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Thread: U N I F O R M I T Y

  1. #1

    Unhappy U N I F O R M I T Y

    Yesterday I've been on a mission with a friend from the Enforcer Board. We nether met before, we are just two enforcers of about the same level ...

    I was suprised (again) to see how poor our equipment options are.

    Well of course you will be abe to say who is omni and who is clan on the picture.

    Picture here

    This is sad.
    "Donner à des millions une connaissance de l'anglais, c'est les rendre esclaves". (Hind Swarâj, ch. 18)

  2. #2
    What's your problem, you guys have different boots and helmets?

    You know one of you could use a beam?

    I always like to look for people that use the same stuff as me and then say "TWINS!"

  3. #3
    We have different underwear too.
    "Donner à des millions une connaissance de l'anglais, c'est les rendre esclaves". (Hind Swarâj, ch. 18)

  4. #4
    I can vouch for that!

    *click* autorun on.

  5. #5
    OMG Cloudeh, don't tell me you are the meat in an atrox sandwitch! I'm going to have to start calling you lucky Pierre.=]

    and Gummizluv, I bet you guys have the SAME underwear, take off the armor and check it out!

    BTW if anyone sunk 300k into that atrox cod-piece I'd really like to see a screen shot. I bought one for my sol and couldn't get it on (stupid me, I thought "Uni" meant Unisex, not nuter), then i traded it to an atrox for some armor but he wouldn't put it on for me since he said it was too much trouble to get back into his armor.

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