Just a little idea thrown in since the discussion of artwork came out. A really big bad fist weapon would be nice too. Something dual-wieldable like a big metal gauntlet. The bang bang gloves look stupid and have all the stats of a leet doll pretty much. But, seriously... wanna bring a new weapon into the game? I'd drool over a look down at my fists and seeing them three times normal size with spikes and blades all over its edges.
Cestus ftw!
Towerblock, 220/30/70 Engineer
President of Steadfast
And way too many alts...
Ugh... more weapons to confuse the issue ><
I agree though, although enforcers cannot be MAs, having some access to some other fist weapons (maybe based on piercing or 1hb/1he skills...) would be cool.
Godmother of Rimor
Enjoying RK4
STATUS OF SKY: Not Falling
Gimp is a state of mind, nerfest is a state of being.
Ya know, I really am not sure if you want this thread for just posting ideas or not.
But, here's on that has been itching at me since BS was released, and it stems soley from my hatred of the root+blind combo.
Infernal rage; it is a wonderful nano and I love it to death. What would you think of adding a 'hit over time' free movement effect.
Rage already removes most roots, and I think we can see FCs point of making some to be "unbreakable" ( though I disagree ). I think though, that this fits into the theme of rage, though some may disagree. It's not an instant removal at all, but it certainly would help.
I also still like my single layer idea - a faster casting, cheaper NACost, slightly higher absorb [1k?] that stacks with normal FI ( this is auxiliary and doesn't truly matter for the main point ). But it only layers one damage type. Application is mainly PvP and RK oriented.
I do not necessarily like the idea of a detaunt aura. A team detaunt aura might be ok; an area one I would think not. Mainly, there is the issue of what if more than one person is running it ( obvious conclusion should be that it doesn't effect somebody that is running it ). But worse...what happens when you die? Depends on how much detaunt we are talking about. It could be nothing different happens...the person next in line for taunt amount has agg. Or, if it is a huge detaunt...nobody has a taunt value, and some squishy guy/doc may go splat. So, I like and dislike the idea - it just depends on implementation.
I do still like my nano idea that would scale taunt by level and title level.
1he weapon line is in the profession tab, right? Then FC needs to realize that it is not a profession perk line if only certain professions can use it properly. WTB DoF and Limber...
Element nanos - no cool down, LONG duration. Make them more like what their name implies, meaning, you use them because you want to be using a different damage type, NOT swapping back and forth between default and the element. Also, fix the way damage add stacks so that it switches element after all damage add is added.
Layer aura, of course...good refresh rate, please ><
Blah blah blah. I cannot, for the life of me, remember any of my 'original' ideas. Grrr.
I'm sure they'll come back to you
In a discussion with means he mentioned that Rage wasn't being used the way it was originally intended (i.e. keeping it running permanently) in theory it was only supposed to be a short-duration thing to break a root at a cost. I wouldn't mind a sorter duration, higher DoT version of rage that also broke perk snares and roots; ranged perk snares are a pos :/
Godmother of Rimor
Enjoying RK4
STATUS OF SKY: Not Falling
Gimp is a state of mind, nerfest is a state of being.
Faster? Every good equipped Enforcer is able to cast it Instant (troxx too !^^)
The Mainproblem is at the Moment the ABSORB CHANGE (!!!!!!!!!!)^^
Tripple nukes with getting "some" dmg shield or "less skilling bodydev" ... in areas near 30% - to get a Higher cap would be a better solution, but not this
2424 ? I calced some with 2289...^^ and yes with inf sanct I have 2,36k+
Opifex have 70~ more Nano init and with Focused anger, Critscope i get so much...I do it instant, .. between FoT Stun like docs too...^^
Attack time in full def is 6.79 + 1.25 (not 1) = 8.04 => 2424 nano init.
Dragocz RK1
I can get that with rage I think, or very close at least.
Godmother of Rimor
Enjoying RK4
STATUS OF SKY: Not Falling
Gimp is a state of mind, nerfest is a state of being.
if you mean ^^ I get it nearly instant and can to his at Running... if i get 2289 Nano init i can Stop running for a very short moment cast layer and run again... (I didnt lost time^^)... if I have less then 2289 Nano Init I have Problems to Cast layer during during running... (Nano aborted)
Thats my PvP experience (If a omni mob want to catch me)
Just checked and I'm at 2313 just with rage and Focused Anger.
Godmother of Rimor
Enjoying RK4
STATUS OF SKY: Not Falling
Gimp is a state of mind, nerfest is a state of being.
Although I believe it to be futile, I think it's time we revisited and revised our wishlist.
Kissys wild wishes.
Abandon 1HE, 2HE & Peircing as weapon lines. Replace with Shotgun.
2, 4 & 8 hour Essence lines (including SL ones)
2, 4 & 8 hour Coruscating Screen
Team Behemoth
More HP availability for lower levels
Remove level locks on SL Essences
Remove snares from SL Essences
Add +27 or more Str /Sta to SL Essences
3x the taunt value of the single taunts (imo they should be our primary taunting line)
Switch FoTs 6K AC boost to being something like TMS. Or Make ACs useful.
Have the DD perks from the blunt lines scale damage correctly.
Make MoM a clone of the Mutate line.
Mongo Rage should be Enforcer specific.
Add us to the Artillery & Support Symbiant lines.
Make Mongo an area pvp pusher. (cast mongo to bump people about)
I would love to post realistic suggestions but as long as I don't know what the intended enfo tool set is and in which direction the Devs want enfos to go, it seems to be pointless.
-Is our only defense supposed to be layers, damage shield and HP(lol)?
-Is Reaver line + MR always going to be the best pvp option?IE We're supposed to be wannabe keepers?
-Will we remain 2nd hand tanks? Are there plans to improve our tanking tool set? Or add game content that requires a high hp tank?
Humm I had more questions but forgot. More beer first!
Urgent Wish: Defensive - can be a perk, an improvement of an existing perk(see troll form improvement suggestion threads) or the Dreadloch Endurance Booster - Enforcer Edition (5K absorb every 12 minutes, locks strenght = joke!, realy...make it something powerful that defines enforcers for what they are====>TANKS, and a 2-3 minutes recharge on it would be nice)
Solitus Enforcer - General of Divine Shadow NEUTRAL
Godmother of Rimor
Enjoying RK4
STATUS OF SKY: Not Falling
Gimp is a state of mind, nerfest is a state of being.
Don't be so sure toots. Ever since SL was released Enfs have been having their tool set divided between 2 - 3 other professions (Advs, Shades & Keepers). We've also been getting gradually sidlined as a front line unit. Sooner or later we won't be worth playing unless there a major overhaul of our profession.
And yes I know some of the weaker whiney Enfs say we're redundant already but the sad fact is that we still have our moments however few they have become.
When I first started Kissy (Febrary 2nd 2002 [damn I feel old now]) we were described as the kings of melee or something similar. FC changed us when they made SL by making us thugs if you like, the dock working mobsters.
Watch any of the films... mobsters come in 2 sizes. The little scrawny weird ones (fixers) and the big heavy thug (us). Thugs carry 1 of 2 weapons sledgehammers or shotguns. Either way they both get used on kneecaps![]()
Well yeah, given the actual meaning of the word "Enforcer" one would think they are should be somewhat Enforcer-like.![]()
Don't be lonely anymore.
Look at your post, now back at mine. Now back to your post, now back at mine. Sadly, yours isn't mine, but if you stopped trolling and started posting legitimate comments it could look like mine. Look down, back up, where are you? You're scrolling through posts, reading the posts your posts could look like. Back at mine, it's a reply saying something you want to hear. Look again, my reply is now diamonds. Anything is possible when you think before you post.