Dec 1st, 2005, 15:06:22
Former Professional
Enforcer Bookmarks
Enforcer Forum Bookmarks
To have links added to this post, please let Arrien know here.
Enforcer Stickies
Enforcer Buglist - Being discussed here.
Enforcer Wishlist & Concernlist - Being discussed here.
Validated up to date Guides
Alpha Brain Trox Guide (cheap version)
The remaining guides may be out of date
Welcome to the Enforcer Profession - Deng's intro to the enforcer profession. Essential reading!
Fundamentals of Tanking v. 1.1 - Emislicer's end-all be-all guide to being the best tank you can be.
The Enforcer Guide: Soloing - Kyai's Guide to Soloing
LE: Enforcer Research lines - A summary of the enforcer research available in LE, courtesy of Defectorid.
The Tanking Guide of DOOM - A new guide to tanking courtesy of Subbacow
Old Man Gigas' Guide to Twinking v. 2.0 - A classic thread which still has much relevant information about twinking as an enforcer.
Armor Listing - A variety of armors suitable for enforcers are detailed in this thread.
List of Weapons - A good list of weapons to get you started, and to look forward to.
Taunt Tools - A list of tools, nanos and perks along with the amount they taunt for.
2he Twinking info - Some good ideas about how to get high 2he skill during the tl5 titlecap.
How to implant the 280 infantry brain as an atrox
Enforcer Guide - A nice guide for enforcers by AO Universe. Worth reading and up to date with Lost Eden.
Ql 300 Symbiants - A thread about equipping ql 300 symbiants on a solitus enforcer. Also usefull for the other breeds!
QL 300 symbiants - A thread about equipping ql 300 symbiants on an atrox enforcer.
Level 41 Enforcer Twink - A thread about a level 41 enforcer twink.
AGG/DEF calculator - Unity of the Rose AGG/DEF Calculator.
Community Interest/Info
The official Enforcer sticky thread - Very old thread with mostly out-dated information.
The Enforcer Bug List - A (mostly) current listing of annoying enforcer-only bugs.
Wish List Brainstorming/Ideas thread - It's time for a new wishlist, yes!
Bots Resurrected - The Phoenix Project - Use this thread to get yourself added to the cross-dimensional enforcer chatgroup.
Official Enforcer song - Nealandbob's classic enforcer song voting thread.
The Enforcer's Prayer - Thanks to Tussa for reposting this here.
The Enforcer's Guide to Tower Wars
Last edited by Arrien; Mar 25th, 2013 at 21:47:51.
Reason: Adding bookmarks
Akarah, Akarawr, Badunkadunk, Betresh, Donnar, Fivehands,
Flugtag, Fral, Frieka, Geffy, Gefjun, Gefster, Gefz, Molebat...
and a few more...
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