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Thread: Helpbot Funcom Alternative. Rock, Paper and Scissors Emote.

  1. #1

    Helpbot Funcom Alternative. Rock, Paper and Scissors Emote.

    Dont know if anyone has thought of it before but after Helpbot having a bad day yet again this idea just popped in my head.

    Rock, Paper and Scissors Emotes.

    I dont see how Funcom can pass this simple idea seeing as they dont like the use of Helpbot, Mirbot, etc anyway.

    What do you guys 'n' Girls think?


  2. #2
    They can't animate fingers, I don't think. :\

    Waitwaitwait...does helpbot have a rock, paper, scissors function now?!
    Katelin "Missmaul" Locknane -Sloooowly climbing her way out of the dank pits of gimpness. But stil crazy. Ya know...just in case you cared.

  3. #3
    Well, you see emotes with flat hands (Paper), Fist (Rock) and the Bend with YMCA (Scissors).

    Doesnt have to be Rock, Paper and Scissors animations. Could be different but with the same meaning

  4. #4
    Or they could just implement the simplest of commands. Roll. Rolls a random number and displays it. Highest roller wins. It's about the most basic concept that took about 5 minutes to code in the last game I played. Even a simple calculator can do this function.

  5. #5

  6. #6
    helpbot has a roll command you can generate random numbers with. The right way to do it is, everyone sends a tell to helpbot, I think its /tell helpbot chat, and it invites you to its chat channel.
    Then everyone picks a number, then someone tells helpbot to roll the number, everyone in the chat channel sees who did the roll and the result. Then there's little chance for cheating (unless you're the programmer for helpbot i guess).

    I think MUDs all have a roll function, they really should add it to this game. You just type /roll 1 3 or something like that and it makes a random number between those, and shows everyone in some secure way.

    And because it hasnt been said, the reason for this is when you're in a team, and the boss drops some item several people want, and they are all civil people, people look for some fair way to randomly choose who gets it. I'm sure there's other reasons for making random numbers, I guess anytime there's a conflict and you want to choose something in a random way.

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