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Thread: Death by unknown

  1. #1

    Angry Death by unknown

    I was just doing a mission with my lvl 20 atrox. A 100% difficulty mission, not that it matters.
    I was fighting a mob and was running out of health at about 100 HP, so I run for the door. and you all know what I'm talking about, cuz you all do it. then, just before I get to the door, I get hit by 301 UNKNOWN damage, and I die. This seems to me as to be a bit unfair, as the mob was only hitting me for 25 damage each hit.

    I send a petition, and get in contact with and ARK. I explain the situation, and he says the game is not designed for ppl zoning out to save their life... Hmm... I seem to remember a patch in wich the patch note said something about the mob's breaking off pursuit when the char was getting close to the mission door. to stop mob's hitting you if you have problems Zoning. Why would they implement this feat. if the game wasn't designed for it?

    I told the ARK this, and then he started saying that it was because of Server lag... Well... OK. Why didn't he just say so in the beginning?

    And the thing that is the most annoying, is that this wasn't my fault at all, it was because of server lag. (I myself think that this is just another one of these stupid excuses the ARK's always come up with because they aint able to do squat sh*t.)
    And thus I feel that qualify for some compensation. In form of credit's or whatever. I don't care. give me something to tinker with so that I forget that the game is as bug infested as a donkeys ass.

    I'm seriously considering breaking off my subscription to this game, because this stuff happens ALL the time. and nothing is done by the ARK's about it. because they can't do anything.

    Johnny Vega

    [Don't be afraid of the future, it doesn't include you]

  2. #2
    Welcome aboard .

    The arc over mission entrance collapsed due to earthquake. Tough luck. Rinse, repeat.

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