Dear Funcom,

Been playing AO now for about a month and a half. In its entirety I think Funcom has made a great game, I spend hours playing and am contantly browsing AO websites. Obviously in an attempt to balance gameplay they started make changes, some neccessary, many unneccessary to all professions. By just browsing these forums for 5 mins it is painfully obvious that this whole gameplay balance issue was botched. What really bothers me is the lack of a meaningful response from Funcom. The customary "We are aware of problem" or "Its been forwarded to developers" doesn't cut it. You have people paying a monthly subscription fee on top of the cost of game. People spend large amounts of time playing (myself definitely included) only to find things being changed or problems not being addressed. By your responses to posts on this board I am forced to assume that the developers either aren't aware of the games many gameplay issues or that funcom doesn't care. So to be more to point Funcom NEEDS to outline where they envision each profession evolving to. You need to sit down, put it in writing and post for players to read. We will probably agree and disagree with what you intend to do with our characters abilites, but the point is at least we will KNOW. This way if I see that you intend to keep my Soldier a gimp, I will no longer continue to play him, alas I save precious time and start a new character. In the process you will likely avoid people cancelling accounts and instead reroll to other more viable and fun professions. These forums would probably change from Flame wars and complaints to more insightful discussions. So please listen to what we are saying and please COMMUNICATE to us what your intentions are. And if you don't know what they are JUST TELL US!!!
