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Thread: About this forum

  1. #1

    About this forum

    This forum is for all things related to recruiting. All of the forum rules are in effect. I'd also like to mention that trashing another guild or it's members its expressly forbidden on these forums and repeat offenders will be subject to have their posting privilages revoked. So please, be respectful of others.

    Also, it would be a good idea for all who are posting about their org to prefix it with a side tag of [OMNI], [CLAN], or [NEUTRAL]. For example, if I made a thread seeking members to join my org, I would name it:

    [NEUTRAL] ARK Community Relations wants you!

    This will help keep things neat and efficient.

    Any questions, please PM a moderator or post here.
    Last edited by Regulas; Feb 7th, 2006 at 04:21:51.

  2. #2
    Since this forum is specific to Rimor, and there's a completely different forum for Atlantean recruitment, I don't see the need.

  3. #3
    /admires Regulas's nice shiney... er... armor

    Hmmm... got any new avitar pics? Need one to hang over my alter... so i can give proper thanks for all the damn hard work you guys have been doing these past months...

    Remember the smooth-mofo-cheese-eating-grin Avitar that Cz had?
    Got any like that? Would look cool surrounded by mirrors and candles

    anyways thanks again.

    P.S. WTB vidclips of 1st person you spank for being a meanie
    Join Us!
    You know you want too!
    Now Recruiting Players of All Levels and Expansions!
    Newbie & Noob & Froob Players Welcome!

  4. #4
    this is great less org spam
    Harios - [Enforcer] cookies 220/30
    Advass - [Adventurer] nerf 220/21
    Wackios - [Shade] gankzsz 220/16
    Soldios - [Soldier] FA Burst 220/22
    Docios - [Doctor] healsplxz 220/20
    Cratios - [Bureaucrat] tape 220/19
    Proud Board Member of Dark Front Cookies >> Bacon, remember that!

  5. #5
    Can you name them "Rimor Recruitment" and "Atlantean Recruitment"?

    Help us poor "New Posts"-refreshing addicts...
    Revelator: There is no FC love that will fix gimpness of the mind

    Warning! If you ever see my use "lol" in any of my posts, I'm not serious!

  6. #6
    At the top of the page...
    Anarchy Online Bulletin Board > Community forums > Rimor > Recruitment
    Is it really that hard?
    Last edited by Keldros; Feb 7th, 2006 at 13:05:19.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Keldros
    At the top of the page...

    Is it really that hard?
    Well, when they show up on search they only read "Recruitment".. no way to tell what dimension they're for
    Revelator: There is no FC love that will fix gimpness of the mind

    Warning! If you ever see my use "lol" in any of my posts, I'm not serious!

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Maista
    Well, when they show up on search they only read "Recruitment".. no way to tell what dimension they're for
    Click on the appropriate dimension's recruitment forum, then click "search this forum."
    Alternatively, used the advanced search from anywhere and pick the forum of your choice to search...notice the subforums are grouped by indentation? Recruitment on Atlantean is "recruitment" under "Atlantean," recruitment on Rimor is "Recruitment" under "Rimor."

    It's only difficult if you're a froob using google to search...but they have their own forums.

  9. #9
    I think Maista is talking about the "New Posts" link.
    I myself tend to hit that button every so often to see all the new post...u know lurking around..
    Zhakkari 219/16 Doc...not fun to play
    Cyappu Retired 201/7 Fix

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Maista
    Help us poor "New Posts"-refreshing addicts...
    Bump. "New Posts" button ftw! sections need to include Dim name.

    (and sideline bump for a "New Posts" button that omits "The Rubi-Ka Markets" section)

    Xtrememeta - -- lvl 175 MP
    Xtremefixer -. -- lvl 121 Fixer
    Xtremefists -- -- lvl 100 MA
    XtremeNT ---. -- lvl 3 NT

    Party (RP) Alts
    Doyan -------. -- lvl 82 MA
    Donigan -----. -- lvl 25 Engi
    Skiper -------. -- lvl 61 Fixer

  11. #11
    I disagree with all Forums rules aplying here, one rule says i must post in english, my org is for spanish-talking people, some people who plays this game don´t understand english or barely english enough to say hello, looking for team and thank you

    Im sure there are much other orgs where their members dont speak english, and we would be pleased if we can tell our future new members what the org wants from their members and for that we need to use our own language.

  12. #12
    Is this forum also used for people looking for an org? Might be a good way to find members.
    Awwww muffin, need a tissue?

  13. #13
    I would think "want to be recruited" falls under the topic of "recruitment."

    Unless you want to make it a drama thread, then it belongs on LoR.

  14. #14
    Thank you! to whoever changed the forum names to "Rimor Recruitment" and "Atlantean Recruitment". Having two forums with the same name was a real pain when doing searches or "New Posts".
    Yes, we have no signature today!

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