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Thread: Ely Infantry Armor?

  1. #1

    Ely Infantry Armor?

    I was wondering if anyone knew where in Ely you can find mobs that drop Infantry armor.

    Back in Nas, I used to hit the clusters of 'some_name-Or' mobs around brawl and those in the nearby Brawl static (I'm neutral, but aligned with Aban, Enel, etc). I liked that they pretty regularly dropped pieces of Infantry, Exterminator, Supply, etc armor since I'm neither very good at saving credits nor into any trades myself.

    Now that I'm cutting my way through Ely, I'm quickly outgrowing a lot of my old pieces, but having difficulty finding a concentration of similar mobs that drop higher QL Infantry. I'm also finding that QL 80-100 pieces aren't in great supply on the GMS. I've been somewhat successful wearing a mish-mosh of Infantry, CAS, and Carb (and depleting my creds to do it), but if anyone knows where either a static or group of mobs are in Ely that I might be able to camp for some pieces to fill in the gaps, I'd much appreciate it.

  2. #2
    check nero
    I got toons. total dings: 1934/159/425

  3. #3
    Cool, thanks, I'll check that out. I'm guessing you mean in and around the temple area there. I might need a few more levs, but that gives me an idea at least.

  4. #4
    sided mobs drop sided weaponns and jobe copy armour (inf,art,exterm,support w/e) but the named mobs drop them more often

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