The only two worthwhile trade skills in the game at the moment are:

1) pharma
- the conversion of monster parts to blood plasma
2) nano prog
- making nano programs
- combining implants

I'm rather disappointed with 1), wouldnt it be better for the player economy if you could make nano and medi kits this easily? Instead the main use is for making blood plasma, an utterly useless commodity besides selling for a healthy profit back to the shop. If players could make and sell their nano and medi kits then by other players buying these goods money stays in the community rather than entering the great void (the shops), benefiting everyone.

2) - the best trade skill in the game at the moment. However it would be nice if, during missions, I could find some programming disks that contained nanos about 0-10 levels above me rather than 10-20 levels behind me. Then more people might actually make nano programs and nano programmers can sell their skills. In this way money is exchanged through players rather than buyers being forced to buy them in the shop (money disappears back into the great void).

The rest of the trade skills are next to useless, because you can find better stuff in missions compared to what you can make with trade skills (and its cheaper too). I'm rather disappointed with this because, as a trader, the only skills that are green to raise are all of the useless trade skills.