to: Public Broadcast
from: Wallaby Trox
cc: mum@walla.com
subject: Letter of Introduction

Hello Ladies, Gentlemen and Atroxes of the community. My name
is Wallaby and I live in West Athens. The town is home to not just
me and my Komodites but also to countless others who take
respite within its walls. It is where many of our greatest started,
and our future heros will be born, Yet it is sadly overlooked.

It is a town which omni terrorists pin point their attacks,
regularly taking advantage of the lack of protection the town has,
and killing many of our fellow clanners in the process. Is it a faulty
grid terminal? Or perhaps and more likely it is simply the lack of
care and interest which resulted in West Athens lying in the
shadow of Old Athens makeover. There is simply no money
available to make West Athens improve security and make its
streets safer.

Begging is now rife in West Athens due to the lack of funding
and difficulties in maintaining security. New colonists are
dying in the path of omni greed, and it seems as if many are
living under the poverty line.

Change will not happen overnight, and yet we can help. As a
long time citizen and member of the West Athens community I
would like to be put forth as a candidate for the position of
mayor in West Athens. I believe that we can start changing
the face of our outposts, and make the world safer for our
newest immigrants.

Thankyou for your consideration
