under construction...
If I leave Noob Island... Can I come back later? No. It is a one time deal. Enjoy it while you can. Once your toon leaves... you can never go back.
How do I get back to Noob Island?
You can't. You won't. You don't. You will have to roll a new toon if you want to play there again.
What is the max level cap for Noob Island? Popular belief is that you get kicked out on your 20th ding...
How many AI levels can I get at Noob Island? Technically you can get 3 AI levels from Noob Island. However... this requires you to stay on the Island until you are level 15. On your 15th ding you will have 2 AI levels... and can fill up and max out your axp pool for the 3rd AI level. Once you are on the mainland, and reach your 25th ding, you will automatically receive a 3rd AI level. REMEMEBER TO HAVE THE AXP POOL FULL AND TO IMMEDIATELY SAVE WHEN YOU REACH THE MAINLAND!!!
If I chose a faction... then change my mind... can I switch sides? Yes and No. Technically yes... but it is a very difficult process.
1) you will have to get Both the clan application and the omni application Before you chose a faction for the 1st time. Most of the recruiters won't even talk to you, let alone give you an application, if you have already chosen sides.
2) once you have chosen a side... you have to wait At Least 3 hours before you can change factions again...
3) if you have SL expansion pack... you may be required to have a certain amount of faction Before you will be allowed to switch sides... and there is no way to get faction on Noob Island...
4) The above is based on a Level 1 noob toon... the higher your level the more difficult and the more restrictions will be placed on allowing you to switch factions...
At this level of the game it would be far easier to just roll a new toon. As for Noob Island... after you chose a faction... the other recruitment officers will refuse to speak with you...
There is only One Advantage is taking the time to endure this type of misery ingame... For those of you that want to create a uber Clan tweak... Join Omni first... then go run the Omni shoulderpad quest to get Omni-Tek Shoulderpad and put them on. You should also get the Omni sided armor... as its stats are better than the clan sided armor...Next… spend your time running from dyna boss to dyna boss and loot anything others leave behind. You need to earn 14k to buy Omni-Tek Smelling Salts and Omni-Tek Technical Library. Then Go Clan. Note: Remember not to take off any of your omni gear or you will not be able to put it back on. 2nd Note: there are some issues about what the highest level you can be to switch sides on Noob Island and have Smelling Salts equiped…
I just logged in, but the friend I want to team with is in a different 'instance' of the island... how do we meet up? Go to the Teleport Tower and go inside. Now you are in a different zone... it is instanced too... but so few people are in there that chances are you can easily meet up with your friend inside...
Where can I buy MEDS or AMMO. Return to Brandon Thorn and give him 3 mob parts.
Where can I find a surgery clinic to install implants? There are no surgery clinics on Noob Island. The only hope is to loot a portable surgery clinic off of one of the Dyna Bosses... but so far as I know... no-one has ever had any luck with that...
How do I get in the Alien Mother Ship? If you find out, let me know![]()
Are there any mission terminals, insurance terminals, or Fair Trade Shops on the Island? Are there any 'Dungeons' or 'Mother Ship' missions we can do on Noob Island. Nope. If there are... I and everyone else have yet to find them... Email or Petition Funcom and ask them to add it to the list of Content Improvements they might get around to...
Ok... for those of you creaming your pants thinking of farming Noob Island for uber loot to tweak your Subway twink or low level pvp twink... here are some details on the loot drops...
Ok... Lets get the bad news out of the way first... if you are dreaming of farming low ql pistols, machine pistols, alien armor and related alien tradeskill items, or low level alien crit scopes ect ect ect then you are dreaming in vain...
After farming for several days, the above mentioned items have Never Dropped... and although the above mentioned items Can Be Found in AO Vault database at qls that would seem to be found on the island...it would seem that FC doesn't want us creating level 5 God Twinks with Alien Armor and dual welded pistols / machine pistols.
Then how do you get the above mentioned items that Do Not drop at Noob Island? A few of us have kicked around the idea of creating a small low ql org / city to farm the items from ultra low alien raids... if anyone is already doing this... post your experiance / sucess on the forums please...
A few notes on the island... The highest ql spawn of the various alien mobs seems to be ql 13... Loot drops at ql 1 - 16... with the best ql loot dropping off of the ql 12 - 13 aliens. There are 8 or 9 bosses on the island... 4 or 5 of them scattered on the beach where you crash land, 2 Bot bosses on the docks, and 1 Alien boss Specialist - Cha 'Heru in the middle shuttleport landing pad area...