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Thread: [*CLAN-RK2*] List of Orgs 100+

  1. #41
    RKBH now has reps on the CoT. I know this wont be updated, but smart people reading the updates can now know if they are interested in such things.
    Towerblock, 220/30/70 Engineer
    President of Steadfast

    And way too many alts...

  2. #42

    Post Updated anymore?

    Anyone update this?

    The Reborn has a new Prez and new Idea. Pst Mordun for details or me!

  3. #43

    Angels of the Night updated:

    Angels of the Night's new info:

    President: Nomez
    Members: 341
    Avg lvl: 119

    If this thread is still updated that is...
    General in: Quetzalcoatl - Join us

    Nomez (220/30 Bureaucrat)
    Nomon (220/23 Enforcer)
    Nomfu (220/23 Martial Artist)
    Nomet (217/17 Meta-Physicist)
    Nomech (213/26 Engineer)

  4. #44
    How did this info get compiled in the first place? Is there another source to do an inquiry on a specific org?

  5. #45
    Is there a more updated list I could find somewhere ?

    I mean last update on the list was back in 06, and we're 08 now
    Simsiim *Agent* Chanaakat *Martial Artist* Back after a 4 year absent
    Akviish *Shade* Temp retirement
    Shaman Yav *Doctor* Temp retirement

  6. #46
    Quote Originally Posted by Timathos View Post
    How did this info get compiled in the first place? Is there another source to do an inquiry on a specific org?
    Yes, look under "People of Rubi-Ka" and you should be able to find it from there... An 04 account? I'm seriously shocked you didn't stumble across that by now

    Oh well

    The only thing it does not show is active members: it shows canceled accounts, inactive characters, alts, ect... so there are tons of ways to inflate your org's numbers.
    - Ruken -... 18X Martial Artist
    - Khorak -.. 17X Enforcer
    - Kethis -... 17X Engineer
    - Equillian -... 16X Soldier

  7. #47


    the musketeers, aproaching 225

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