May 5th, 2006, 14:00:56
Former Professional
New and Improved Keeper Guides - Read here first!!
Some of the most recent guides, due to the slightly outdated info in the other sticky, this should be where you first look for some advice
Trajal's Keeper FAQ Good one to read through first for the common questions.
Perks Guide - Guide to the main Keeper perks, by me
Guide to soloing as a Keeper. By Trajal
List of nano availability - Updated list by chrome and others.
2HE Buffing Guide- 2HE Buffing Guide
Keeper Tier 1 and Tier 2 Information. - Guide to Tier armor by Aslon
level 1-100 guide by Manaas - Updated 6/21/07
level 100-220 guide by Manaas
TL4 Keepers guide by Keidric
LE research lines by Mekh
Breed Guide TL1-4 by Xai
Older Guides
Some of the info below may be very outdated.
Priorities of keepers - The poll set by Cz which asked keepers what their priority in wishlist.
Keeper Implants - An incredibly useful guide to implants by Arlanon
Armour and Weapon Guide - Lord Rapid and Balrogis with some impressive information
Keeper Nanos - Availability of Keeper nanos - where and how!
Demoted’s Keeper Knowledge Cannon - Awsome guide for 0-100 written by Demoted
Keeper level 1-60 Hints and Tips - Nice little guide for newcommers by Vular
Opifex Information - Trajal trying to get more Opifex keepers
Keeper Comp Lit Guide for 1,750CL. - Get that pand armor on!
Perk guide - It's old, but still an interesting read
Useful links
Anarchy Mainframe - Item database/equip config/perk config.
Sphere map (direct download) - This map is a must in SL, shows most the dynabosses and everything else
AO Pocket - Great site for getting your symbs
Turn Spirit list
Trickle Down Calculator
Shadowbreed List
Keeper Weaponry, and the underlying problems with Shadowlands weaponry
Last edited by Wakizaka; Nov 24th, 2009 at 09:31:09.
Balneator 220/30/70
Threekaynuek Growing NT
Balneatrix 200 twink to be
Tanked the first ever killed Artillery Commander for ~5 bubs.
[Tankosaurus]: GOGO BAL TANK that <expleted for safe meh from moderater>
You were attacked with nanobots from Artillery Commander for 335000 points of energy damage.
You died of nano program damage!
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