Wish we had rings back - I'd love some +2 poison rings ;/
A bit recently, I logged in a really old toon at level 14. I played till level 23 then logged out. When I logged in next I was in Borealis. A while back, I also had a Clan toon, I played till level 23 before leaving the island. I'm not certain what impact if any that item has; but, it didn't affect me
Something worth mentioning since I see and answer this question quite often:
When you die below level 15 no penalty, you return to the respawn point or where you last saved.
15+ you experience resurrection illness. That's a temporary decrease in all your skills (type u to check) over a short period of time.
20+ your complimentary insurance through FC is terminated o.O I'd hit an insurance terminal on a regular basis in order to accumulate an XP pool; so, you don't lose experience =)
well... it seems it is about that time again...
obviously some of the info is a bit dated or have been nerfed in the last several patches...
there are times i jump for joy and scream OMFG That is So Cool! when they introduce new stuff... and other times i scream and cry and rant that they must be using my guides to nerf the weapon, armor, and ring drops on the island, lol.
unfortunately it will be January before i have a chance to go back and reedit all this stuff... and for those that subscribe to the RecDiggy sites I hope to be upgrading them too...
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correct. nothing is available on noob island anymore except stuff to tradeskill weapons and gear... and stuff available via quest. the rest of it is just junk...
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a while back i had a ma on noob island. thoght i would stay as long as i could for the ai xp. i hit 21 no kick went to the tower went inside was fine. went out got kicked was in bor. funny thing was i got killed rezzed on noob island kicked after about 4 sec and a short message about being a to high lvl for the island zoned back in bor .where i got killed again and the same thing happend. thouht i would use this. so i made a new char on a froob acount for the island. parked him where my ma zones. got my main gave my ma a backpack of goodie then got him killed zone back on the island. poped the trade up and right before i could finish the trade i would zone .but i was dual logging bet if i had 2 comps it would have worked every time .would have been nice to tell ao of this nice bug on test.