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Thread: Shut up, all of you.

  1. #1

    Angry Shut up, all of you.

    In my daily toilings of searching the boards for something interesting, I repeatedly come across Booster Haters.

    Now, I firmly believe that everyone has the right to their own opinion, so I have not flamed any of you guys. I only request that you do the same for me and not reply with anarchistic anti-FC messages.

    I really do commend you anti-booster packies on your efforts. You obviously feel very strongly that what FC is doing with the booster pack is wrong. It is your opinion and no one has the right to say otherwise. But, I'd also like to make a recommendation to you.... I keep seeing people who carry the attitude of "Booster Strike!" Don't play on this date, don't pay for the booster!

    Now, I hate to sound like omni-scum, but you're all acting like clanners do. And don't say that I know nothing about it because I was in clan since launch.

    Acting like a clanner basically consists of trying to get organized and cause a rebellion, to try and make a change. Noble efforts, but 99% of the time, these efforts fail for one reason. You're being anarchists. Anarchists each live in a state of rebellion, so naturally it makes it hard for you all to agree and really organize. You're all too different and over-opinionated. I know, I'm stereotyping, but it's like my atrox theory. Mostly atrox are all dumb, but not 100% of them. I try not to step on any toes and I fail.

    So my recommendation to the Booster Strikers and Booster Haters is that you organize FIRST before you go saying you plan to "Hit Funcom where it hurts"..... I only say this so that you don't make jerks out of yourselves. Just some advice to help you make your statement more effectively.... w/e just a rnat, gotta go listen to Tarryk now.
    Pfft, the GMs and ARKs aren't rid of me yet! Back for a third round, in this corner, we have Vamp. Weighing in at a buck-fiddy and lovin' all the bitties.

    Donations to the "Why Did Vamp Give All His Gearz Away" fund are now being accepted. Either that, or a friendly hello.

  2. #2
    Your funny, your saying that everyone as the right to there opinion but your thread title is : Shut up all of you !

    LOL !
    Aguitha, Engineer
    Cratisha, Bureaucrat

  3. #3
    Basically I am striking and i did cancel my account. They have 2 months to make it right or they lose yet another once loyal customer.
    There is far to much competition out there to screw around like this. If it continues AO will never make it big.

    I will not pay 20 for a booster and I will not pay twice that for an expansion.

    AO worst enemy is its creators....

  4. #4're critisizing anarchy!

    the name of the game is ANARCHY online!


  5. #5


    Nerf the booster-pack crybabies!


  6. #6

    Exclamation Closing

    More or less a flame thread already. Closing it. Please keep it calm, folks.

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