect that FC have taken them out.
    yo man your right i remember back in the newb days i did a mission like that in tir as well. Had one room other then the main room and it had a long snake in it which was a ***** to get the pet to path to(engie here)
    engie + ghetto crowd control + no healing + lowest hp + worst evades + bot who is never around. = worst prof in game

    Bump for engie fix

  14. #14
    Last thing last night I pulled another Newland mission, again from the solo terminal in Mort. This one was bigger - eleven rooms in all - but was completely deserted. Walk in, stroll about a bit, pick up the ?-box, hello cr12,000.

    I like these missions



  15. #15
    I hate to break it to ya'all, but:

    Smallest: 0 rooms, 0 mobs, 1 chest - no other room than entrance, mission impossible :/

    Took a team to this one, we were all like: wtf??! LoL
    Bret 'Bothead' Bannister
    Member of Rising Phoenix

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