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Thread: [*CLAN-RK2*] List of Orgs 100+

  1. #21
    Forum on Devil Inside changed to :

    If you can fix

    Dark1947 220 / 30 Fixer 1rst fixer AI 30 on Rimor

    Advisor of Devil Inside : still looking for new players and pvpers... More info at Devil Inside website here

    Actualité Geek et High-Tech

    Fixer Guides : Low HP setup, PvP and reflects-
    ----------------Tips & Tricks for PVP with your fixer against all profs
    ----------------QL 300 AI eye without burden & without gunship

  2. #22


    Quetzalcoatl current president is Oberdoc (That would be me).
    Current website (or forum, rather) is
    Also, we are currently recruiting.

    Great job tho

  3. #23
    Heyas, this is an awesome post

    plz update our org info, our org has lot more members, and we are recruiting yes, we have it on recruitment section..hmmm we have website too, im rebuilding it, but u can put the link already its

    thkz and keep it up good

  4. #24
    alco is on a break atm and i dont think he will be back anytime soon,so hes not able to modify this ><(

    P.S. i miss j00 m8 <3
    Nostress (MP 220/23/69 Pathing Seems fine... NOT)
    Wexter (Soldja 220/30/70 Out of Ammo ftw)
    Haillady (Trad 220/16/61 TS for The masses )
    Wakeupcall (Shade 220/20/60 Ugly fella )

    FrOzen from 2010-03-15 Shuld i come back?

  5. #25
    a few updates on Remedy and Serenity.
    First, new president for Remedy: Bashere
    new president for Serenity: Liandrin
    New website for both orgs (same):
    also, Serenity is recruting lvl 1-160 and Remedy 160+

    ty :]

  6. #26
    The Clan organization Leet-Bloc moved to

  7. #27
    I updated the recruitment thread for Rubi-ka Bounty Hunters in favour of posting for both our main org and the baby one. Saves space, and looks better, imo.
    Towerblock, 220/30/70 Engineer
    President of Steadfast

    And way too many alts...

  8. #28
    Update on Jacks Violent Crew:
    New pres is Meriweather. We have a website on
    While the site sux major the forum we have there are pretty much filled with good stuff. And while we're not headhunting new members we're always glad to get new blood, so you may put in that we are recruiting.
    - Faith is in the eye of the beholder -
    Hangfaced, JVC, RK2
    Bargi on other Funcom forums

  9. #29
    Please add Legion of Anarchy. If you need any info please send me a PM or something in game and I will give you all the info you need. THank you.

  10. #30
    Nice thread here. It's nice to see a place where people who are active enough to use the forums can find the information on orgs like this!

    update info for The Order if you will plz-

    We have a website, albiet under construction the parts that are up now are more the sufficient enough to give people an idea of who we are.
    web url is here -

    We are also taking in new recruits and are always open to people wanting to join. An extensive interview is required for all players wanting to join though.

    Ty for your service to the community with this Alcohool!
    Strength Honor and Freedom- Dragon
    Leader and Founder of The Order

  11. #31

    Circle Of Trust

    Circle of Trust is now known as Last Wish, president is Booooooom [I think I have the right amount of Os ].
    Chronic Shichiroji Argonaut: 220 / 25 / 55 (Slice and dice)
    Not Shichidoc Fighter: 177 / 18 / 42 (Pew Pew)
    Moon Metallishi Dog: 156 / 13 / ?? (Mini TS)

    General of Haven (we are recruiting!), Haven's token Aussie and owner of a ql 310 Fine-Tuned DNA-Locked Blaster Rifle.

    Hic sunt dracones.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chrys View Post
    Typical ANZers every subject ends up talking about sheep and criminals

  12. #32

    update on Angels of Rubi-Ka

    way out of date now my alt is president Pharmguy and i reduced member size down to 33 due to having large amounts of inactive members so i guess you can remove my org from the list.

    We are recruiting anyone that wants to join a small very inactive org lol wtb reformation, is the forum if anyone is interested.

    Peace fellow Clanners

    Pharmguy President of the Angels of Rubi-Ka
    Last edited by pharmguy; Oct 9th, 2006 at 01:20:40.

  13. #33
    must say, its a great list.
    good job Alco
    Zhakkari 219/16 Doc...not fun to play
    Cyappu Retired 201/7 Fix

  14. #34
    i miss you alco

  15. #35
    wtb updait : ) btw Banda got a web... : )

  16. #36
    alco doesnt play anymore thell,i miss the guy so much

  17. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by Pala View Post
    alco doesnt play anymore thell,i miss the guy so much


    Upupa (220/20/60) Valhall Guardians. equip
    Tantal (220/25/68) Atrox Keeper

  18. #38
    COEM BEACK ALCY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i miss j00 man

  19. #39
    New pres for The Art of War is Mahu

  20. #40
    Hey, if you don't mind would you add Lost Souls of Rimor to that list.

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