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Thread: Bounty on RUR members

  1. #41
    To all concerned re: NEAMO Incident

    I resent that a bounty has been placed on RUR employees. Know this; if your goal is to intimidate us, then you will fail. The people of Rubi-Ka are a hardly lot. Born and bred in a harsh, war-torn planet, we do not scare easy or give into bullies. Your threats have not deterred young, proud men, women and atrox from seeking employment with RUR, indeed if, anything our numbers are slightly up. For the record, an attempt was made last Monday to abduct me. Fortunately it was foiled by the peaceful security counter-measures RUR had already put in place. I know we may not always be this lucky, but that won't stop us standing up for our rights.

    I deeply resent the accusation the I hired Sundai (aka 'crazy lady shade') or incited her to violence. This is simply untrue. Sundai and I did speak not long before this all happened. It was first time we spoke in nearly a year, and in the course of our conversation I did mention among many things, how the the Assembly had attempted to blackmail RUR. How that lead to torture and mutilation I do not know, but it's probably a question best left for the criminal psychologists in Omni-Med. It also raises questions as to whether creatures from the Shadowlands should be allowed to roam freely in our towns among civilised people, but that is an issue for another day.

    Finally I resent that this environmental disaster is being used by various parties, most notably the Nano Liberation Front and, again, the Assembly, to score cheap political points. We at RUR value our Clan customers and shareholders. Had we not cared for our Clans associates we could have accepted the secret deal the Assemly offered us: to sever all ties with RUR Clan shareholders in exchange for the Assembly keeping quiet about the oil spill. So do not try and draw us into a political debate over an issue which is simply not political. If the Assembly cares so much about the environment and have millions to burn to pay for bounty hunters, maybe they should be looking at funding the cleaning up the other toxic areas of the Wailing Wastes.

    Rubi-Ka Universal Robots
    Dabblez - Rubi-Ka Universal Robots (RUR)
    We put the Art into Artificial Intelligence!

  2. #42
    Good grief. You go on a slight drinking binge (hey, three months is slight for me, alright) and everything decides to blow up in your absence. Ain't this lovely?

    Assuming I still have a job, Savoy, I'd be happy to do some... counter debt-collection. Well, uh... soon as I clear up this hangover. Oi.

  3. #43
    Amidst all this...If you are innocent and you condemn the actions of the shade. Then please put further investigation into the exploding leet. And I don't know what deffence mechanismes you use, but putting a walking bomb in somoene elses city is not deffence but offence in my book.
    And please do tell me why instead of refusing to our offer and coming up with a counter offer you tried to cover it all up and turn things around and say we were the ones who did it in the first place.
    My title Keeper. My mind on my grind. Assembly's my heart. They shine when I shine.

    Kyarash "Legaron" Davoudi
    Keeper of Assembly

    "Seen through human experience there are as many worlds as there are humans. Understanding that the word "human" defines a point in eternity and not a seperate reality is the begining of knowing"

  4. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by Legaron
    Amidst all this...If you are innocent and you condemn the actions of the shade. Then please put further investigation into the exploding leet. And I don't know what deffence mechanismes you use, but putting a walking bomb in somoene elses city is not deffence but offence in my book.
    And please do tell me why instead of refusing to our offer and coming up with a counter offer you tried to cover it all up and turn things around and say we were the ones who did it in the first place.
    It is interesting that you accuse us of doing something with no facts only circumstantial evidence, and yet at the same time, take offence when we displayed in good faith to the community in whole the accident, your clan's offer to help cover it up, and we expose you. Who here is the true villians? Who here has acted in self interest, self denial and pointing fingers.

    In that press confrence of which apparently you have either forgotten or were not listening, we set the coincedences of Assemblies actions as a possibility while at the same time stating the investigation was ongoing.

    I would suggest, that Assembly choose someone else to make thier arguments, for you dear Atrox are falling all over yourself.
    Offer a flower to your enemy..
    If he refuses it, offer a hand
    If he refuses it, offer a bullet
    If he refuses it, give it to him anyways...

    Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us.

    Isn't it just a relief when you wake up in the morning and find you didnt wet the bed?!

    Beyond your perfection,
    beneath you and who you used to be
    awaits who I am.

    Excess Radio! Bringing you tunage 25/7!

  5. #45
    Oh concerning the exploding leetbot. If it was one of our products, and not a competitors. May I suggest you contact our customer services department and report the fault. I'm sure they would be happy to provide you with a replacement.
    Senobyte: Back in business
    Millgram: Psychologist, anthropologist, gentleman adventurer and cheese connoisseur

  6. #46
    [Posted for Kotras "Kotts" Clay]

    I never get sick of people twisting words. No, seriously now. You want facts? Alright lets start from the beginning.

    FACT: RUR's facility in the wailing wastes has an accident involving a spill of their experimental NEAMO oil.

    It later came to my attention that this was no accident, and that was in fact sabotage by a third party. I personally am curious as to whom would not only attack an Omni research branch, but also in a manner of damaging clan territory.

    FACT: Jenae Godfray happens upon the spill while flying about, as it is one of her ways to relax.

    FACT: The spill had been present in the wastes for well over *FIVE* days before Miss Godfray found it. One would think that sort of toxic material would have been cleaned up the day of the spill wouldn't you?

    FACT: Assembly discovers that the NEAMO project was canned by the higher ranking Omni-Tek branches. RUR received and official document telling them to stop with the research, how ever they didn't.

    FACT: Almost a month after the day NEAMO oil was spilled the clan Assembly confronted RUR about the mess.

    We thought our message was pretty clear, but after reading your following statements it's pretty obvious to me that ether we weren't, or your comprehension of voice logs is rather similar to that of a three year old child. So let me sum it up for you with smaller words. We *could* have gone directly to the media with what we found, but didn't because of the clan members owning parts of stock with RUR. Why darken our own brethren's names when they had no clue about RUR's illegal activity. It had been almost a *MONTH* with that sludge sitting in the clan's back yard, and we were sick of looking at *YOUR MESS*.

    1) We wanted you to cut ties with all clan share holders.
    2) Clean up your mess.
    3) Take care of it all within three days, or we would go above your head and bury your reputation with OT, and the public.

    You all should have been thankful we gave you the chance to redeem your actions.

    FACT: RUR holds a press conference a week later in Newland city. During the conference they accused Assembly of a terrorist act on the facility. Thusly the Pols question three member of Assembly present at the conference in their own charming manner.

    Funny, up to this point everything Assembly stated about RUR was true, and backed with proof from their own desks. RUR was the first to point fingers. Go back and check the news articles.

    FACT: Nearly *TWO MONTHS* after the spill Assembly was attack by a shade know as "Sundai" or Ms. Div. Several member of Assembly were seriously wounded. Two of them, Jenae Godfray, and Kotras Clay were taken by Miss Div, tortured, mutilated, and had their very lives threaten with perma-death by a method of killing that shades are know for.

    FACT: Shortly after the abduction, several members of RUR entered Div's torture chamber. Witnessed Div's handy work. Joked and talked with Miss Div. Then accepted a box from the shade containing four of Clay's fingers, four of Godfray's fingers, and one of her eyes. They left shortly after, providing minimal aid to ether of the victims.

    FACT: The next day I found on my person several items: An SMG with two bullets in the clip, a Microphone, and a delicious Omni-Med cake.

    FACT: Since my memory was hazy from that night I contacted Miss Jurik in order to return the Items, Minus the cake, and hopefully get some answers as to why the shade said she was doing this for the "god" Dabblez, and why her employees were at the scene that night. She in turn was rather rude, and I will admit I was not a gentleman myself. In any case she refused to ask her employees about the gun or the mic. She did admit to receiving the fingers and eye, and even added that she had them buried in the back behind their HQ! If any one wishes to see this conversation I have it on record and am more then willing to share it.

    FACT: Assembly issues a bounty on members of RUR and Div.

    FACT: A leet waddles it's way into Assembly's city and then blows up in Legaron's face.

    I'm not really sure what to make of this to be honest. We could get ahead of our selves and say it was yet another attack by RUR, but since there was not much left of the firecracker leet nothing can be drawn from it aside from. RUR is well know for their leet bots, but there is also several no-name brand leet bots copied from RUR's edition. If any thing this was a prank, or a really weak act of terrorism. In any case which ever twit decided to do this... well like i just said Twit... moving along!

    FACT: After an extensive investigation by the Omni-Pol, Assembly's name is cleared of any accusations of terrorism on the RUR facility.

    FACT: here it is, now well past *THREE MONTHS* and this sludge is *still* rotting here. Three months!

    I heard there was a clean up contract made with Devil's Advocate, but that was a few weeks ago, and still the oil sets. Where's DA?! I hope you all didn't pay them yet.

    Now as for Assembly footing the bill for the clean up? Why should we? It was RUR's mess! Your mess. Your oil. Your problem. Your *responsibility*. Stop whining and start cleaning.

    And as for the finger pointing, from the looks of it RUR employees are the ones slinging mud about with no proof of any thing. These are nothing but distractions, and rather childish ones at that. I could even sink to your level and say the lot of you were a nutty-nugget by-product of a leet after a very good dinner, but I won't do that. No I'll take the high road here.

    Has it ever occurred to you that maybe, just maybe one com call from Jurik could straighten this *huge* misunderstanding out?

  7. #47
    What exactly is your problem with with Clanners investing in RUR? Are Aerinyi, Dmanz, Enrima, Medjai (on behalf of Mercury Dragon), Phallos, Popster and Foxferal (on behalf of the Mockers) not grown ups who can make their own financial, moral and political choices? Do they need the Assembly to act as their conscience and operate behind their backs to somehow preserve their integrity as Clanners?

    Frankly, considering Tussa's postion on the Council of Truth, this shows very little respect for your fellow Clanners rights to choose for themselves.


    Rubi-Ka Universal Robots
    Dabblez - Rubi-Ka Universal Robots (RUR)
    We put the Art into Artificial Intelligence!

  8. #48
    HAHAAHAAAHA...ah..ahem..Us cover what up? What do we have that needs covering up? You make a mess and we have to cover something up? And you didn't expose anyone missy. You just said that assembly might have been the ones who did it. Might have been. If its *might have been* then I really wonder why the O-P acted so harshly. You had no evidence that we might have been the ones who did it. You mearly told the O-P that we *might have been* the ones and seeming we are clanners ofcourse they jumped at us, being prime suspects. Oh that's right...You guys have friends at O-P...I see.
    We came to you telling we would NOT point any fingers if you would accept our terms. I don't give a rollerrats ass if you think what you did was just towards your "oh so beloved" shareholders! I'm a Clanner, You are omni-tek. If I see you doing something dirty in Clan let me put it this way. If I see you in clan teritory I will get you, however I can. It's war...what did you expect?!
    What the RUR did was wrong in my eyes because you did harm to Clan teritory.

    Screw this...I got a better Idea...I'll start making a highly toxic nano-nuclear facility, drop the most toxic stuff that I find in the wailing wastes in it too, and place it somewhere in Omni-Forrest and see how OT feels about it when it blows up.
    My title Keeper. My mind on my grind. Assembly's my heart. They shine when I shine.

    Kyarash "Legaron" Davoudi
    Keeper of Assembly

    "Seen through human experience there are as many worlds as there are humans. Understanding that the word "human" defines a point in eternity and not a seperate reality is the begining of knowing"

  9. #49
    *reads the ranting...reads more of the same ranting...then more ranting*
    Wow Legaron...hun, you may want to switch to decaf for a bit.

  10. #50
    Film director extraordinairre RandaZ's Avatar
    Slotine looks upon Kotts' public annoucement and thinks to herself..

    FACT: Jenae Godfray, and Kotras Clay were taken by Miss Div, tortured, mutilated, and had their very lives threaten with perma-death by a method of killing that shades are know for.

    FACT: Shortly after the abduction, several members of RUR entered Div's torture chamber. Witnessed Div's handy work. They left shortly after, providing what aid they could to both of the victims.

    FACT: RUR employees provided Kotts with a Microphone as a means to escape.

    FACT: Kotts' singing ability is quite well known. Or his lack of. Also well known is the highly sensitive ears of Shades (they hear voices all over the place).

    FACT: RUR employees provided Tussa with an SMG with two bullets in the clip, one to shoot their captor Shade, and other to stop Kotts from singing.

    FACT: The delicious Omni-Med cake is infamous for its high calorie count and it's heart stopping abilities....

    ... end of thought...
    Slotine Zembower
    R.U.R. Member (RK1)

    Tappert Solminski
    Tailor of Rome-Blue (RK1) [currently MIA]

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