Thread: Exploiters, overequipping and the rest.

  1. #381

    The IP reset/exploiters/overequippers


    I am all for getting the exploiters. Nothing ruins a game more then those.

    As for overequipping. At some cases I think it goes hand in hand with exploiters.
    I once did a small PvP run in 2H0 as soon as I gridded in I saw this player. he was 2 levels below me and of the enemy side. We traded shots and I died. I made maybe a total of 500 in damage on him, using burst and general shots. His HP bar didnt move. I was below level 40 at the time. He kicks his special attack and smack. 500+ in one shot. I fell like a tree. I had members of my guild nearby and I asked them if they saw his bar drop, even a inkling. (figured my view was bugged at the time). They didn't see his HP bar drop at all. He was way overequipped and overbuffed. I have talke dto other players I have fought against in PvP. there is nothing strange that the serious PvP'er are getting buffed by others to stand a better chance of survival. It is only natural, but if you are at a level where your HP is around 500, even with implants, and are up against someone at your level that havce 1000+ in hp, then there is something wrong.

    As for a IP reset. Sure sounds good. I have made a few mistakes in where I put my IP's, but those mistakes have even out as I have leveld. I need the IP in those areas anyway. But how about changing the Nano&aiding color for the fixers? All skills there are darkblue, which means that fixers will fall behind in their nanos. I am a fixer and the hot I can use now, heals for maybe half or less of what the mob dish out on me. Since the skills are darkblue I can only raise them by 3 points per level, as oppose to green that I can raise 5 points.
    Sure go ahead allow a IP reset, but fix this problem first. I am sure that other professions have some areas that are dark blue to them, but I doubt it is all of the nano&aiding lines.

    Since nano's are a must to survive in the game, they should be easy equipped. Or at least easier. Maybe the best choice would be to roll a agent and use their FP lines. I am sure that even if their fp lines doesn't allow them to use a fp line nano at the same level as their own, they would still give the fixer a run for the IP line. I have a agent friend, she was able to use Reckless digitalization before me (a100% born and raised fixer). How is that possible? It shouldn't be. But it is, and for the simply fact that fixers have a hard time gettting the nanolines up to speed.

    This thing about have weapons/armor work at a lower capacity sounds great. It would still be possible to get good use of any item with the 25% lower thing in place. (I know that the 25% thing is only a suggestion, and a measuring stock used for discussion), but it sounds good. What I worry about then is the mob. I mostly do missions, and since we have been seeing a wide range of level on the mobs in missions. (I leave the diff slider in the 50% range, and still get mobs that are green, yellow and orange in the same mission) Taking into account that the green mobs have about 2-3 times your HP, lowering the output of any armor/weapon cant be done until the mobs hp goes down to viable levels. If I have 500hp and fights a green mob, He should be a lower level then me, and thus have lower hp. At level 65 as I am now, I have about 1600hp. I am trailing behind with my implants, but even with those I wouldn't get pass 2000hp. Still the mobs have loads of it. fighting a green, I give him the burst. 500+ in burst damage. his hp moves down, maybe a 5th of the way. That is not right.

    I have read some of the posts about this but not all since it is 20+ pages. but this is what I have to say on the subject.

    In general I think fixer have a tough time, but that is for another forum.


  2. #382

    fix before you reset

    Please, if you are going to do a voluntary ip reset...take a good long hard look at all the classes first.

    Decide if they are where they should be for nano cost. *Then* do it.

    As a fixer, I dont' want to go resetting my ip and then finding out Funcom has a new found pity for my ALL DARK BLUE nano skills. Granted, I do not lean heavily on my nano skills, but I do think that a level 106 fixer should be able to use a better root than a ql 60 something. I simply can't afford to ip wise. So I'm sure I speak for fixers and other classes who may be adjusted in the future...ip resetting is good....but fix the professions first

  3. #383

    Re: The IP reset/exploiters/overequippers

    [QUOTE]Originally posted by Khiro

    "As for overequipping. At some cases I think it goes hand in hand with exploiters.
    I once did a small PvP run in 2H0 as soon as I gridded in I saw this player. he was 2 levels below me and of the enemy side. We traded shots and I died. I made maybe a total of 500 in damage on him, using burst and general shots. His HP bar didnt move. I was below level 40 at the time. He kicks his special attack and smack. 500+ in one shot. I fell like a tree. I had members of my guild nearby and I asked them if they saw his bar drop, even a inkling. (figured my view was bugged at the time). They didn't see his HP bar drop at all. He was way overequipped and overbuffed. I have talke dto other players I have fought against in PvP. there is nothing strange that the serious PvP'er are getting buffed by others to stand a better chance of survival. It is only natural, but if you are at a level where your HP is around 500, even with implants, and are up against someone at your level that havce 1000+ in hp, then there is something wrong. "

    If you expect to just jump into something new and automatically be equal to someone who has been doing it for a long time then you are kidding yourself. You have an equal opportunity to buy implants, weapons, armour, buffs, etc. Take a little time, examine your strategy, and practice. That is the best way to be competitive.

  4. #384
    I agree. I dont expect that I would stand much chance against a PvP'er that spend time in PvP areas. I am a mission man, and I do PvP on occasion, but only one or 2 fights, depending on how well I am doing in the first one.

    But there is nothing more upsetting then having someone that is about your level (off maybe 1 or 2 levels in any direction) whip your sorry butt, and you aren't even able to do any visible damage to them.

    One way to fix PvP is to have not only level restrictions, but also HP restrictions. like with levels, add a percentage to it.

    But this is just a minor idea from someone that don't do much PvP. Mostly coz I suck at it, and one big reason for that is that most out there are overequipped and overbuffed.

    Most people I guess have tried PvP at least once. As for how many that do it for the titles and spend all their time or most of their time in PvP zones I dont know.

    I posted this to give my thoughts on overequippers and exploiters. nothing more. If I didn't post anything I wouldn't be able to voice my concerns if something didn't go my way.

    It is like "Speak now or never." "You had your chance then, now it is to late"

  5. #385
    >Meta's pretty much uneffected... All I hear are complaints about
    >how everyone is metas now.... and they are getting a new pet
    >added and they are not to be effected by overequipping rule...
    >they just keep getting better...

    Did you actually read any of the proposed changes before you sprouted off this nonsense? I did and I was sickened. I play a Meta-Phys, and I usually have the biggest pets that I can possibly summon (without Wranglers sinse I'm a MP and not an Engineer). This means that under the proposed changes I will have to use a severly weakened pets (perhaps 10 levels below myself) if I ever plan to get involved in the PvP aspects of the game... Either that or I will have to rely on Debuffs to nuetralize Debuffers so that my pet is able to keep functional.

    In my opinion, there needs to be a lot of work done to prevent some of the crazy over-equipping... cough, Agents. But, this shouldn't completely screw over any class, as the proposed changes obviously do.

    If it isn't fixed, don't break it more.

  6. #386
    I've been in favor of IP allocation every since the topic first came up. I'm still in favor of it.

    I think the effectiveness step down is a good approach. Unfortunately extreme over-equiping is needed to get thru the missions. You'll need to adjust the mob strengths accordingly to fit the step down model.

  7. #387
    I don't think a particular poster should be calling the rest of us illiterate when he/she seems to have a vocabulary limitation.

    Oh, excuse me, that should have been vo******ry li****tion.
    RoboKa & RoboKaKa
    Solitus Neutral Engineer & Pet

  8. #388

    How the Funcom Ruined PvP

    ok.... I'm not talking as a PvP expert but I can certainly see how Funcom Ruined PvP..... it is simple to see why I have never done it til this week (even though I have played 8 months and since Beta) and why I will choose to not do it again... the worst part is that it will only get worse with Funcom's proposed changes and here is why.

    Example: Last night I was running through Omni-1 when I got a stream of tells from my friends that they were attacked by a large group of Clan grid camping 2H0. They asked for my help. I really hadn't done PvP, but I knew I was well equipped enough to handle the job. I get outside the whompa and buff. My heart starts to race as I enter 2H0.... no one in sight near the whompa... so I work my way to the grid. I climb the hill in the center of 2H0 for good position... as I see a group of about 15 clan chasing one Omni to the grid (he died)... i then tabbed through my targets... all deep red to me... I am Level 76 (so everyone of them can attack me. Finding an Orange Target I take a deep breath and fire. He must of had horrible evades. Aimed Shot for 575 (most of my aimed shots are closer to 1220-3400 so even at 50% damage I see that this has been capped at the 40% of his hp).... Shot number 2 575. I must of crit. My crits are for 1220.... again I now have the Lvl 88 Agent down to 20% of his hit points and I am getting excited that I am going to win a PvP battle if I can get get 288 damage off him. NO...... WAIT..... WHY am I lowering my gun.... oh he just whompa'd to Omni 1..... ok..... run to whompa after him.

    You are attacked by........
    You are attacked by........
    You are attacked by........
    You are attacked by........
    You are attacked by........
    You are attacked by........
    You are attacked by........
    You are attacked by........

    ok.... now I am in trouble.... luckily I make it to whompa where the Agent I attacked is sitting there healing himself.... I tell him he is so lame for grid camping and then running for the whompa when attacked. He starts calling me names and telling me I suck.

    MORAL OF THE STORY: Funcom has already ruined PvP by allowing people to zone to safety.... Also Funcom has made this much more likely to happen because they decided to Dampen down damage where you can't kill someone before they make it to safety.... Furthermore They plan on completely ruining it by taking my QL159 gun (which couldn't make it to the kill) and making me equip a QL80 Rifle... which wouldn't have nicked my opponent and we can then sit there doing minimal damage to each other... til one thinks he is going to lose and runs for the nearest zone.

    Funcom is making significant gameplay changes based on a PvP game that is inherantly flawed to begin with by allowing people to zone to safety.

    What is the point of running to 2H0 to protect the Omni city and Defend the Omni Citizens if you can't kill them.... at least if I had killed this one agent I wouldn't have cared if I was attacked by the other 15 clan and died.... I would've felt like I did my part to clear them from 2H0, there is nothing disgraceful to dying to 10 people attacking you... but there is something disgraceful running to zone from one person that is 12 levels lower than you, I had gotten good position and did everything an agent should do. I laid low and waiting for the appropriate right shot, hoping to take out one enemy and knowing that i would probably be jumped by 10+ of a much higher level than me. I was willing to sacrifice myself to take out one of the large opposing force.


    No one wants to be part of a fight that only ends with the other playing zoning.... Your Proposed changes of ending overequipping only make this very likely..... So what happens after you change overequipping... SIMPLE.... I am fighting player two.... I debuff player 2..... seeing that he has now fallen below the reqs for his gun and can only do minimal damage against me he runs for nearest zone. I can't kill him before he gets there because I can't shoot while running.... I can't root while in False Proffesion... and my damage is too weak to kill him quickly enough. So what is the point of ever doing PvP if it only ends one of two ways.... Way 1: Player 1 attacks Player 2, Player 1 is winning, so Player 2 runs for zone..... Way 2: Player 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 attack Player 11, Player eleven dies in 1 second. Hmmm.... Sounds real appealing. Think about your proposed Changes.

    One of the main reasons you propose to change Overequipping is to balance PvP..... THIS ONLY MAKES PvP more worthless.... And it is sad that you revamp the entire game for 10% of the players that actually PvP.....

    By making overequipping a penalty you effectively make it useless for a Lvl 75 player to ever enter a 25% zone, because there is no way he could defend himself against a Lvl 85-200.... that's a lot of levels worth of people that can kill him quickly.... Once again this decision doesn't take the high end game into account. At least by good ingenuity you could somewhat defend yourself against higher levels by equipping higher level gear. My MA friend constantly brags to me about killing people 11 levels higher than him (he is level 69)..... Let's see... MA's will not be effected by your proposed change... he will soon be able to brag (when he hits level 75) about how he is able to kill people 40 levels above him, while I can't kill someone my own level....

    I already pay the penalty for doing high damage.... I was hunting in a group last night.... We had 6 players on the team... two were docs and I had a heal pet..... ok... that sounds like we were going against real tough mobs... nope.... we were only hunting light orange Claws....... Minimum damage had them hitting me for 100..... I lost a ton of xp, because I hit too hard and my name shoots right up their hate list... and the docs couldn't heal me fast enough and neither could Valentyia.... So I generally keep aggro and mobs do minimum damage to me but I often die. Now if I had a much lower level gun... i could've been the guy that stood in the back of my hunting team and just nicked away at the mob while never getting aggroed or risking death.... I have only 1800 hp... and with buffs from enforcer and doc I was at around 2600.... so These things clobbered me and would crit for 220.... it doesn't matter if you reduce mob hp and AC.... it's their minimum damage and attack speed that kills, they can already hit me twice for every once I hit them.... so do the math... they are doing 200 to 440 damage for every shot I get... I don't care what their AC and Hp is if my party can't outdamage/outheal them it doesn't matter... so... I currently pay for overequipping.... soon I will pay for just levelling....

    and if any of you Funcom developers get bored go read where a large number of agents are ready to turn in their rifles and wait for the next game to come out. Can you really afford another mass exodus like happened in the 12.6 patch....
    Last edited by eleetist; Dec 19th, 2001 at 16:12:01.

  9. #389
    I think this is great, at least in PvP, PvM wont change that much,
    PvM will change, especially for pet classes. If even a light green trader NPC lands a ransack on me in a mission, my pet will stop fighting. I don't know about other pet users, but I wouldn't want to be in a mission without a pet for 3 minutes and already in combat.

    If the changes go through as proposed, then traders will one-shot kill any pet classes. Not just PC traders -- the NPC traders will get one-shot kills as well. That's not right.

    At a minimum, the combat pets should default to /pet guard, not /pet behind.

  10. #390

    Re: Re: Re: Why can't YOU 'overequip'? I did and AFTER the 'nerfs'...

    Originally posted by Firewater58
    While he missed that part of the post - Do you really trust funcom to lower mob AC and hitpoints like they say they will? Wait wasnt that promised to us in patch 12.6?
    Not trusting FunCom to do what they said is a completely different problem. What I'm complaining about is:
    A: People not reading the entire damn post before commenting, and then trying to use, as evidence against the change, stuff that Funcom says they ARE going to change. Comments such as 'they're going to make implants useless' and 'but mobs are tough enough as is'. If you dont think they will lower mob stats enough, fine, say so, but dont use that as evidence against the idea completely.
    B: Semi related: People jumping to the end of the list without making at least some effort to read preceding posts. We ALL have stuff to say, I understand, but I'm seeing the exact same things posted over and over. At least see if someone else has a similar point of view first and expand on that. Considering the entire 'But I'm having a hard enough time fighting mobs now!' 'They've said they're going to lower mob stats!' argument has been repeated several times as is should be saying something.

  11. #391

    Re: O

    Originally posted by Firewater58

    Was I outraged? Nope. Her buffs and lvl 70 gave her an incredible edge over everyone else. Should a trader be the most powerfull profession in AO when it comes to combat? Nope. But I say why not just boost the combat of soldiers agents etc so that they can see those big numbers also (or bigger).
    *sigh* You dont see the sort of vicious cycle that sets up? Someone massively overequips to deal with hard mob. Rather then fix this problem (overly hard mobs) we INCREASE the power of classes to kill them. These classes then themselves overequip making the mobs to easy, so they INCREASE the power of the mobs again...repeat. We need to STOP this now. Adding content and nifty new abilities is one thing, but TO many people seem to have the idea that the only way to do this is to make a class more powerful. To make matters worse, we CANT just lower mob strength now, because so many people rely on overequiping and have massively overequipped fighting the current mobs that they WOULD be to easy to take out.

  12. #392
    Originally posted by ChrisF0001
    It's as simple as that. FunCom is looking for a compromise between the people who like over-equipping as part of the game and the people who don't, and that's good. That's what they have to do.
    /me claps.
    Thank goodness for a voice of sanity here.

  13. #393
    Originally posted by Heart of Evil
    >Meta's pretty much uneffected... All I hear are complaints about
    >how everyone is metas now.... and they are getting a new pet
    >added and they are not to be effected by overequipping rule...
    >they just keep getting better...

    Did you actually read any of the proposed changes before you sprouted off this nonsense? I did and I was sickened. I play a Meta-Phys, and I usually have the biggest pets that I can possibly summon (without Wranglers sinse I'm a MP and not an Engineer).
    While I agree with the changes in general, I do agree here. It is MASSIVELY unfair to the pet people. FunCom, pleaseplease PLEASE adjust your changes to make high level pets at least SOMEWHAT useful if they get debuffed.

  14. #394

    Re: How the Funcom Ruined PvP

    Originally posted by eleetist

    MORAL OF THE STORY: Funcom has already ruined PvP by allowing people to zone to safety.... Also Funcom has made this much more likely to happen because they decided to Dampen down damage where you can't kill someone before they make it to safety.... Furthermore They plan on completely ruining it by taking my QL159 gun (which couldn't make it to the kill) and making me equip a QL80 Rifle... which wouldn't have nicked my opponent and we can then sit there doing minimal damage to each other... til one thinks he is going to lose and runs for the nearest zone.
    You didnt mention it, but I assume you're level 80?
    A: If you're putting any skill points into rifle, like you should be, the 20% rule means you're going to be able to use a rifle OVER QL: 80. Funcom, and People in general, arent arguing about overequiping, it's MASSIVE overequiping that's the problem.
    B: Not including the above bit, you dont see anything wrong with the fact that you NEED to equip a rifle twice your level to have what you consider a level playing field?
    C: One of the reasons FunCom implemented the 'half damage' bit in PvP was because of the rampant overequiping. I'm hoping that if the changes go through, they can then REMOVE this. This will serve to let you do about as much damage with a 'normal' rifle for your range, PLUS fix some of the problems nuke-reliant classes have with running out of nano during these fights.
    D: Actually, you DO have a point with the zoning. Maybe forbidding people to zone when they're in the middle of a PvP fight might not be a bad idea.

  15. #395

    Not again...

    This is a terrible, Terrible, TERRIBLE idea. First off, overequipping is NOT so big a problem that you have to nerf it into oblivion. I have spoken to many people in-game, and the common consensus is that most of them will quit if such a 'fix' is put in place. There are so many items and nanos that boost stats, that overequipping is a natural outgrowth of this phenomina.

    Secondly, the game still has bugs. Mirrored doors, memory leaks, ect. Lets worry about getting everything running the way it's suposed to BEFORE we go about trying to impose an artifical 'balance', shall we?

    My third beef is purely selfish. I play pet classes. In order to be effictive, I am =forced= to try for pets that are quite a bit above my level. Changing things so these pets are either uncastable, or weakened down to my level, will cripple me.

    The last comment I have is in reguards to folks that are complaining about the overquipping issue. I have seen the same knee-jerk reaction happen in EQ in reguards to twinking, when some 5th level warrior shows up swinging Wurmslayer. Its jelousy, pure and simple, that triggers these complaints. The folks doing the complaining might not even realize this, and I mean no offence in stating it. The fact of the matter is, the people doing the overequipping did not just snap thier fingers and put a q120 rifle on a lvl 10 agent (its possible, but difficult). No, they had to work at it, gathering implants and buffs and in some cases other items to raise stats to the point where they could do so. In many cases, it takes the efforts of an entire guild to effect such a thing. I'll give you an example that I myself witnessed:

    In-character, I am a cybertech, that is, I build implants. One night, an argument broke out over OT Shopping as to the possiblility of the above scenerio, that is, placing a q120 rifle on a lvl 10 (12, as it turned out) agent. The agent in question came to me for the implants, and heres how we did it. First, a set of hi-qual rifle/aimed shot implants were assembled. Expensive. Then, several progressivly better implant sets were assembled to incremently raise this agent's stats to the point where she could use the rifle cyber. Kind of a reverse domino-effect. Also expensive, and time consuming. After all that was compleated (6 hours and a quarter million creds later), cyber was installed so better cyber could be installed so even =better= cyber could be installed, the neccicary buffs were cast, and Volia! the rifle was equipped, and everyone was happy. Well, exept for the very vocal and rude fellow who steadfastly claimed it was impossible. It took all night, and the efforts of several individuals, but it worked in the end.

    My point is, overequipping is part of the game. Its the reason we have ability buffs and cyber. When you see some 20th lvl soldier hitting for 800s, dont whine about it. Ask him how he did it, and work towards doing it yourself. This is not something that needs to be 'fixed', as it's not broken.

    58 Solitus Engeneer
    Phase Shift

  16. #396


    Originally posted by D.Shaffer
    Not including the above bit, you dont see anything wrong with the fact that you NEED to equip a rifle twice your level to have what you consider a level playing field?
    Man, that's EXACTLY what is it all about.

    That's the perk to playing an Agent or a Trader!

    It's as if you'd have said "you dont see anything wrong with the fact that you NEED to use pets" to an Engie. Or "you dont see anything wrong with the fact that you NEED to dimach" to an MA!

    Traders & Agents have been given the tools to *very briefly & with much difficulty* buff themselves to such extremities that they can equip weapons with skill requirements FAR more then their base skill level (including implants) +20%.

    This is what gives them an edge, over (just one example,) Soldiers. Soldiers cannot buff themselves to such an extreme measure. The assault rifle 'special' attacks help prevent this as well. Is this unbalanced? No, because Traders & Agents do not have the damage shields that Soldiers have. Nor do they have as much health as Soldiers.

    (Arbitrary number time ... & sorry, I'm going to pick on the Soldiers, here)
    If a 50th level Soldier, 'mildly overequipped' with, say, a ql 70 Nova, were to duel with a 50th level Agent with only a ql 70 Tsak or Disa Sniper (or a 50th Trader with a ql 70 Vektor or Krutt), the Soldier would win with ease.

    This 'massive overequipping' is a profession-specific ability.

    Sure, we're able to wrangle just about anyone... lucky for weapon-dependant professions who have no weapon buffs (Adventurers, for example). But an Adventurer can't stack that wrangle on top of a ransack/deprive chain. Fair? Yes... Adventures also have more health than Agents & Traders.

    Everything is as it should be (or, at least, close). If the proposed changes are put into effect, then the Axe of Balance will soon fall upon all of the other professions... i.e., we remove the Soldiers' damage shields or, we give damage shields to Agents & Traders. Either way, we take one more step closer to profession uniformity .

    PLEASE try to understand where I'm coming from, here.

    As it stands now, I am EQUALLY as valuable to hunting teams as the party's Docs, Soldiers, MA's, & NT's (all whom also need to 'over-equip', but at varying extremes).

    I don't want to be 'uber' or 'l337' or any of that nonsense. I don't 'gank' anyone (I don't even PvP very much, for that matter), & I don't think I spoil anyone's fun in-game (I only do that here on the boards, hehe).

    I'd just like to continue playing my Trader. I'd like to maintain my current level of usefulness, & I'd like to continue to help out my all friends with wrangles.

    This '20% compromised nerf' that Mr. Godager has suggested might sound like a reasonable ceiling to most of the other weapon-using professions (Soldiers, Adventurers, Fixers(?)). But not to us.

    -Templar Red

  17. #397
    And many of them work really hard to become great. Why don't you think they deserve their hard work to pay off?
    I don't think they deserve to get zapped by twinks in PvP after working so hard.
    Griefers are a problem. This is one solution. If there is a better one, please say it.

    We all know what we're discussing here, Xombie. Check out the first post on this thread
    Alot of people apparently don't. I see alot of people freaking out that Funcom is actually scheduled to implement the changes.

    Any high level player has every right to give the millions of credits he/she earned to any starting character. I understood this before I even installed the game.
    As I've said, no massmog company will ever agree with this.

    PvP is simply not a starter-friendly-forum
    So you must powerlevel and twink to PvP? You don't see something wrong with that?

    Oh, and "-nano professions cannot stay overequiped."? What do you mean by "nano professions"?

    ...but then you go on to state the fact that anyone can do this... Anyone can do this, which is why the game mechanics are not unfair.
    No, I stated that only people with high level characters can do that. And yes, that is not fair. It forces people to powerlevel just so they can PvP a LOWER character. AO shouldn't be a "powergamer only" game.

    But come on man. Set the emotional baggage down someplace else. Your personal attacks & silly little temper tantrums don't bring validity to any of your arguements.
    Actually, I usually talk like that. Most people above the age of 10 don't seem to have a problem with it.
    "By the way, if anyone here is in marketing or advertising: kill yourself." --Bill Hicks
    "Have we turned into gerbils? People are paying money to walk up invisible steps over and over again." --Dennis Leary

  18. #398
    Traders & Agents have been given the tools to *very briefly & with much difficulty* buff themselves
    And THERE... is an actual problem with Gaute's ideas.
    Nanos would need to take up less NCU, and short overequipping nanos must be made long.

    Also, as I'll restate, there is no way for a level 75 to survive in PvP unless they use the current overequipping rules.
    "By the way, if anyone here is in marketing or advertising: kill yourself." --Bill Hicks
    "Have we turned into gerbils? People are paying money to walk up invisible steps over and over again." --Dennis Leary

  19. #399
    This is a terrible, Terrible, TERRIBLE idea. First off, overequipping is NOT so big a problem that you have to nerf it into oblivion.
    Yes, but they DO need to make it so NT nanos can be somehow overequipped without giving them other profession's nanos.
    And they DO need to make it so that PvP is viable for people under level 75. As it stands now, they might as well take under 75 PvP away altogether.

    I have spoken to many people in-game, and the common consensus is that most of them will quit if such a 'fix' is put in place.
    And what level were they?

    The fact of the matter is, the people doing the overequipping did not just snap thier fingers and put a q120 rifle on a lvl 10 agent (its possible, but difficult)
    You'd be surprised. It's actually quite easy to do such a thing. Especially when it's funded by a higher level character. I've seen a single person create a Trader, bring him to level 5, and put him in full QL 25 armor in under an hour. Also included in that package were a total of 96 ncu.
    It isn't that hard for griefers to grief. And they need to make it harder.

    The last comment I have is in reguards to folks that are complaining about the overquipping issue. I have seen the same knee-jerk reaction happen in EQ in reguards to twinking, when some 5th level warrior shows up swinging Wurmslayer. Its jelousy, pure and simple, that triggers these complaints.
    No, it's the fact that there are missions in places where people can get grief-killed. Current MMORPG's are doing away with twinking. AO is no different.

    Grief killing is a MUCH bigger problem than you think. Whether or not Gaute's suggestions are a solution has yet to be decided. But they MUST put an end to absurd overequipping.
    "By the way, if anyone here is in marketing or advertising: kill yourself." --Bill Hicks
    "Have we turned into gerbils? People are paying money to walk up invisible steps over and over again." --Dennis Leary

  20. #400
    Overall I like the idea. As for nanoprograms already uploaded at the time of ip reset...its an can't use them until you gain the skill for them...but when you do you can. Afterall i'm sure some of those nanoprograms were found in missions and if you were reimbursed on nanoprograms, even if possible, then you would get a ton of money back from nanoprograms that you no longer low level nanoprograms. I do feel that before the capability of ip reset is made available that all of the classes are adjusted. That way if it is decided to give the fixers or the enforcers a few blue nano skills(not dark blue ouch) or higher and possibly lower the skill cost in others to compensate then they would be given the possibility to reset their ip and reallocate their ip accordingly. No big loss.

    Also as for debuffing mobs should be effected similarly. Mobs should be given stats similar to that of a non twinked player of that skill range. Their weapons should have simular requirements as well as simular min-max damage firing rates as actual guns. The names of mobs would give us hints as to their skill specialization.

    In essence mobs should have to follow the same rules as us.
    Last edited by Graxxus; Dec 20th, 2001 at 01:58:52.

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