Geneticist on the run
March 11, 29480 - Thibaud Denomcourt, Newland News [Rimor]

IRRK Freelance - Newland News - Today an escort was assembled to bring "Miss K" from somewhere near Harry's establishement in Lush Fields to a village of undisclosed location. This somewhat ordinary event was hidding an illegal project.

In the afternoon, Miss Erin "Nikitita" Durnstorr sent a request for assistance to escort one of her friends, Miss K, from Lush Fields to a safer location. They all accepted to help her, even if they were unsure that Miss K really was tracked down by someone, as reported by both women.

Somewhere along the way, Agent "Wencesla" Sefion attempted to perma-kill Miss K. After some warning, Rome "Tipha" Leonheart of Omni-AF SpecialOps, made the atrox employee lower his weapon. Questioned about the reasons for the apparent vendetta, he soon revealed that Miss K had been secretly (and illegally) working on ways to clone younger versions of people. Her motivation appeared to be trying to find a way to revive save OT:RK CEO Philip Ross, whose condition is unknown after receiving serious wounds during an assassination attempt nearly a year ago.

Furthermore, it appeared that Mr. Sefion wasn't operating under official orders despite his repeated assurances that this wasn't the case. Miss Leonheart took him aside but no one knows what they discussed. He is then said to have taken off without causing any more troubles. After that, they all proceeded to the safe location where they left Miss K.

As is the public knowledge, Omni-Tek has clearly stated long ago that one cannot revert to an insured pattern more than a few weeks old, which is the reason for the need to use the terminals often; and of course, it's impossible to duplicate one's life force, or as it is more commonly referred to, their soul.

We leave any theoretical conclusions to our readership.