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Thread: Troxdoc w/3 Intelligent Symbs

  1. #1

    Troxdoc w/3 Intelligent Symbs

    I'm posting this as a guide for twinking Atrox Doctors. This is a pretty harsh combination to max symbs on because base stat for Sense is the lowest of all abilities even after the LE research. However, it is possible to do QL300 (Intelligent) symbs in -some- places on a troxdoc (I'm posting this -after- getting my symbs in ... what I got in is here: ). I'm willing to bet that I'm the first on any dimension to do it unless some lucky SOB got them in back when the Power of the Mind was bugged or someone else was farther along on their reset / gear since LE was launched than I was. Mostly because I went into LE already almost fully perk reset and already had 95% of the twinking gear I needed. The calculations I did before LE had the 290 R.Arm as the best symb we could do back then.

    Below are listed a bunch of notes. The idea behind this post is to get a concise shopping list for others done. Apologies if the formatting gets insane, I'll clean it up some, but I used tab-spacing in my text file.

    I used a lot of exotic gear including 4 x QL250 Tower contracts, Burden of Competence, Mystery of Pisces, and around 42 perk resets. There is squish room in some of the spots for alternate gear, and I don't have -completely- maxed gear, for instance I used a 260 Ring of Computing and a 260 Bracer of Focused Concentration.

    I'm a MA doc, so Mystery made sense for me, and I was able to get it on with only 851 base Dimach. Things like Gemini's Linked Band and Aim of Libra required me to IP Sense Imp a bit but not much (only around 800 SI base with symbs in, no CM). So you -can- get most of said exotic gear on without massive IP waste. And more importantly this post will let people build a shopping list that will prevent them from over-camping Pande like I did awhile back.

    PS. didn't have the Ring of Plausibility nor Penultimate Ofab Doctor Gloves when I was setting up the equipment configs. So if you see things missing, its probably those.

    >> Doctorhyde's 220/25 Twinking Plans, Atrox Doctor, Rimor, Symbs Completed 20070131 <<

    ... my Final symbs:
    260 brain (would be able to do 270 ... if it dropped)
    300 eye
    240 ear (doesn't drop from 250-290 or I could do up to 280)
    300 r.arm
    290 chest
    270 l.arm (will only -keep- IF I can get enough selfed brawling for BoBs)
    280 waist
    300 r.hand
    250 leg (also doesn't drop 260-290 or could do 280)
    290 feet
    (L.Hand, Wrists will be implants)

    ... Perk Reset Hell Summary:
    Enhance DNA 10
    Genius 3
    Freak Strength 3
    Atrox Primary 10
    Atrox Secondary 10
    First Aid 4
    AI Expertise 3
    Combat Knowledge 2
    All LE +ability research done except Rehabilitation 9

    ... Support Symb requirements (only listing over QL250, we can easily self 240-)
    QL250 - Excited 	1063 abilities, 1724 treatment ... All locations very easily
    QL260 - Vital		1106 abilities, 1797 treatment ... All locations pretty easily
    QL270 - Cognizant	1149 abilities, 1870 treatment ... All locations with work
    QL280 - Alert		1191 abilities, 1942 treatment ... Yes, waist (ear/thigh if they dropped)
    QL290 - Conscious	1233 abilities, 2015 treatment ... Yes for STA/STR locations
    QL300 - Intelligent	1276 abilities, 2088 treatment ... Yes for STA/STR locations

    ... Support Symb summaries (all use AGI+SEN+1 other req)
    Symb:	Reqs:	Buffs:			QLs:
    Brain	Int	Int, Psy, Sen, Treat	230, >250<, 260, 280, 300
    Occular	Str 	Int, Treat		210, 250, >260<, 300
    Ear	Int	Int, Psy		>240<, 300
    R.Arm	Str	Str			240, 260, 270, >290<, 300
    Chest	Sta	Sta, Sen, Psy		240, 250, 260, >270<, 290, 300
    L.Arm	Psy	Str			240, 260, >270<, 290, 300
    R.Wrist	Psy				230, >260<, 300
    Waist	Str	Agi, Sta		>220<, 280, 300
    L.Wrist	Int				220, >270<, 300
    R.Hand	Str 	Treat			230, 260, >270<, 300
    Thigh	Int	Agi, Sta		240, >250<, 290, 300
    L.Hand	Psy				>220<, 300
    Feet	Sta 	Agi			240, 270, >280<, 290, 300
    NOTE: Symb QLs listed above with >< brackets are the max QLs I calced possible -before- LE research. Its quite a jump for some slots.

    ... Implants for ability Twinking:
    QL300 Head: Int/Sen (Agility req)
    QL300 Waist: ColdAC/Sen/Agi (Stamina req)
    QL297 Leg: MeleeAC/Agi/Sta (Stamina req)
    QL296 Chest: Sen/Str (Agility req)

    ... Tower contracts, UA = Universal Advantage ... not all can be active at once (QL1000ish max for my org, this allowed me 4 250ish contracts at a time ... and it was necessary for a couple of steps ... yes, this is a big gating factor for alot of people)
    a UA - Concentration QL247
    b UA - Harmony QL236
    c UA - Logic QL243
    d UA - Muscular Elasticity QL240
    e UA - Muscular Compactness QL250
    f UA - Medical QL125
    Total QL allowed = 1010
    Logic - Int (19 @ QL243)R
    Muscular Elasticity - Agi (19 @ QL240)
    Harmony - Psy (20 @ QL236)
    Concentration - Sen (21 @ QL247)
    Medical Expertise - Treat (31 @ QL243)
    Heart Pump Boost - Sta
    Muscular Compactness - Str

    ... Buffs (not all needed every step):
    QL300 org city advantages
    Comp Attrib/Nano
    SFA + Treatment Expert
    Extruder bar
    Implant machine
    LE abilities (ALL ability lines researched ... well, I didn't get the final +20 Psychic done before this, wasn't needed)

    ... Steps
    PREP: Excited (250) brain (optional, most below is possible with 220) and Vital (260) eye, pande items (Mystery, Aim, Gemini band), temp implants

    1) QL300 R.Arm:
    UAs: a, f, d, e
    +QL300 Penultimate Ofab Doctor Gloves

    2) QL300 R.Hand:

    3) QL300 Eye:

    4) QL290 Chest:
    -Brain symb
    +Head implant Int/Sen

    5) QL290 Feet:
    -Kirch arm * 2
    +armplates * 2
    +Kirch/Sekutek body
    -fly catchers
    +Sekutek helmet
    -Sentinel legs
    +Sekutek/Kirch legs

    NOTE: I stopped building simulated configs in Auno at this point, made notes to the best of my memory below for the delta on each config.

    6) QL260 brain
    -UA e
    +UA c
    -Penultimate Ofab Doctor Gloves
    +Mediative Gloves of the Aquarius
    -all Kirch
    +VTE * 2
    +Experimental Cyborg Board
    -Rings of Divine Teardrops
    +QL260 Ring of Computing
    +Ring of Plausibility
    -Bracer of Killing Intent
    +QL260 Bracer of Focused Concentration
    -TNH belt
    +Hadrulf's belt
    NOTE: This is actually a bit overkill, but I had 2 hours to wait for contract swaps

    7) QL240 ear (nothing changed)

    8) QL250 thigh (nothing changed)

    9) QL270 l.arm
    -cyborg board
    -bracer of focused concentration
    +first creation of the sagit
    -sekutek sleeves * 2
    +Servants of Eight sleeves
    -Kirch/Sekutek body
    +Shapeshifter Vest
    -Sekutek Pants
    +Kirch Pants

    10) QL280 waist (do last because it buffs SEN)
    -Mediative Gloves
    +Penultimate Ofab Doc Gloves
    -ring of computing
    -ring of plausibility
    +QL290+ Ring of Divine Teardrops * 2
    -First Creation
    +Bracer of Killing Intent
    +Personal Robot Brain
    -any Sekutek (for Kirch in all spots but head/chest)
    -Hadrulf belt
    +Maars Yellow Belt

    ... Final configuration (haven't built the wrists or left hand yet, they'll be implants):
    Last edited by Doctorhyde; Feb 1st, 2007 at 09:40:18.
    Theonara: "...but if I weren't married, some days I'd offer to kiss you. You just make too much sense. "
    Maeventura: "Sigh, once again I can but only bow for hyde's wisdom."

    ...."Social" keys, lightbars, wen-wens......Better tabbing!

    ... First Troxdoc with QL300 symbs (AO 17.0 pre-Albtraum guide) ... as well as first with 12 of 13 Alpha symbs.
    ... First TL1 Clanner with Omni-Armed Forces armor (pics) (pointless yet hawt)

    <original UI hacker ... when not actively playing AO ... email = 'hyde [at] athenpaladins • org'>

  2. #2
    Exceptional guide.

    I've decided to wait for the 2 hour perk reset thingy before I review my symbs again (let's face it, my symbs set up is pretty lazy) and this will help no end.

    I can't achieve the QL's you have due to no org contracts and lack of several of the zods items (oh, and a year away from my Burden still) but it's still a fantastic look at what is really possible on trox.

    If I was wearing a hat, I'd take it off to you.
    Grumpy "Siorai" Oldgit - 220.25 Clan Atrox Doctor - Screenshot - Equip (old)

    First trox doc on RK1 using Blades of Boltar.

    My Spirit Shroud Hell - Over 1400 kills with no drop.

  3. #3

  4. #4
    Grats to doch,
    I'm sure all those symbs will allow selfing of the thongs!

  5. #5
    added to the stickies
    Kacey "Regidoc" Stych
    Former President of Valor Eternal and joined it's ranks again!
    {doc setup} {enforcer setup}
    {doc perks} {enforcer perks}
    Alts:Chiana "Infinitenull" Natsume, Rien "Daeminess" Shaina, Little "Miissy" Smith, Preytorian
    Your type is: SEA. 11% of respondents so far fall into that type. Socializer 73% Explorer 66% Achiever 46% Killer 13%
    System Message: Offline message from Means on Sat 17 Nov 2007 19:48 GMT: Means: This lag is really bad...

  6. #6
    I was pretty tired finishing up the post last night. Some additional notes:

    * IIRC, there was only 2 times I needed ICRT, during the QL300 symbs phase

    * I only needed the Extruder bars during this time (only used 2 total)

    * All the QL300 and QL290 symbs popped in during the same round of contracts

    * All the others popped in during the 2nd round of contracts (and if we'd had another QL150+ site, all could have been done in the first round).

    * The above meant the total time messing with contracts for me was 7 hours to get them back to normal. Would have only been 5 hours total with the extra site. That means IF you have the contracts to play with, you can do them all in 1 over night sitting to mess with your orgs twinks less (its 2 hours to take effect after each change).

    * I didn't finish Rehabilitation 9 (+20 Psychic) ... so doing that would obviate any need (there wasn't much need for it) for the Psychic contract.
    Last edited by Doctorhyde; Feb 1st, 2007 at 18:34:47.
    Theonara: "...but if I weren't married, some days I'd offer to kiss you. You just make too much sense. "
    Maeventura: "Sigh, once again I can but only bow for hyde's wisdom."

    ...."Social" keys, lightbars, wen-wens......Better tabbing!

    ... First Troxdoc with QL300 symbs (AO 17.0 pre-Albtraum guide) ... as well as first with 12 of 13 Alpha symbs.
    ... First TL1 Clanner with Omni-Armed Forces armor (pics) (pointless yet hawt)

    <original UI hacker ... when not actively playing AO ... email = 'hyde [at] athenpaladins • org'>

  7. #7
    Awesome work Hyde Was wondering when you'd finish this massive task! Fantastic list of final symbs you've got in, vital data for any Trox wanting to know the extent you can go to now with LE.

    With 17.2 sometime in the future maybe it won't take you 3 months to get all your perks back

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Malosar View Post
    With 17.2 sometime in the future maybe it won't take you 3 months to get all your perks back
    I'm reperking now I'll probably be done the day 17.2 launches. But it will make it easy to redo it later if I have to.
    Theonara: "...but if I weren't married, some days I'd offer to kiss you. You just make too much sense. "
    Maeventura: "Sigh, once again I can but only bow for hyde's wisdom."

    ...."Social" keys, lightbars, wen-wens......Better tabbing!

    ... First Troxdoc with QL300 symbs (AO 17.0 pre-Albtraum guide) ... as well as first with 12 of 13 Alpha symbs.
    ... First TL1 Clanner with Omni-Armed Forces armor (pics) (pointless yet hawt)

    <original UI hacker ... when not actively playing AO ... email = 'hyde [at] athenpaladins • org'>

  9. #9
    Grats Hyde, still have a lot of farming to do before I can even remotely think of doing anything close to that.
    Dacara, Trox Doc, Equip
    Dacier, Trox MP, Equip
    Dacto, Trox Shade, Equip

    Members of Black Faction

  10. #10
    Very nice Alot of time and hard work went into this, but it paid off. Job well done, and grats to you!

  11. #11
    hyde uses teh skill sploit-h4x. watch out, he knows how to twink!

    nice dood
    "Send Pics Plz". Meta-Wha? Noodz plz. 83/8.
    "Eye Makeshiz Foryou". Pimpin' Eng Of Doom. he's the SHIZ. 174/18.
    "Jack Grafter Torrence". I Like To Boom Boom Booooom. 220/zomg. AI30! .

    "Perk Grafter Reset". 216/22. RK2's Retired Bukkake Doc. idle since 2007.
    "Perk Graftor Reset". 142/15. RK2's Retired Pvp Doc idle since 2006

  12. #12
    uber gratz..../me goes to put page in bookmarks
    Pawsofury - 220/70/16 Adv
    Dont suffer from insanity..enjoy it

    1 out of 4 people in this country are mentally unbalanced. Think of your 3 closest friends...If they seem ok, Then your the one.

  13. #13
    Gratz! Now all we need is for FC to fix TL7 tower mechanics, so there can be twinking on both sides of the fence.

    WoW ftw.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Tchaa View Post
    Gratz! Now all we need is for FC to fix TL7 tower mechanics, so there can be twinking on both sides of the fence.
    WTB clan +sta vehicles for the non-atrox please

  15. #15
    Nef joo! Gz mate, very nice work, you inspire all troxness! Does final gear involve a thong?
    "Hey Chucko, that doesn't smell like mud!"

    Proud General of Athen Paladins

    Daddyrabbit 220/30/68 ENF (Thongmaster) Stuff

    A fair result can be obtained only by fully stating and balancing the facts and arguments on both sides of each question.

  16. #16
    Ubar guide! Just proves to show that trox is the way to go regardless of prof
    Niles73 220/30/70/s/p/(-and (preLE/Alba/DB)Guide) - Trox way => can't make life? Take life!
    Phoeniles 200/30/60 - reborn ranged opi adv!
    Nilose 220/30/68 /s - plays for team alt gear farm
    Nilbit 220/30/70 /s - parked gimptast
    Nilo 220/27/68 /solo pvm/pvp - parked DD

    Duke Nukem Forever is out.. now what?

  17. #17
    Nice guide, good work
    Hypodermica 165/23/Opifex/Doctor (Gimp)

  18. #18
    Amazing job, Hyde!

    and may I once again curse and wail against the day I rolled Arri NM? : (

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