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Thread: Finding new Pets?

  1. #1

    Question Finding new Pets?

    I was in a mission last night and I unlocked a chest to have it blow-up and a Frightened Rollerrat jumped out. (I woke it up) I tried to attack it because heh that's what you do. Well It said I can't beacuse he was my pet. When or how did this happen? I began to think that it be pretty cool so I tried to get it to follow me but it wouldn't. I am a lvl43 Adven. so I don't know the first thing about working with pets. I brought up the pet help in the chat area but it didn't help. I typed /pet follow, pet rename and everything I could think of and sorry to say but I lost my pet.. Maybe if someone finds him they can take to the SPCA or the Lost and found dept. If anyone else has had this happen let me know what you did ... and maybe just maybe I can be reunited with me long lost rollerrat...

  2. #2
    I watched that happen to my wife last night. She's a treehugger and was upset that it was "frightened" and did everything she could to help it out or have it actually do something.

    I think it's very similar to that NF "Shiny, Sparkling Thing". It's to impress you and distract from other things.


  3. #3
    Had this happen 4 times today in Clon****. Why can't I have a "Frightened Yalmaha" jump out at me or a "Petrified Nullify Sphere Nano"? Bah >

    Shoulda fixed the bloody missions like they said in the patch notes or not nerfed my range instead of spending programming time on stupid game additions like this.

    Where's the bloke going around locking rollerrats in mission chests? I want to shake his hand, the swines gave me nothing but grief as a n00b.

  4. #4
    Originally posted by Kopo
    Where's the bloke going around locking rollerrats in mission chests? I want to shake his hand, the swines gave me nothing but grief as a n00b.
    Amen, given a chance I'd lock the things in chests myself.

    I've had the same experience a bunch of times now. The game thinks it's a pet, but doesn't respond to pet cmds. If you exit and reenter the mission the game no longer even thinks it's a pet. Still cannot kill it though, even then. "Starting attack failed..." msg just as when it thinks the thing's a pet.

    Just one more irritating and broken aspect to missions.

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