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Thread: 3 Days

  1. #1

    3 Days

    The suns were setting at last. Tyma glanced out her shop window and saw them sinking beneath the trees in the Athen Shire. She sighed as she put the finishing touches on a Perenium Blaster...the 4th one she had modified today. "Hot guns these days..everybody and their leet wants one" she muttered to herself as she grabbed a broom and began sweeping the dirty floor of her workshop. She ran a small repair shop in West Athens just above Miir. Nothing too elaborate, just odd jobs for people. She made implants, modified weapons, crafted suited her fine. Long day. Her hands were tired, not to mention filthy from working all day. She finished cleaning and closed up shop, locking the door securely behind her (her half-finished Slayerdroid Guardian chassis safely inside). The Cup. Yea...hopefully Coco had a fresh pot going. She made her way down the street and turned into the next alley.

    Tyma walked into The Cup and smiled at Coco. "The usual please." she said. "Be with you in just a sec Tyma" Coco answered. Tyma walked over to the couch and collapsed onto it. Definitely a long day. Tyma flipped on her comm and logged into the NRPB node. She smiled as she saw the usual inhabitants on the listing.

    Tyma: Hey Nuli

    Nulion: Hi Tyma

    Coco set a cup of coffee on the glass table in front of Tyma. It smelled delicious. "How's business Tyma?" Coco asked casually. Not bad...busy, but nothing I can't handle" Tyma said with a smile. Tyma turned back to her comm and Coco went back to work.

    Tyma: Quiet tonight eh?
    Nulion: Yea...quiet

    Tyma sipped her coffee and called up her inbox on her comm. -You have 3 new messages. 2 org business. 1 unknown.- She checked them quickly.....1 request for some Carbonum armor....1 about an org meeting....and some junkmail from a Mitaar salesman in Borealis. Tyma chuckled at the ad.

    Just then someone logged into the NRPB node. Someone who Tyma hadn't seen in a while. She smiled and was about to give a warm greeting when she heard his voice. Trouble. At once, she knew this was gonna be a long night.

    ((First time trying one of these...more to come!))

  2. #2
    ((Look forward to reading more! Tee hee! ))
    220 Finalizer (FINALLY, after 3 years without a single ding!) Nulion, Squad Commander (And Council of Truth Clerical Staffer) of Alpha Omega

    Once upon a time, I dreamt I was a butterfly...Suddenly I awoke...Now, I do not know whether I was then
    a man dreaming I was a butterfly, or whether I am now a butterfly dreaming that I am a man. - Chuang Tzu

  3. #3

    Post 3 days

    Now, Gaah was an atrox. He liked to smash things. He was big and strong and couldn't pronounce large words very well. Some would say your typical 'trox. Now Tyma had met some very intelligent 'troxes, so she didn't sterotype them at all. She had even known an atrox to be a Sargeant once so she didn't judge them.

    One day a few months back, she had met Gaah wandering the streets of Borealis. He kept yelling something about being hungry, and balloons, and a cage, and about how he used to eat blue rocks. Gaah had a tatoo on the back of his neck. Well, not so much a tatoo as a...barcode. --OT493650--. You know as well as I do what it was.

    Anyways Tyma and Nulion had brought Gaah to Newland City and got him something to eat. A Bronto Burger. And let me tell you Gaah knew had to put it away. He ate at least 10 of those things. Tyma offered to help Gaah rent an apartment but he just layed down, in the dirt...and fell asleep.

    Thats the last time she had seen Gaah.

    Gaah: GGAAAAAH!

    The scream made Tyma jump and spill her coffee all over the glass table. Coco hurried over to clean it up. It wasn't a scream of pain, or of anger sounded like frustration. Tyma and the others logged in to the NRPB node all asked him what was wrong. He didn't reply at first. Oh god, this is not good. Tyma ran outside and hopped in her yalm that was parked just down the alley.

    Gaah: Gaah lock up again! They lock Gaah up!

    She immediately contacted Nulion and Hyperion via private channel and they all agreed to meet right away. She tried to figure out where Gaah was by asking him questions about his surroundings. No luck, the 'trox wasn't making any sense. Just screaming his head off. Luckily Hyperion got a bearing on his location in a matter of minutes. He contacted her and told her to meet in the ICC.

    Hyperion: Rescue mission...requesting aid NOW!

    A few Neutrals opted to lend a hand.

    As she flew out of the whompah into the huge ICC center, she saw Nulion and Hyperion already waiting in their yalms. God this place brings bad bad memories she thought as she peered around the giant circular hall. She pressed a button on the door of her Yalm, rolled up her window and took her pistol out of its holster. Nulion drove a black Stiletto, she could see his long rifle barrel sticking out his tinted window. Tyma saw Hyperion through the windshield of his Yalm, he seemed to be sharpening his axe. He looked up at Tyma.."He's in there" he said as he pointed to his right...

    He pointed at the whompah leading into Omni-Trade.

    Gaah: Gaah trapped in here, PLEASE HELP Gaah!!!
    Tyma: Stay calm Gaah, we're coming in to get you
    Gaah: GGAAAAAHHHH!!!!

    "Omni-Trade...why Omni Trade, the Perpetual Wastelands would've been better than this..."

    She flipped a few switches, activating her deflector shields...and awaited orders.

    ((Im telling a story of an actual in-game event....but Im making some of it up since I don't remember all the details. If Im leaving anyone out that wants to be included, let me know and Ill throw you in the story somewhere :P))
    Last edited by Tyma; Oct 27th, 2005 at 17:52:33. Reason: Just changiing the title

  4. #4
    (( haha I recognise this. :P
    [All Towers] The omni organization loves Toxor .. awww.

    [Clockwork Inc.] Toxor: !blacklist Mostadio this ****tard wouldnt make my carb :@
    [Clockwork Inc.] Omgbot: Thank you Toxor. Reputation / Blacklist info about Mostadio has been stored in the Clockwork Inc.-archives
    [Clockwork Inc.] Toxor: thats cool
    [Clockwork Inc.] Mostadio: ROOOOOOOOOFL
    [Org. Msg.] Mostadio kicked Toxor from your organization.

  5. #5

    3 days

    Hyperion gave her the thumbs up and flew into the whompah right away. Nulion seemed to still be prepping himself or something. There was some more chatter over the NRPB but Tyma didn't pay any attention to it. Just stay high she thought, stay out of harms way. Its a evac mission, we get him and we get out. Nulion stepped out of his yalm and went into stealth mode. Wish I could do that she thought as she saw him activate his stealth cloak and calmly walk through the whompah.

    Tyma sat there in her yalm facing the whompah. She hadn't even bothered to bring Henry...she wasn't planning on needing his help. She was going to stay in the air. Keep a bird's eye view.yea, that was it. She flew into the whompah marked "Trade" and closed her eyes as she felt the teleporter scramble her molecules.

    When she opened her eyes she was staring through her windshield at a very angry looking Omni-Pol officer...or was it Omni-AF? She didn't really pay attention to his rank because she saw a large Assault Rifle pointing at her yalm. She flew forward and knocked the officer off his feet before he could get a shot off. She pulled back on the controls, taking her yalm higher and higher up above the rooftops of Omni-Trade.

    "Sensors indicating two hostiles ninety-two meters below." Tyma smiled as her Yalm spoke to her in its calm voice. It was tense situations like these when she was glad she had installed that voicepack.

    Hyperion: Looks like the north eastern sector is all clear...Spread Out!
    Nulion: Nothing over here either
    Tyma: Ill check the south east corner

    She turned her yalm 90 degrees to her left and sped away in that direction, her eyes constantly scanning her scanners, as well as the ground far below. Suddenly a red light and a loud beeping came form her dashboard. Something had a lock on her. "What the hell....Im...100 meter up, who can hit me from here!" Just then she saw her.

    It was a female, she could tell by the way she held her gun. Looked like Omni-Pol from the armor she was wearing. A rifle, following her yalm across the sky. "Oh ****!" she said as she banked hard and pulled up into an upward helix. The NRPB was flooded with chatter, but Tyma couldn't read it... she had to get out of that sniper's range.Just then her controls went haywire as a shot jolted her yalm from behind. Nice shot.

    Her yalm would not respond. Immediately, it started to dive. She pulled up hard on her controls, trying to avoid the rooftop quickly approaching. She turned left sharply, the bottom of her yalm hitting the side of the rooftop. She tasted blood and her yalm went into a spin. Her head was bleeding. She pulled her emergency brake, leveling out the yalm, but not stopping her rapid descent to the pavement of Omni-Trade. She closed her eyes and let go of the controls, gripping the sides of her seat and bracing herself....for impact.

    Her yalm hit the ground at 119.4 miles per hour according to her speedometer. The cockpit was ripped away from the rest of the chassis. "This is gonna take some work to repair" she said to herself. least thats what she would have said, had she not been unconscious. Blackness. And her commlink...static...then silence.
    Last edited by Tyma; Nov 2nd, 2005 at 00:07:13. Reason: spelling errors

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