Nov 30th, 2005, 11:08:16
Enforcer Buglist
The Enforcer Buglist:
green = bug feedback from funcom
orange = actual bug status and response to funcom
1) Stuck on the battlestation Status - Fixed with the 17.8 patch
2) Hammer and Anvil Status - In buglist
3) Shoulderpads Status - In buglist
4) Bio Coccoon Status - In buglist
5) Shadowlands Essence Status - In buglist
6) Disable Natural Healing Status - In buglist
7) Bigot's Bracer of Sacrifice Status - fixed with the 17.5 patch
8) Sanguisugent Pants Status - fixed with the 17.6 patch
9) Top Two 1he buffs Status - In buglist
10) Scaling of Perks over 3K skill Status - fixed with the 17.6 patch
11) OFAB Enforcer Breasplate Status - In buglist
12) Size bug Status - In buglist
13) Bring the pain stun Status - In buglist (IMPORTANT!)
14) Cause of Anger Status - In buglist
15) Ice Burn Status - In buglist
16) Overwhelming Might Status - In buglist
17) Problems with taunts Status - In buglist
Enforcer Specific Bugs:
1) Stuck on the battlestation:
- There is a bug in the battlestation that makes us teleport between 2 locations. This happens when we zone through a lift. This might have to do something with our scale that changes while zoning. Discussion thread can be found here
Status - Fixed with the 17.8 patch
2) Hammer and Anvil
- The perk icon for hammer and anvil, as can be found in the control-panel (ctrl+3) does not grey out when the perk is activated. This means that 2hb enforcers using this perk have no visual clue as to whether the perk is available or in recharge. The faliure to grey out behaviour continues whether the icon is located in the control panel, a hotbar or on the wing-menu, perk actions sumb-menu. Seismic Smash is 90sec recharge but requires Affected by Hammer and Anvil to run (which lasts for 9sec when we use the perk) and has a 120sec recharge. So it means that we can't use Seismic Smash more than once per 120sec. Would be nice if we could use Seismic Smash in those 90 seconds instead of the few seconds after using Hammer and Anvil.
Status - In buglist
3) Shoulderpads
- The left tier shoulderpad is incorrectly aligned on female enforcers, with the pad sitting further back on the model than it should, so that a portion of the pad is visibly sitting inside the player model.
Status - In buglist
4) Bio Coccoon
4a) - Whilst Bio Coccoon is active it prevents the user having layer nanos casted on them for the duration of the Coccoon effect. However, if coccoon is cancelled prematurely, the effect blocking the casting of layers on the user persists for what would have been the remaining duration of the coccoon effect. Cancelling coccoon should remove that protection and permit relayering.
More information can be found in this thread
Status - In buglist
4b) - There is another bug with cocoon which causes it to stop absorbing before it has absorbed the full amount of damage it should. Currently the cause of this is elusive but it has been noticed many times by multiple people. A discussion of this bug can be found in this thread.
Status - In buglist, pending more information
4c) - Using the special absorb from the Assault-Class Tank Armor concurrently with cocoon causes the two layer effects to run side by side-potentially causing conflicts. In theory the higher layer should overwrite the other (i.e. Biococoon from Bioshielding 6-10 should overwrite the tank absorb, and the tank absorb should overwrite the Cocoon from bioshielding 4 and 5)
Status - In buglist, pending more information
4d) - Shrug off hits: This proc overwrites bio-cocoon even though it only provides a fraction of the absorbs that bio cocoon does. This means that any enforcer using this risks loosing our main and best defense at an inoppportune time. Also mentioned in this thread.
Status - In buglist
5) Shadowlands Essence:
5a) - All four of the Shadowlands Essences cancel whenever a player performs a hard zone. A hard zone is one such as entering a mission, shop, or Alien Ship, or crossing from one of the 4 major pande zones to another. The essences do not cancel on soft zones (zoning between islands within a pande zone/zoning between levels in a mission/ship). These buffs shouldn't terminate on any zone, it is very frustrating that they do this as they already have a short duration and fairly high requirements to cast.
Status - In buglist
5b) - The snare effect on the shadowlands essences seems to have an effect on the camera zoom functioning, slowing it down dramatically. This seems to mainly happen when the player's runspeed goes into the negative.
Status - In buglist
5c) - The snare effect on the shadowlands essences seems to have an effect on strafe functioning, you seem to strafe in the opposite direction. This seems to mainly happen when the player's runspeed goes into the negative.
Status - In buglist
6) Disable Natural Healing:
6a) - This perk doesn't disable the target's nanodelta as the description suggests it does. It does correctly disable heal delta on the target though.
Status - In buglist
6b) - The description of the nano running in the target's NCU is bugged and gives a "No LDB:Intern" message.
Status - In buglist
7) Bigot's Bracer of Sacrifice:
- This item is currently unusable due to the fact that it has a social tag. Attempting to equip it produces the error message "Social armor requires that no other armor is worn."
Status - fixed with the 17.5 patch
8) Sanguisugent Pants:
- Sanguisugent Pants incorrectly add a 2he buff twice, but miss a buff to 1hb. Compare with the other Sanguisugent Armour Pieces such as the gloves and you will see how the 1hb buff is incorrectly changed to a 2he buff.
Status - fixed with the 17.6 patch
9) Top Two 1he buffs:
- The level 195 1he buff Rampage of the Bezerker incorrectly has the same nanoskill requirements as the level 165 1he buff Edge of Diamond. The top buff should require 866 PM and SI.
Status - In buglist
10) Scaling of Perks over 3K skill:
- Certain perk actions currently scale based on the attack skill of the enforcer using them. However, these perks only interpolate in the skill ranges 1-1000, 1001-2000 and 2001-3000. However, even before LE it was possible to exceed 3000 points of skill used for some perks, notably perks based on Attack Modifier, such as Arouse Anger, and the perks from the various "Champion of XXX" lines. This problem could be fixed with new entries interpolating the effect of these perks for players with 3001-4000 skill.
Status - fixed with the 17.6 patch
11) OFAB Enforcer Breasplate:
When the OFAB Enforcer Breastplate is upgraded to the Improved OFAB Enforcer Breastplate the Energy AC actually drops from 1890 to 473. This hole is fixed in the Penultimate version.
Status - Confirmed and in buglist
12) Size bug:
When we are using nano's and proc's that increase our size. It happens on occasion that we look like ants (very very small). This cannot be seen on the enforcers screen but other people do see it. This might also affect being stuck in the lifts on the battlestation.
Status - In buglist
13) Bring the pain stun
Devastating Blow requires Bring to pain "stun" to already run. But even without any stun resist, the stun still doesnt seem to land. Making the last perk Devastating Blow useless.
Status - In buglist
14) Cause of Anger
Cause of Anger from the Mutate line has an attack skill that uses Matter Creation. The defence skill is the evade skill of the opponent. Because of the attack vs the defence skill it is almost impossible to land it in player versus player.
Status - In buglist
15) Ice Burn
During tower wars enforcers open occasionally because Ice Burn triggers and hits the towers. This can be very annoying when for example defending a site in 5% gas.
Status - In buglist
16) Overwhelming Might
Overwhelming Might has broken evade check (either it's not 1% as Auno says it is, or attack skill is something else, or or...), as it gets evaded sometimes by fixers and crats.
Status - In buglist
17) Problems with taunts
There have been reports of situations where taunts were not working properly. Mobs respond very late or they did not respond at all. It shouldn't be possible for a lower level to gain aggro with a very low amount of damage compared to the taunt values of a Improved Mongo chaining enforcer.
Status - In buglist
Last edited by Harios; Mar 29th, 2009 at 17:12:51.
Reason: Added an index
Deng - Enforcer
Currently a bit busy

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