I. Testserver FAQ - Basics
A. GuidelinesThe very same rules that exist on the Live servers also apply to Test live: The same Rules of Conduct exist here, as do the same regulations regarding exploits - Please read the Exploits/Exploitable Bugs FAQ if you have not already. Should you encounter an exploit while testing and playing, we urge you to report it to a member of the Exploit Team or e-mail
B. What is the "Test Server"?The Test Server (also known as Testlive) is used for testing upcoming patches and changes in the game before they are put on the Live Servers – Atlantean & Rimor.
Every member of the Testlive Community is encouraged to help out with testing new and existing content while providing bug reports and feedback, thus helping Funcom to make sure every update arrives as bug-free as possible.
Anyone with an Anarchy Online subscription (paid or free) can play on this test server. There are, however, some important things to be aware of when using it: There is no Support staff working on this server, and we cannot guarantee your characters' safety. We may from time to time have to do "player wipes" (i.e. erasing all player characters from the server), and we may do things that cause weird results on this server - so consider yourself warned. This is, after all, a permanent beta-test server.
C. Does the Testlive have ________?Testlive is largely similar to the live dimensions, ignoring any large changes to the game world/game mechanics by the current patch.
Tower wars/PVP - The Land Control Areas on Testlive is functioning to providing personal tower benefits and organizational advantages to the Test Community to better facilitate testing. As such, attacking towers and engaging in PvP without there being a need to test tower battles, and receiving consensual agreement first, is highly frowned upon. Please be considerate and thoughtful of others in this regard, and do not attack towers without having a need to test something specific to towers, and receiving prior consent and arrangement with the organization to which those towers belong.
PvP on Testlive is by consent ONLY. That another player is flagged is not sufficient reason to attack them. The exception to this is outside the tunnel to ICC. This area is considered free for all. Travel there with a flag at your own risk. Further, PvP of any kind is NOT allowed in ICC.
D. How do I log onto Testlive?In order to get on Testlive, you will need to
download a duplicator (24kb). The downloaded file creates a copy of your existing Anarchy Online installation. Choose the path of your current install, and where you want to make a copy of it. The copy will allow you to connect to the Testlive server, by running the "anarchy.exe". More throughout instructions can be found here.
"Live's patch version is ahead of test, what do I do?"
-See Appendix A E. So I'm here...now what?It is recommended to register with Bugsy as soon as possible.
Testlive Tokens are the reward system for Testlive. These function similar to the
BERIP rewards available for posting in the
Report a Bug or
Report an Exploit forums. Testlive tokens are handed out as MMOATP rewards and for generally helpful behavior.
F. Where is everyone?The population of test is considerably smaller when compared to the live dimensions. The place where people are most likely to be is ICC in Andromeda.
Whenever you go to ICC, it may be worthwhile to check if your insurance is up to date...
G. Chat channels
- Global - The Global Channel is to be used by Funcom and Bug Hunters for official test related business. Please use the Social Channel for chat.
- Social - No swearing and no derogatory attacks. Testlive is a small community and the Social channel can be seen by all. Be courteous and considerate of others as what you say in the Social channel does affect others. When appropriate, please use vicinity, tells or team chat to communicate, to prevent the Social Channel from being spammed.
- Shopping - Test live does not have an economy, and as such, the Test Community often offers up items to give away. The Shopping Channel is the appropriate channel to post items which you are giving away.
H. The economyTestlive is a small community and does not have an economy like the Live servers do. Members of the Testlive Community give away items to players who are in need. If one is in need of an item, ask in the Social Channel if anyone might be able to help. Please be patient and understanding that you might not get the item you need. Similarly, when you have items which you would like to give away, please feel free to post those items in the shopping Channel.
Members of the Testlive community do not sell items to each other - instead items are offered to those that need them. The only thing that is expected from you in return is that you offer up any items you do not need to others that might have some use for them. Please ask for things when you can use them or close to it, for instance at level 50 you do not need a Living Dragonflesh Body Armor but at level 128 you can use it soon (Lvl 130 requirements).
As with everything, be reasonable and use common sense.